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para keratinized
stratum corneum cells are dead but retain nuc
ortho keratinized
nuclei lost in epothelium, always has stratum corneum
cotton mouth
in AIDS or immuno compromised, dark moist area with no cells→fungal infections
gingiva, hard palate, and filiform papillae
ortho keratinized in found in what three areas
non keratinized
can see vasculature, can become para with diet
thinly keratinized
the lips are _
labial glands are _ secreting
no keratinized
the buccal musocsa is _
buccal glands are _ secreting
fatty (ant) and glandular (post with minor mucous glands)
the two zones of the hard palate are
non keratinized
the soft palate is _
keratin or taste buds
papille have either_ or _
7-12, bigger, trench with taste buds, at post ant 2/3 of tongue
trench, post-lateral, most when born, taste buds
apical taste buds, mushroom, between filiform, non-kera,
no taste buds, has keratin and stratum corneum, ant 2/3, pointed
10%, 70%
minor salivary glands make _of salivia but _ of mucous in salivia
palatine and root glands are _ secreting
von ebners is _ secreting
parotid is _ secreting
mixed but mostly serous
submandibular is _ secreting
mixed but mostly mucous
sublingual is _ secreting
Glands of Nuhn
serous and mucous, on ant of tongue, minor gland
compound tubuloalveolar
the general major gland structure is
Na and Cl
straited ducts pump
parotid duct
have adipose, serous acine, stensons duct
submand gland
serous demilunes, intralobular straited ducts longer, intercalated ducts shorter, Whartons duct
sublingual gland
no capsule, rare intercalated ducts, serous demilunes
what are the secretory antibodies in saliva
dry mouth bc salivary glands not working
PDL shock absorber, enamel below it softer, crystal structure
why is enamel strong
does enamel replace itself
mature enamel is _ hydroxyapetite
mature enamel is _ organic and water
immature enamel is _ mineral
DEJ and surface
enamel rods are absent at what 2 places
enamel rods are _ to dentin
each enamel rod is shaped by _ ameloblast
DEJ, adhesion
scalops are found at the _to inc SA and _
cusp, apically
ameloblasts begin at _the and go _
young ameloblast
presecretory ameloblast
indeuce dental papilla to secrete, nuc not lined up, no TOMES
secretory ameloblasts
lay down enamel with TOMES, have more protein
maturational ameloblasts
can be smooth or ruffled, 30% starts off mineralized, columnar
eruptive ameloblasts
protect against osteoclasts, wait for eruption/enamel has to be 90% mineralized before it erupts
extra cell membrane→inc in ion pumps
ruffle ameloblast
H to dec pH and pump Ca in (keep acidic)
ruffled ameloblast pump
junctional complexes take H2o in to inc crystal size and protein
smooth ameloblasts
majority of enamel protein, clostest to early secretory ameloblasts,
enamel protein
enamel protein (the least)
trapped in enamel matrix, left behind, amelogenin
enamel protease, Ca dep, expressed at secretory phase
enamel protease last to be expressed, serine, expressed at maturation, ruffled ameloblasts
straie of retzius is in _
light bands in enamel
Hunter Schrager
fish scales in enamel
gnarled enamel
dimples at surface in enamel where growth stopped
in enamel, hypocalcified
tufts at DEJ
enamel, spindles
odontoblastic process get stuck in _
tetracycline and too much flouride
mottled enamel can be caused by
alkaline phosphatase
what helps mineralize dentin
odontoblast , dental papilla cell
the daughter cell clostest to the IEE becomes a _, the other cell becomes a _
dental papilla cells are _
dentin is most diffrentaited at _
predentin is laid down _ from membrane
dentinal tubules
odontoblastic processes reside in _
collagen 1 fibers
the area around a dentinal tubule is mineralized with _
Korffs fibers
fibers parallel to odontoblastic processes
the DCJ
dentinal tubules have the most branches at
dead track
dentinal tubules still there but odontoblastic processes have been retracted (most often in coronal region)
nerve, collagen 5, proteoglycans
dentinal tubules contain
peritubular dentin
is around a tubule, is hypermineralized to protect
intertubular dentin
btw tubes, hypominerlazation due to globular
dentin is _ hydroxyapatite
type 1 collagen, glycoprotein, GAGs, phosphoprotein
organic dentin contains 20% of _
inc (in peritubular)
dentin sialoprotein _ mineralization
inc (in peritubular)
dentin phosphoprotein _ mineralzation
proteoglycan _ mineralzation
matrix vesicles
dentin uses _ to start mineralization
dentin deposited along uninterrupted front
dentin laid down in several areas of mtrix and same time in interglobular region (ions get used up here)
first dentin laid down, most matrix vesicles, random
primary dentin
biggest, laid down after mantle, fastest
secondary dentin
laid down after eruption, slow, and occurs throughout entire tooth life
tertiary dentin
laid down after trauma, typically no odontoblastic processes
dentin tubules occlude and can see through in ground section, odontoblastic processes retracts so it backfills with dentin
lines of von ebner in _
lines of owen in _
granular layer of TOMES
in dentin near DCJ, granules left behind
plexus of Raschcow
what innervated pulp to then supply the dentin
denticles (pulp stones)
where odotoblasts turned off in wrong place
a layer of odontoblasts
true denticles have _ around them
PDL, alveolar bone, cementum, and gingiva
the periodontium consists of
dental sac (mesenchyme)
PDL, cementum and bone are derived from
oral ectoderm
gingival epithelium including enamel epi and oral epi from
maintains and retains teeth, highly specilazed CT, lots of collagen
do secretion and absorption of PDL
rests of malassez (from Hertwigs)
black spots in the PDL are
blood vessels
collagen fibers are between bone and cememtum and _ are in between bundles