abortion test

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test on Tuesday April 11 2023



43 Terms

definition of conception
the union of sperm and egg; fertilization
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definition of implanting
the fertilized egg (zygote) had traveled down the fallopian tube and has attached to the wall of the uterus where it will remain for the rest of pregnancy
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definition of brain activity
when the brain activity of the fetus can be detected, if tested
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definition of humanness
when the fetus begins to resemble a human
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definition of quickening
when the mother can feel the fetus moving in the womb
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definition of sentience
when the fetus can sense pain and reacts to noise, pressure, injury
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definition of viability
the point when a fetus could foreseeably survive, with medical assistance, if delivered prematurely
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definition of birth
when the fetus is fully removed and detached from the mother
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When does the full genetic code for the fetus come about? How does this code compare to that of the mother?
  • when sperm and egg fuses

  • the mom makes up about 50% of that code

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What is the medical definition for death? How do some people think this ought to factor into the debate over when life begins?
  • irreversible respiratory function and the brain stem is dead

  • some think life should start once the fetus begins to breath in the womb

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How is a miscarriage different from an abortion?
  • miscarriage

    • happens naturally

  • abortion

    • the choice is made by the mother

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How many trimesters are there in a human pregnancy? How many weeks typically make up a full pregnancy?
three trimester and about 40 weeks
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What was true about abortion before 1973? What landmark legal case changed that?
  • all forms of abortion is illegal with some exceptions of rape and incest

  • Roe v Wade

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Until this past summer, what kinds of restrictions have been placed on abortion since 1973 and what has usually happened to these restrictions?
  • restrictions

    • parental consent for minors

    • viability tests

    • waiting periods

  • these rights are usually reversed

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What is true about abortion and public funds?
there are no public funds for abortion
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How did abortion law in America significantly change in the summer of 2022? Roughly, how many states allow abortion and how many have outlawed to some degree, often to a great degree?
  • Supreme Court let each state make its own abortion law

  • ½ states allow abortion and  ½ states don’t allow abortion

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What is "partial birth abortion?" What is true about partial birth abortion and American law?
  • removing the fetus’ brain

  • banned in America

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What percentage of abortions happen in the first trimester?
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What proportion of abortions occur in high school or college aged women?
over half
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Generally, how does abortion breakdown by race?
  • White – 34%

  • Black – 37%

  • Hispanic – 22%

  • Other – 8%

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how does abortion and poverty impact each other
women may not have the finances to abort but if they have the child they still won’t have the money to take care of the child
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Were there abortions happening before 1973? In the decade or two before 1973 how safe and clean were these abortions (based on reading)
yes, they were performed by credentialed doctors in good standing with boards of medicine
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What happened to the number of abortions in the handful of years after 1973, at least officially?
abortions started to increase because it was legal
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What has been happening to the rate of abortion in America since 1990?
abortion rates slowed down after 1990
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Before the changes in abortion law over this most recent summer, how many abortions occur in America every year? every day?
1\.2 million every year and 3,288 every day
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What county in Tennessee has historically had the greatest number of abortions each year?
Shelby County 💪🏾
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How often will unintended pregnancies end in abortion in America?
4 out of 10
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What are the most popular reasons most women give for having abortions? This means that abortion is being used in what way?
  • top three reasons

    • not ready/poor timing (27%)

    • cant afford a baby (25%)

    • finished with childbearing (20%)

  • abortion is being used as a form of birth control

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What percentage of abortions occur because of health concerns or rape?
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five types of abortions
  • morning after pill

  • RU-486/morning after pill

  • vacuum aspiration

  • dilation and evacuation

  • partial birth abortion

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What is the difference between the "morning after pill" and the abortion pill (RU-486)?
  • Morning after pill within three days of sex

  • Abortion pill within 7 weeks of last period

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At what point does the government acknowledge the existence of the fetus?
at birth
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What do most teen fathers end up doing?
not marry the mother and leaving the child
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how can abortion reduce crime
babies born into poverty are more likely to turn to crime and abortion can help reduce this because you wouldn’t be giving them the chance to be born into poverty
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Some argue that adoption is an equally (or even better) choice than abortion? What are some arguments that counter that claim?
Many women who plan to give their babies up for adoption decide not to upon birth more children waiting to be adopted than people wishing to adopt
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What differences exist between the fetus and the mother that cause some people to say the fetus is not a part of the woman's body?
they have different DNA
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Does the American Penal Code punish people for negligently ending pregnancies through abuse, recklessness, etc?
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How many times does the Bible use the word "abortion?"
zero (0)
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Review the various pro-abortion arguments people use from the Bible.
  • Hosea 9:14 & 13:16

    • Miscarriages and killing pregnant women were punishments from god

  • 2 Samuel 12:14

    • God caused David and Bathsheba’s love child to die

  • God killed his own child

  • Exodus 21:22-23

    • Life is being valued

  • Genesis 2:7

    • Life starts with breath

      • i.e., adam

  • god has always been a champion of “the poor” and abortion empowers poor women

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Review the various anti-abortion arguments people use from the Bible.
  • do not murder

  • birth and conception used interchangeably

  • god knows and has plans for Jeremiah as soon as he’s born

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What two points along the gestational timeline are used synonymously several times in the Bible?
conception and birth
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What sorts of things does the Bible attribute to people before they are even born?
treats them as if we are already people and are already sinful
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What is a "pro-choice" position arguing for? Can a person be pro-choice and anti- abortion?
  • pro women-making-the-decision-themselves

  • you can be prochoice and still not want them to abort a fetus

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