What is GBH S18?
Unlawful wounding or unlawful infliction of GBH with intention to cause GBH
Actus Reus
Unlawful wounding or unlawful infliction of GBH
Requires breaking top 2 layers of skin
Wounding (Case)
R v Einsenhower
Really serious harm
GBH (Case)
R v Smith
R v Ireland
Psychiatric injury can be GBH
Unlawful Wounding/GBH
Unlawful unless there is a lawful reason for inflicting it (consent, self-defence, police officer arresting suspect)
Mens Rea
Intention to cause GBH
A decision by D to bring about a prohibited consequence
Intention (Case)
R v Mohan
Is it Easy to Prove Intention for GBH S18?
No as the jury must be convinced that D intended to cause “really serious harm” which is a very high standard of proof
Factors are looked at including the way the injures were caused, the severity of the injuries and the number of injuries inflicted
What Act is GBH S18 Under?
S18 Offences Against the Person Act 1861
What is the Maximum Sentence for GBH S18?
Life Sentence
What Type of Offence is GBH S18?
Indictable Offence