behaviors change but function does not
early childhood: separation distress and stranger wariness
middle childhood & adolescence: tolerate greater physical separation and healthy independence results from secure attachment
Freely explore while attachment figure is present
May or may not cry when separated
Show delight when reunited
Quickly soothed by attachment figure
Prefer parent over stranger
Explore while ignoring parent
Do not seem to care when parent leaves
Do not clearly prefer parent over stranger
When parent returns, ignores or turns away
Hover near parent with little exploration
Distressed by separation
Difficult to soothe when parent returns
Seem ambivalent when parent returns: go to parent but act angry or arch away; may hit parent
Seem to want to be with parent and to avoid at the same time
Behave bizarrely (ie may approach then run away)
May rock back and forth
Low academic achievement
Lower social competence
Poor physical growth
Less compliance
Difficulty discussing emotions
ADHD symptoms
Psychopathology & delinquency (risky behavior)
be sensitive and have positive interactions
know/learn about child development
have high student expectations
use noncoercive discipline (love & logic)
intervene to improve poor teacher-student relationships
Openness to Experience
Higher GPA:
conscientious, agreeable, open students
resilient and overcontrolled students
Fewer behavior problems:
conscientious, agreeable students
More delinquency:
less conscientious and agreeable but more extraverted students (boys)