Wilhelm Wundt
first psychology laboratory; structuralism
Stanley Hall
student of Wilhelm Wundt; worked with Wundt to create the first psychology lab
Edward Bradford Titchener
William James
Mary Whiten Calkin
should have been the first woman to get a PhD in psychology
Margaret Floy Washborn
was actually the first woman to get a PhD in psychology
John Locke
“tabula rasa”
Gazzaniga & Sperry
split brain experiment
David Hubel & Torsten Wiesel
feature detectors
Weber’s law
(Young-Helmholtz) trichromatic theory
Eleanor Gibson & Richard Walk
visual cliff experiment
Ivan Pavlov
classical conditioning
John B. Watson
behaviorism; classical conditioning; “Little Albert” experiment
B.F. Skinner
operant conditioning; Skinner box
Edward Thorndike
law of effect
John Garcia
Robert Rescorla & Allan Wagner
Edward Chase Tolman
latent learning
Wolfgang Kohler
insight learning
Martin Seligman
learned helplessness
Julian Rotter
locus of control
Albert Bandura
modeling; bobo doll experiment
Richard Atkison & Richard Shiffrin
multi-store memory model
George Miller
humans can store 7 bits of information (give or take 2) in short-term memory
John Brandsford & Marcia Johnson
understanding and recall of information
Hermann Ebbighause
forgetting curve
Elizabeth Loftus
misinformation effect; source amnesia
Noam Chompsky
universal grammar; humans are born with built-in predisposition to learn grammar rules
Benjamin Lee Whorf
linguistic determinism
language expression (speaking)
language reception (comprehension)
Charles Spearman
general intelligence (g); factor analysis
LL. Thurstone
primary mental abilities
Howard Gardner
8 intelligences (multiple intelligences)
K. Anders Ericsson
10 year rule
Robert Sternberg
3 intelligences (triarchic theory)
Daniel Goleman
emotional intelligence
Francis Galton
theorized that “natural ability” (intelligence) can be measured and could encourage those of high ability to mate with one another
Alfred Binet
created an intelligence test that measured each child’s mental age
Lewis Terman
William Stern
intelligence quotient (IQ)
David Wechsler
Wechsler adult intelligence scale (WAIS)
Carol Dweck
fixed mindset & growth mindset
hierarchy of needs
William Masters & Virgina Johnson
sexual response cycle
Alfred Kinsey
sexual motivation
William James & Carl Lange
James-Lange theory
Walter B. Cannon & Philip Bard
Cannon-Bard theory
Stanley Schachter & Jerome Singer
two factor theory
Robert Zajonc & Joseph LeDoux
our emotional responses and cognitive responses do not always follow a specific pattern
Richard Lazarus
a thought must come before any emotion or physiological arousal
Paul Ekman
facial language for basic emotions is innate; 6 basic emotions
Hans Selye
general adaptation syndrome (GAS)
Friedman & Rosenman
type a and type b personalities
Kurt Lewin
motivational conflicts theory
Sigmund Freud
psychoanalysis; psychosexual stages; oedipus complex; fixation; defense mechanisms
Alfred Adler
psychodynamic theories; “the individual feels at home in life and feels his existence to be worthwhile just so far as he is useful to others and is overcoming feelings of inferiority (inferiority complex)"
Karen Horney
psychodynamic theories; “the view that women are infantile and emotional creatures, and as such, incapable of responsibility and independence is the work of the masculine tendency to lower women’s self-respect”
Carl Jung
psychodynamic theories; collective unconscious; Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Hermann Rorschach
inkblot test
Carl Rogers
humanistic theories; 3 conditions for ideal growth; client-centered therapy & active listening
Hans Eysenck & Sybil Eysenck
believed that we can reduce many of our normal individual variations to 2 or 3 dimensions, including extraversion-introversion and emotional stability-instability
Albert Bandura
social-cognitive perspective
Abraham Maslow
humanistic theories; hierarchy of needs; self-actualization
Dorthea Dix
mental health treatment reformer; against locking and chaining up people with mental illnesses
Joseph Wolpe
exposure therapies
Mary Cover Jones
“Little Peter” counterconditioning experiment
Albert Ellis
rational-emotive behavior therapy
Aaron Beck
analyzed dreams of depressed people and sought to reverse their catastrophizing beliefs about themselves, their situations, and their futures