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Manifest Destiny
The divine right to control territory from the Atlantic to Pacific. Polk and the Democrats strongly supported while Clay straddled the idea.
Mexico refused to recognize its independence. Mexico threatened war with the U.S if they protected texas Britain, France, Holland, and Belgium signed treated with Texas. John Tyler later signed Texas to become a state in 1845
Area claimed by 4: Russia, Spain, G.B, U.S. Spain dropped in 1918, Russia dropped in 1824-1825. Polk settled in the 49th parallel with Britain (peaceful exchange)
Polk was nervous that Britain would buy or seize California. Sent John Slidell to offer 25m, mexico refused, Polk unreasonably wanted war. He urged Congress to declare, cabinet advised against it. In 1846, Polk sent troops to rio grande. That night Mexico attacked the U.S
Tyler’s Unaffliation
The whig party wanted to promole financal reform but tyler Kept on vetoing their plans.
Bill for a fiscal bank that would ive reestablished a bank of the U.S.
They presented a Fiscal Corporation which would've been a bank substitute.
Whigs rejected Tyler for his vetos.
Tariff of 1842
Orginally vetoed blc Tyler didn't like the Federal gou't buying public land in the west.
Tyler did reluctantly sign the redrafted tariff that lowered duties to level off 1882.
Third War with Britain
This was sparked by the hatred the U.S. toward Britian with memories of 2 bitter wars
Pro - British Federalists had died out and replaced by Jacksonian Democrats.
War fought only w/ paper broadsides.
Hundreds of hot - blooded Americans saw an opportunity to strike a blow for freedom against the enemy that offered help
In 1837, the American Ship, the Cardine, was sunk by a British force.
Aroostook War
• Territory claimed by Maine and Canada was under dispute, Canada entered the territory to build a road from. Halifax to Quebec.
• Small: lumberjack clash threatened a larger war.
In 1842, the two sides compromised on the Maine, boundary
British got less land but won the desired Halifax Queber route
British surrendered parts of Minnesota that was full of Iron Ore