the first step of memory processing; receiving information and preparing it for storage or immediate use
the second step of memory processing; manipulating and rehearsing information to be accessed later
the final step of memory processing; recalling stored information
automatic processing
the ability to process multiple stimuli at once due to more familiar stimuli being processed unconsciously (e.g. a pianist effortlessly using both hands and feet while reading music and hearing other musicians)
long-term memory
part of the memory system that can store information for an indefinite amount of time
explicit memory
memory that requires effort to learn; can be demonstrated to other people by talking/writing about it
episodic memory
type of explict memory; events that happened to a person (or stories that they interacted with)
semantic memory
type of explicit memory; facts that are not related to a specific personal experience
implicit memory
memory that doesn’t require conscious effort to learn; can be demonstrated to other people by doing it
procedural memory
type of implicit memory; how to do things (e.g. bake cookies, ride a bike)
prospective memory
type of implicit memory; memory of the future (i.e. mental to-do list)
long-term potentation
the process by which connections between neurons are strengthened through repeated use
short-term memory
part of the memory system that stores small amounts of information for short amounts of time (typically not more than a minute or so)
working memory
part of short-term memory; temporarily stores small amounts of information for immediate use in cognitive processes
central executive
part of working memory; doesn’t store information, but directs other parts of working memory to do certain tasks
phonological loop
part of working memory; manages auditory and verbal information
phonological store
part of the phonological loop; holds auditory information for up to 2 seconds; a.k.a the “inner ear” (not to be confused with the physical organ)
articulatory control process
part of the phonological loop; rehearses verbal information; a.k.a. the “inner voice”
visuospatial sketchpad
part of working memory; processes visual information
episodic buffer
part of working memory; integrates information from other parts of working memory in addition to long-term memory
sensory memory
first stage of the multi-store model; holds sensory information for no more than a few seconds before it is either forgotten or moved to short-term memory
structural encoding
method of encoding that only involves the physical characteristics of a stimulus without attaching meaning
phonemic encoding
method of encoding that involves the sounds or pronunciation of a stimulus
semantic encoding
method of encoding that involves connecting a stimulus to existing information and concepts in long-term memory to create meaning