First US History Quiz 🤓🇺🇸

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What major development enabled the Age of Exploration?

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What major development enabled the Age of Exploration?

The start of the Reinassance meant new technological innovations in the way they traveled, like new navigational technology and improving already existing ones.

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How did the Columbian Exchange between the "Old" and "New" World affect both societies?

The Global exchange introduced food, animals, plants, tools, and disease into both worlds.

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In what ways did the Spanish form of colonization shape North American history?

Spain conquered and converted its inhabitants, this helped them rule the world. They basically paved the way for the English, French, Dutch

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How did Native Americans from North America differ from Mesoamerica and South America?

The North Americans were nomadic (they hunted for their food instead of growing it)

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Who is Bartolome de Las Casas and Pope Paul III?

Bartolome advocated for Native American rights (saw them as humans instead of beasts) Pope Paul III agreed with bluds words 🔥

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What did the introduction of the Iberian horse cause?

It meant the introduction and improvement travel, trade, warfare, and buffalo hunting in the Great Plains and the rest of America.

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What was the Spanish Armada?

The largest fleet sent by Spain in 1588 to invade England; it was defeated

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What was the Pueblo Revolt?

Native American rebellion against the Spanish in New Mexico

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What motivated English monarchs and investors to establish American colonies?

the English could solve their problems:

-Displace poor people

-Sell more goods and resources

-Make a profit

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In what ways did the English colonists and Native Americans adapt to each other's presence

They would trade with each other in order to survive. Sometimes even pay them for land.

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What role did indentured servants and development of slavery play in colonial America?

They provided the labor power to construct the English colonies and they later became colonist themselves

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What was the Protestant Reformation?

A revolt of certain Christians in northern European countries against the authority of the pope in Rome. Started by Martin Luther after he posted his 95 Thesis.

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Who inhabited the New England colonies?

Middle-class families who paid their way to travel. They owned small family farms and fishing villages in the harsh climate.

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Who settled the Plymouth Colony?

Pilgrims and strangers and they made the Mayflower Compact "separation of power and state.

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Who settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

Puritans but it was created as a Joint-stock company, and church membership was required to vote.

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Who founded New Amsterdam?

The dutch, and they tolerated both catholics and jews.

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What was the Pequot War?

Conflict between Puritans in New England and the powerful Pequot people Colonists burned a fortified Pequot village, killing 500+ Native Americans

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What was King Philip's War?

The last major attempt by the natives which was led by Metacom(king Philip) to clear the settlers out which they lost again, but it started after John Sassamon's death.

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Whats the cause and effect of the English Civil War in America?

The parliament crowned Oliver Cromwell instead of Charles I. but it made the colonies realize they could survive without the English government.

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What was Bacon's Rebellion?

1676 rebellion in the Virginia colony which was insighted by Nathaniel Bacon and indentured servants, small farmers, and some slaves who did not get land. It ended after bacon's death but it caused racial slavery and class alliance against natives.

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What was the Glorious Revolution?

the bloodless overthrow of the English king James II and his replacement by William and Mary, and caused the British Bill of Rights of 1689 that made monarchs have less power (Parliament has more now)

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How did American lives differ from Europeans?

Americans had younger marriages and a higher birth rate and there was less deaths so they lived longer.

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What roles did women play in the English colonies?

Work in the fields and in the household as well as help other households. No education but had SOME spiritual authority. They also had to let their husband decide

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They grew tobacco in Chesapeake. Rice, indigo, and sugarcane in the south And they liked slavery because of the demand to grow crops.

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They primarily did fishing and shipbuilding. They also had lots of trades (carpenter, printers, tanners, blacksmiths, etc)

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They were a mix of both; fur trade, food based agriculture, ocean based commerce. The commerce also helped increase diversity of ethnicities.

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How did race-based slavery develop during the 17th century?

The European settlers turned to Africans as a cheaper form of labor since indentured servants were getting more expensive. They also viewed Africans as biologically inferior.

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In what ways did the enlightenment shape American thought?

It created the Age of Reason in America, and eventually led to the natural rights in the declaration of independence: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

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