General Assembly
Approves the UN Budget, elects non-permanent members of the Security Council, elects the Secretary General, elects judges to the ICJ, admits new members to the UN.
GA 1 - Disarmament and International Security, GA 2 - Economic and Financial, GA 3 - Social, Humanitarian and Cultural, GA 4 - Special Political and Decolonization, GA 5 - Administrative and Budgetary, GA 6 - Legal.
Collective Security
Principle that an attack on one member is an attack on all members.
Permanent Members (P-5)
China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States.
SC Resolutions
Require 9 out of 15 votes and are binding; Veto Power allows P-5 members to block resolutions.
Security Council Actions
Can act in case of threats to peace, breach of peace, or war, and can take diplomatic, economic, political, and military actions.
Economic and Social Council
Coordinates and implements UN programs on international cooperation in social, economic, and cultural matters.
Specialized Agency
Universal Postal Union.
Trusteeship Council
Suspended operations in 1994.
Administrative arm of the UN, implements policy decisions, employs approximately 37,500 personnel from 140 countries.
Chief administrative officer of the UN, responsible for alerting the Security Council to threats to international peace and security.