What does sanctity of marriage mean?
Marriage has a special significance from God
What is an annulment?
Declaration that marriage is null and void
Is marriage a sacrament?
It is one but most churches don’t see it as that, apart from Orthodox and Catholics
What does it mean if marriage is a covenant?
It’s a promise between the couple and God. It’s exclusive between the couple
What are Christian views on cohabitation?
Can be just as stable and committed as a marriage but Bible encourages marriage and may be too casual
What are atheists views on marriage?
Value marriage but have civil ceremonies
What is a quote about marriage?
“A man will leave his father and mother and will be united with his wife and the two will become one flesh” Mark
What is a quote about sexual immorality?
“Flee from sexual immorality … your bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit” 1 Corinthians
Why should sex not happen before marriage?
Sexual union is the consummation of marriage and bodies should be kept pure for life partner
Where is adultery forbidden?
In the 10 Commandments
Why is marriage only between a man and a woman (quote)?
“Do not have sexual relations with a man as one would with a woman”
If same-sex couples can’t get married, what can they have?
Same level of companionship and be as faithful
What are humanists view on same-sex marriage and adultery?
Same-sex couples are accepted. Adultery shouldn’t happen as it can harm others
What is a quote about families?
“Honour your father and mother … bring your children up in the training of the Lord” Ephesians
Where is the importance of having a family emphasised?
In marriage services, the Bible and Christian teachings
Where are Christian children taught about their faith?
In Sunday school and youth groups
What is the role of children in a family?
Brought up in a loving home, respect parents and look after them in time of need, “honour thy Mother and Father”
What is the role of parents in a family?
Look after children properly as they’re a gift from God
What does agape mean?
Selfless love - one of Jesus’ most important teachings
What is the Familiaris Consortio? What does it state?
Encyclical regarding children by Pope St John Paul II. Stresses importance of education children in life and faith
How does the local parish support families?
Through family services, food banks, counselling, parenting courses, money courses
Why was the Family Group Movement founded?
To support parishes so that they can support families
What is a quote about the importance of children to Christianity?
“Let the little children come to me … the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these” Matthew
What are examples of artificial contraception?
Contraceptive pills, condoms and the coil
What are examples of natural contraception?
Abstaining from sex during fertile days or sterilisation/vasectomy
What are Catholics beliefs on contraception?
Children are a gift from God and contraception is unnatural. Family planning is acceptable as reiterated by Pope Paul VI in Humane Vitae 1968
Where did Pope Paul VI reiterate the views on family planning? Quote?
The Humane Vitae 1968
“respect the laws of conception; one is not the master of the source of life”
What are Protestant/Liberal views on contraception?
Assess the wrongs/rights when looking at consequences. Better to have children at the right time and plan responsibly
What are Humanists views on contraception?
People should make decisions of human well-being
What is the Catholic view on divorce? Quote?
“Divorce is a grave offense” CCC 2384
Divorce isn’t possible because marriage is a covenant. Cannot remarry because it’s adultery. Can annul marriage.
What is the Protestant view on divorce?
Divorce is permitted as humans make mistakes and God forgives them. Some may think that you should work through problems.
Why is divorce more socially acceptable?
Easier and cheaper, people are less prepared to put up with bad treatment, no longer discriminated against.
What is a quote about divorce?
“anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery”
What are some beliefs about Genesis and gender equality?
Men and women were created equally imago dei. Some may think women should submit to men as Eve was made of Adam’s rib.
What is the role of the man in the family?
Head of wife, love your wife, feed and care for family
What is the role of the woman in the family?
Submit to your husbands, respect them and nurture family
What is the quote about submission in marriage?
“Wives, submit yourselves to you husbands. For the husband is the head of the wife” Ephesians
Who are Christian women encouraged to turn to as an example?
Mary, mother of Jesus
What is sexual stereotyping?
Having a fixed general idea/image of how men/women behave
What does St Paul teach about gender equality?
Regards each other as equals and should challenge inequality, prejudice and discrimination
How did Jesus treat women?
Treated men and women equally, had devoted female followers, healed women subject to discrimination
What are two examples of gender inequality in the church?
‘Obey’ removed in wedding vows by Methodists in 1920s
Anglican churches allowed female priests in 1994 and CofE in 2014
Why doesn’t Catholic and Orthodox allow female priests?
Priests stand in the place of Jesus and should be male
What is a quote about gender discrimination?
“nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Jesus Christ” Galations