In Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the process of modifying existing cognitive structures in response to new information or experiences.
achievement test
Test designed to assess what a person has learned or accomplished in a particular area, such as academic subjects or job-related skills.
Step-by-step procedure or formula for solving a problem, often involving repetitive operations.
A significant memory loss that is too extensive to be due to normal forgetting.
anterograde amnesia
Type of memory impairment characterized by the inability to form new memories after a specific event or injury, while memories from before the event remain intact.
aptitude test
Test designed to assess a person's potential for learning or ability to perform in a particular area.
In Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the process of incorporating new information or experiences into existing cognitive structures or schemas.
The cognitive process of selectively focusing on a specific aspect of information while ignoring other perceivable information.
autobiographical memory
A person's memory for events and issues related to oneself.
autokinetic effect
Perceptual phenomenon where a stationary point of light appears to move in a dark environment due to small eye movements.
automatic processing
The unconscious processing of information that requires minimal attention and effort.
availability heuristic
Mental shortcut where people make judgments based on the ease with which examples come to mind.
belief perseverance
The tendency to maintain one's beliefs even in the face of contradictory evidence.
binocular cues
Depth cues that rely on information from both eyes to perceive depth and distance.
bottom-up processing
An approach to perception that starts with incoming stimuli and builds up to a final perception.
Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory
Contemporary theory of intelligence proposing that intelligence is composed of multiple distinct abilities.
central executive
In Baddeley's model of working memory, the component responsible for coordinating and controlling cognitive processes.
change blindness
A phenomenon in visual perception where changes in a visual stimulus are not noticed by the observer.
Charles Spearman
British psychologist known for his work on intelligence and the development of factor analysis.
Organizing information into smaller, more manageable units to improve memory and processing efficiency.
cocktail party effect
The phenomenon of being able to focus one's auditory attention on a particular stimulus while filtering out a range of other stimuli.
The mental processes involved in acquiring, processing, storing, and retrieving information.
Group of individuals who share a common characteristic or experience.
color constancy
The perceptual phenomenon where the perceived color of an object remains relatively constant under different lighting conditions.
Mental category or representation of objects, events, or ideas that share common features.
confirmation bias
The tendency to search for, interpret, and remember information that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses.
constructive memory
The process of constructing a memory by integrating new information with existing knowledge.
construct validity
The extent to which a test or measure accurately assesses the theoretical construct it is intended to measure.
content validity
The extent to which a test or measure adequately samples the domain of interest.
context-dependent memory
The improved recall of information when the context present at encoding and retrieval are the same.
Binocular depth cue where the eyes turn inward or converge to focus on nearby objects.
convergent thinking
A type of thinking characterized by narrowing down possible solutions to find a single correct answer.
The ability to generate novel and valuable ideas, solutions, or products.
cross-sectional study
Research design that compares different groups of individuals at a single point in time.
crystallized intelligence
Acquired knowledge and skills accumulated over a lifetime.
deep processing
Type of encoding that involves elaborative rehearsal and meaningful analysis of information.
deja vu
Feeling of familiarity or recognition of a current situation as if it has been previously experienced.
depth perception
The ability to perceive the distance and three-dimensional spatial relationships of objects.
distributed practice
A practice schedule that involves intervals of rest between sessions of learning.
divergent thinking
A thought process used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions.
echoic memory
The sensory memory system responsible for the temporary storage and processing of auditory information.
effortful memory
The intentional and conscious processing of information to encode, store, and retrieve it.
Elizabeth Loftus
Cognitive psychologist known for her research on eyewitness memory and false memories.
emotional intelligence
The ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions effectively in oneself and others.
The process of transforming sensory input into a form that can be stored in memory.
encoding failure
The failure to process information into memory.
encoding specificity principle
The principle that retrieval of information is most effective when the conditions at encoding and retrieval are similar.
episodic memory
Type of long-term memory that involves the recollection of specific events, situations, and experiences.
executive functions
Higher-level cognitive processes involved in goal setting, planning, problem-solving, and self-regulation.
explicit memory
Memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously recall and declare.
factor analysis
Statistical technique used to identify and analyze the underlying structure of correlations between variables.
Gestalt principle of perception where we perceive objects as distinct from their background.
In problem-solving, the inability to see a problem from a new perspective.
fixed mindset
The belief that intelligence, abilities, and talents are fixed traits.
flashbulb memory
Vivid and detailed memory of a significant and emotionally charged event.
fluid intelligence
The ability to think logically and solve problems in novel situations.
Flynn effect
The observed trend of increasing average intelligence test scores over time.
forgetting curve
A graph showing the decline of memory retention over time.
The way information is presented can influence decision-making and judgment.
functional fixedness
A cognitive bias that limits a person to using an object only in the traditional way.
gambler's fallacy
The mistaken belief that if something happens more frequently, it will happen less frequently in the future.
general intelligence
Hypothetical construct representing the general intelligence factor underlying performance.
George A. Miller
American psychologist known for contributions to cognitive psychology.
German word meaning 'form' or 'pattern,' referring to the tendency to organize sensory information.
The perceptual tendency to organize elements into meaningful groups or categories.
growth mindset
The belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed through effort.
Hermann Ebbinghaus
German psychologist known for his pioneering research on memory.
Mental shortcut or rule of thumb that simplifies problem-solving and decision-making.
Brain structure involved in memory consolidation and learning.
Howard Gardner
American psychologist known for his theory of multiple intelligences.
iconic memory
The sensory memory system responsible for the temporary storage of visual information.
implicit memory
Memory of skills, procedures, or associations that are expressed through performance.
inattentional blindness
The failure to notice unexpected objects when attention is focused elsewhere.
infantile amnesia
The inability to retrieve memories from much before age 3.
The sudden realization of a problem's solution.
Mental ability consisting of the capacity to learn from experience and solve problems.
intelligence quotient
Numerical score derived from standardized intelligence tests.
intelligence test
Standardized assessment designed to measure a person's cognitive abilities.
Learning technique that involves mixing different types of practice or study tasks.
The ability to understand or know something immediately without conscious reasoning.
L. L. Thurstone
American psychologist known for his contributions to psychometrics and factor analysis.
Lewis Terman
American psychologist known for his work on intelligence testing.
long-term memory
The relatively permanent storage of information, including facts and experiences.
long-term potentiation (LTP)
Process of strengthening synaptic connections between neurons.
longitudinal study
Research design that follows the same individuals over an extended period.
massed practice
A practice schedule in which studying continues for long periods without interruption.
The ability to retain and retrieve information over time.
memory consolidation
The process of stabilizing and strengthening newly acquired memories.
mental age
Measure of intellectual development based on performance relative to average performance.
mental set
Tendency to approach problems in a specific way based on past experiences.
Awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes.
method of loci
A mnemonic technique involving the visualization of familiar spatial environments.
misinformation effect
Distortion of memory caused by exposure to misleading information after an event.
Memory aids or techniques used to improve encoding and retrieval of information.
monocular cue
Depth cues that require only one eye to perceive depth and distance.
mood-congruent memory
The tendency to recall information that is consistent with one's current mood.
multistore model of memory
A model describing memory as consisting of three stores: sensory, short-term, and long-term.
The formation of new neurons, believed to play a role in learning and memory.
normal curve
A bell-shaped curve representing the distribution of scores in a population.
A subtle suggestion designed to influence people's behavior or decisions.