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What is self-disclosure?
The amount of personal information we tell others about ourselves. Learn about partner - vital.
Self-disclosure INCREASES attraction
Social Penetration Theory (Altman & Taylor 1973)
As a romantic relationship develops a person’s communication changes from superficial to deeply personal topics, slowly penetrating the public persona to reach their core personality of sense of self (private self). - reciprocal
The ‘onion metaphor’ is used to describe these dimensions:
People often share a lot of information a lot of information about certain aspects of themselves (depth) but consider some topics to be ‘off-limit’ (breadth)
As they build trust in their partner’s understanding, breadth increases and then depth also increases
In the beginning, people only disclose superficial details about themselves, such as their music taste, hobbies and interests, and gradually move to revealing more intimate details, such as religious and political beliefs, family values and difficult experiences.
In the initial stages of a relationship both the depth and breadth of information is limited because it might overload the other partner and so put someone off. However, as the romantic relationship develops, the breadth and depth of information usually increases.
What is reciprocation?
Both disclosing equally.
what happens is disclosure is reciprocal?
This builds trust and commitment between the partners, and allows them to have greater empathy towards each other as they gain a greater understanding. This serves to further deepen the relationship and so makes the person more attractive as a romantic partner. It makes the recipient feel valued and special that a person is willing to disclose their personal information to them.
Reis and Shaver (1988)
Reciprocal element to disclosure for a relationship to develop. When you disclose something that reveals your true self, hopefully partner will be empathetic and provide intimate thoughts and feelings to balance for a successful relationship.
What is the issue with over disclosure?
Decrease attraction. Too eager or unguarded - lack of judgement or mental health issues.