Learner Dev. Test #4

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A deep, enduring emotional bond between people; primary figure and hierarchy

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Function of Attachment

Safe haven from danger by keeping children close to adult protector; a secure base for moving outward to explore the world

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Ainsworth’s Contribution

Children why display intense attachment behaviors are not necessarily more attached; secure child may seem to take mother for granted; anxious child who will not leave mother’s lap may be insecurely attached

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Subdiscipline of biology concerned with they study of animal (including human) behavior; uses an evolutionary perspective to explain behavior; asks “what is the function of this behavior?”

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what is the function of this behavior?

the ultimate function is to pass on genes

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Konrad Lorenz

showed “critical periods” exist from his work with geese

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Critical Period

if you don’t develop something during that period, you never will; not for humans, but 1-2 years may be a sensitive period

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Attachment Age Trends

  • behaviors change but function does not

  • early childhood: separation distress and stranger wariness

  • middle childhood & adolescence: tolerate greater physical separation and healthy independence results from secure attachment

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Secure Attachment

  • Freely explore while attachment figure is present

  • May or may not cry when separated

  • Show delight when reunited

  • Quickly soothed by attachment figure

  • Prefer parent over stranger

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Insecure Avoidant Attachment

  • Explore while ignoring parent

  • Do not seem to care when parent leaves

  • Do not clearly prefer parent over stranger

  • When parent returns, ignores or turns away

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Insecure Resistant Attachment

  • Hover near parent with little exploration

  • Distressed by separation

  • Difficult to soothe when parent returns

  • Seem ambivalent when parent returns: go to parent but act angry or arch away; may hit parent

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Disorganized Attachment

  • Seem to want to be with parent and to avoid at the same time

  • Behave bizarrely (ie may approach then run away)

  • May rock back and forth

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Insecure Attachment Risk Factors

  • Low academic achievement

  • Lower social competence

  • Anxiety

  • Poor physical growth

  • Less compliance

  • Difficulty discussing emotions

  • ADHD symptoms

  • Psychopathology & delinquency (risky behavior)

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Secure Attachment from Parent Behavior

Sensitive responsiveness; non-intrusiveness; consistent acceptance, warmth, openness, involvement

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Ways to promote secure teacher-child relationships

  • be sensitive and have positive interactions

  • know/learn about child development

  • have high student expectations

  • use noncoercive discipline (love & logic)

  • intervene to improve poor teacher-student relationships

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School Bonding

Attachment to school; feel cared for at school; network of relationships with peers and teachers; especially important for students at risk

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to consistent individual differences in behavior that are biologically based

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Temperament Traits

Activity Level (movement); effortful control (executive function!); negative emotionality

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Personality Traits

  • Openness to Experience

  • Conscientiousness

  • Extraversion

  • Agreeableness

  • Neuroticism

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Openness to Experience

Features characteristics such as imagination and insight; tend to have a broad range of interests; curious about the world and other people and eager to learn new things and enjoy new experiences

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high levels of thoughtfulness, good impulse control, and goal-directed behaviors; organized and mindful of details; plan ahead, think about how their behavior affects others, and are mindful of deadlines

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Excitability, sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness, and high amounts of emotional expressiveness; outgoing and tend to gain energy in social situations; being around other people helps them feel energized and excited

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trust, altruism, kindness, affection, and other prosocial behaviors; tend to be more cooperative; low - more competitive and sometimes even manipulative

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sadness, moodiness, and emotional instability; high - mood swings, anxiety, irritability, and sadness; low - more stable and emotionally resilient

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high levels - openness, conscientiousness; above average-extraversion, agreeableness; low levels - neuroticism

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high levels - agreeableness, neuroticism; very low - extraversion

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very low - agreeableness, conscientiousness; low average - neuroticism, openness

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Personality Predictions

Higher GPA:

  • conscientious, agreeable, open students

  • resilient and overcontrolled students

Fewer behavior problems:

  • conscientious, agreeable students

More delinquency:

  • less conscientious and agreeable but more extraverted students (boys)

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environment influences whether genes are expressed

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