when sperm and egg fuses
the mom makes up about 50% of that code
irreversible respiratory function and the brain stem is dead
some think life should start once the fetus begins to breath in the womb
happens naturally
the choice is made by the mother
all forms of abortion is illegal with some exceptions of rape and incest
Roe v Wade
parental consent for minors
viability tests
waiting periods
these rights are usually reversed
Supreme Court let each state make its own abortion law
½ states allow abortion and ½ states don’t allow abortion
removing the fetus’ brain
banned in America
White – 34%
Black – 37%
Hispanic – 22%
Other – 8%
top three reasons
not ready/poor timing (27%)
cant afford a baby (25%)
finished with childbearing (20%)
abortion is being used as a form of birth control
morning after pill
RU-486/morning after pill
vacuum aspiration
dilation and evacuation
partial birth abortion
Morning after pill within three days of sex
Abortion pill within 7 weeks of last period
Hosea 9:14 & 13:16
Miscarriages and killing pregnant women were punishments from god
2 Samuel 12:14
God caused David and Bathsheba’s love child to die
God killed his own child
Exodus 21:22-23
Life is being valued
Genesis 2:7
Life starts with breath
i.e., adam
god has always been a champion of “the poor” and abortion empowers poor women
do not murder
birth and conception used interchangeably
god knows and has plans for Jeremiah as soon as he’s born
pro women-making-the-decision-themselves
you can be prochoice and still not want them to abort a fetus