IB Psych SL Biological Approach

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imaging device that gives a detailed picture of the brain’s structur

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scan using magnetic resonance imaging that also shows activity within the brain through oxygenated hemoglobin.

  • shows structure and activity in the brain

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PET scan

  • tracer injected swallowed or inhaled

  • When active, increase in blood flow gives brain more oxygen

  • used to create images of the brain

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ability of neural networks in the brain to change through growth

  • maguire,

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Dendritic Branching

the process by which new neurons are formed in the brain.

  • maguire

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synpatic pruning

a process that eliminates extra synapses that are no longer needed

  • maguire

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chemical messengers in the nervous system that transmit messages between nuerons

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nuerotransmitter related to memory and muscle movement

  • excitatory nuerotransmitter which increases the chances of nuerons firing

  • Antonova

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Love Cocktail (Fisher)

Theory that dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine play a role in motivation for romantic relationships.

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Hormones- Testosterone

Hormone related to risk taking and mating

  • significantly higher rates of testosterone in men.

  • Ronay Von Hippel

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Potential Pheromones

chemical substance released into the environment an an animal

  • affects behavior of physiology of others of the same species

  • under debate whether or not humans have pheromones

  • MHC- hormone produced through sweat that is a possible pheromone

  • Wedekind

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Biological/ Abnormal


  • determine heritability of MDD in swedish twins

  • Determine if there are significant gender differences in the heritability of major depression

  • determine if there is evidence of genetic and environmental factors of MDD


Research uses identical (monozygotic) and fraternal (dizygotic) twins from Sweden


  • concordance rates for MDD significantly higher in women than men

  • significantly higher in monozygotic twin vs dizygotic twins

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Diathesis-stress theory of depression

predicts that an individual’s reaction to stressful events depend on their genetic make-up.

  • Caspi

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Aim- determine if there is evidence for a gene-environment interaction for a mutation of 5-HTT (serotonin transporter gene)


  • Correlational study

  • New Zealand 26-year olds

  • Split into 3 groups: 2 short alleles, 1 short 1 long, 2 long

  • Filled out a stressful life events questionnaire about the frequency of certain stressful life events

  • Assessed for depression


  • Those who inherited one or more short alleles demonstrated more symptoms of MDD

  • Strongest for those with three or more stressful life events

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  • “Sweaty T-shirt Experiment”

Aim: investgating mate preference based on genetic makeup

  • evolutionary aim: studies whether females can identify males who had a genetic makeup which would boost the immune system of potentional children when combined with their own


  • Men were asked to sleep with a T-shirt for 2 nights and keep it in a plastic bag

  • Women were asked to rate the smell fo the mens t-shirts based on attraction


  • showed women preferred the odors of men with an immune system different than theirs

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Aim: see if scopolamine (antagonist for acetylcholine) affected hippocampal activity in the creation of spatial memory.


20 Healthy males, double blind

  • either injected with scopolamine or a placebo

  • Put into an fMRi where researchers scanned their brains while the participants played complex virtual reality games


  • found that participants injected with scopolamine demonstrated a significant reduction in hippocampal activity

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  • Localization/ Methods of Brain Study

Aim: better understand the role of the hippocampus

Procedures: Case study conducted after HM had his hippocampus removes.

  • Method Triangulation: use of one or more research method

  • - studied memory and motor skill tasks

  • IQ testing (Psychometric testing): results above average

  • Observations, interviews, cognitive testing

Results: the hippocampus is in charge of converting memories and experiences from the short term to the long term memory (localization)

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researcher manipulates an independent variable and measures its effect on a dependent variable

  • Participants are randomly allocated into groups

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Quasi Experiment

Researcher manipulates an independent variable and measures its effect on a dependent variable

  • participants are assigned to condition based on pre-existing traits

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Natural Experiment

Uses a pre-test/post-test design but does not manipulate independent variable

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series of questions leading to qualitative data

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The theory that behaviors have their origin in specific areas of the brain. Damage to that part of the brain would result in an inability to carry out that behavior.

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Ethic go- tos

a. Informed Consent: Participants agree to be part of a study after being told what the study is about, what the possible outcomes of the study are, and what their rights are as a participant.

Undue harm/stress: refers to any stress that would be more than a participant would encounter in everyday life. Simple discomfort or embarrassment is not "undue stress or harm."

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Aim: study relationship between amygdala and fear response

  • Case Study

Procedures: took her to a variety of places and showed her things that would trigger her fear response

  • Haunted house, showed her horror movies, exotic pet store

  • Observe her behavior along with asking her to rate her fear level on a 10 point scale

Results: amygdala plays a role in fear responses

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  • Nueroplasticity, nueral networks, pruning

  • Longitundinal repeated measures research design

Procedures: conducted MRI scans on children every two years between the ages of 6-20

Results: Found that the brain is constantly changing and adapting

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  • Nuerotransmitters

AIm: determine if there are specific nueral mechanisms associated with romantic love

Sample: men and women who reported being in love for an average of 7.4 months


  • Participants completed the Passionate Love Scale to measure the traits associated with romantic love

  • fMRI machine: shown a picture of their parter for 30 seconds, then shown a distraction for 30 seconds

    • repeated 6 times


  • Brains reward system was active when the participants were looking at a picture of their partner

  • Increased levels of dopamine nuerons

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  • Nueroplasticity, localization

Aim: see if London taxi drivers brain would be diffferent as a result of their familarity with the streets of london

Sample: London taxi drivers and non london taxi drivers


  • MRI machine


  • taxi drivers had a significantly larger hippocampus

  • Maguire argues that this explains that the hippocampus may change in response to environmental demands.

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