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Concave Mirror
reflecting surface caves in at centre
Convex Mirror
reflecting surface bulges out at centre
Concave Mirror - Ray at Pole
reflected at an equal angle with the axis
Concave Mirror - Ray Through Centre of Curvature
reflected back along its path
Concave Mirror - Ray Parallel to Axis
reflected through focus
Concave Mirror - Ray Through Focus
reflected parallel to axis
Real Image
an image formed by the actual intersection of rays, can be formed on a screen
Uses of a Concave Mirror
dentist’s mirror, floodlights, projector, torch, solar furnace, cosmetics mirror
Concave Mirror - Image Outside Focus
real, magnified, upside down
Concave Mirror - Image on Focus
formed at infinity
Concave Mirror - Image Inside Focus
virtual, magnified, upright
Concave Mirror - Image Outside Centre of Curvature
real, diminshed, upside down
Virtual Image
image formed by the apparent intersection of rays
Convex Mirror - Ray at Pole
reflected at an equal angle with axis
Convex Mirror - Ray Towards Centre of Curvature
reflected along back its own path
Convex Mirror - Ray Parallel to Axis
reflected as if coming from focus
Convex Mirror - Ray Towards Focus
reflected out parallel to axis