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467 Terms

(CH.1)Who is the 'chair' in a meeting?
The designate who may speak at any given time and sees that the discussion narrows down to specific, precisely worded proposals.
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(CH.1)When does a meeting become 'full-scaled'?
When the meeting reaches a size of about 12 to 15 persons.
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(CH.1)Who is the chairman in the meeting?
The person who conducts the meeting.
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(CH.1)What is Parliamentary Procedure?
A tradition of rules and customs for dealing with problems that arise in a meeting.
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(CH.1)Why are meetings known as deliberative assemblies?
Because they all meet to consider and decide on actions to be taken which is similar to great legislative assemblies
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(CH.1)Who was Henry Martyn Robert?
The creator and publisher of Robert's Rules of Order
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(CH.1)Who are considered parliamentarians?
People who are experts in Robert's rules.
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(CH.1) What is parliamentary authority?
The book of rules the group names to govern its meeting procedure.
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(CH.1) What is a prime value of parliamentary procedure?
Provide processes through which an organization can work out satisfactory solutions to the greatest number of questions in the least amount of time.
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(CH.1) Where does the name "parliamentary procedure" come from?
English parliament (formed by centuries of trial and error in the English parliament)
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(CH.2) What is the presiding officer?
person who enforces the rules and designates who is to speak at any given time
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(CH.2) What is the difference between a presiding officer and a chairman?
the presiding officer may be elected specifically for a meeting and then he/she is called the chairman (basically same thing but chairman is more specific)
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(CH.2) When a chairman is elected to serve a term of a year or more what title is given to him?
the president
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(CH.2) While actually presiding, the presiding officer is called ________.
"the chair"
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(CH.2) What are the minutes?
official written record of the meetings of an organization or group
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(CH.2) To make a written record of what is done, who is elected?
a secretary
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(CH.2) What is a quorum?
a minimum number of members that must be present
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(CH.2) If an organization fails to set a quorum, then what is the quorum?
the majority of their members
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(CH.2) Any substantive action taken in the absence of a quorum is _______.
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(CH.2) A meeting begins when it is _____ ___ _____ by the presiding officer.
called to order
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(CH.2) What does the chairman/president say when he/she are calling the meeting to order?
"The meeting will come to order"
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(CH.2) What is an example of an opening ceremony that may come after the meeting is called to order?
Pledge of Allegiance
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(CH.2) What is the simplified standard order of business?
  1. Reading and Approval of Minutes

  2. Reports

  3. Unfinished Business

  4. New Business

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(CH.2) When beginning the reading and approval of minutes, what does the chair say?
"The Secretary will read the minutes".
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(CH.2) After the secretary has read the minutes what does the chair say?
"Are there any corrections to the minutes"?
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(Ch.2) If there are no objections to the minutes, what does the chair say?
"If there are no (further) corrections, the minutes are approved".
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(CH.2) When the secretary sends out draft minutes before the meeting starts, do they have to read it aloud?
No, unless a member insists
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(CH.2) When draft minutes have been sent to the members, what may the chair begin saying?
"The minutes of the previous meeting have been distributed. Are there any corrections to the minutes"?
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(CH.2) After the reading and approval of the minutes, what comes next according to the standard order of business?
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(CH.2) What may the chair say to commence reports?
"May we have the Treasurer's report?"
"The chair recognizes the chairman of the Membership Committee for a report."
"Does the Program Committee have a report?"
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(Ch.2) What do reports give?
information and recommendations for action by the assembly
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(CH.2) Following reports, what comes next according to the standard order of business?
Unfinished business
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(CH.2) What is unfinished business?
  1. the item (if any) that was actually in the process of being considered when the last meeting adjourned

  2. any items that were scheduled to come up at the last meeting but were not reached before its adjournment.

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(Ch.2) What may the chair say to bring up any unfinished business?
"Under unfinished business, the first item of business is the motion relating to....which was pending when the last meeting adjourned".

The question is on the adoption of the motion (stating the motion)...

The next item of business is... (new item)
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(Ch.2) In a properly conducted meeting, there is no type or class of business called ____ ______.
old business (not correct)
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(Ch. 2) What is followed by unfinished business according to the standard order of business?
new business
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(CH.2) How does the chair bring up new business?
The chair asks --- "Is there any new business"?
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(CH.2) What is new business?
New items brought up by any member, using the procedure ---- making a motion.
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(CH.2) Instead of following a standard order of business, a group may adopt an _____.
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(CH.2) What does an agenda do?
sets out the order in which specific items are to be considered, and sometimes sets exact times for their consideration
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(CH.2) Who drafts an agenda? How is it made official?
The president drafts the agenda. The group must agree with it, making it binding
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(CH.2) When the meeting has completed its work, what does the chair say?
"Is there any further business?...Since there is no further business, the meeting is adjourned."
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(CH.2) What does adjourn mean?
to close the meeting
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(CH.2) What is a recess?
a short break from the meeting ex. recess for 5 min, recess until called to order by the chair
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(CH.2) What does stand at ease mean?
a brief pause in the proceedings (members remain in their places, perhaps talking quietly, until the chair calls the meeting to order).
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(CH.3) A member offers a proposal by ______ __ _______.
making a motion
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(CH.3) What is a motion?
a formal proposal by a member, in a meeting, that the group take certain action
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(CH.3) What is a main motion?
a motion whose introduction brings business before an assembly (only one main motion may be before the assembly for action at a time)
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(CH.3) Explain the procedure of making a motion
  1. you stand up immediately after the previous speaker has finished and call out the chair's title (ex. Mr. President)

  2. The chair designates you to be the speaker (recognizes by calling out your name or sometimes by nodding)

  3. When you are authorized to speak you have the floor (when you are done speaking you yield the floor)

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(CH. 3) Example of getting recognized to speak
Member A (stands) : Madame President!
Chair: Mr. A.
Member : It's not a very good idea to... (Sits when finished speaking)
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(CH.3) To make a motion, what do you say?
"I move that.."
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(CH.3) What is a good practice to do when it comes to motions?
write out any motion you propose and make copies
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(CH.3) Whose job is it to copy down the motions accurately?
the secretary's job
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(CH.3) Give an example of making a motion
Member A (stands): Madam President!
Chair: Mr. A.
Member A: I move that the Tennis League establish a division open to juniors and seniors enrolled in city high schools. (When finished making the motion, be seated. Wait until later to explain why its a good idea)
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(CH.3) When one member has made a main motion, what must happen in order for it to be considered by the group?
it must be seconded
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(CH.3) Does a seconder have to agree with the motion?
No, just shows that they are interested
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(CH.3) To second a motion, what do you call out?
- you may remain seated
-you do not have to be recognized by the chair to second a motion
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(CH.3) To state a motion, what does the chair say?
"It is moved and seconded that.. (repeats exact words motion is made)"
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(CH.3) What are the two duties that the chair has before stating any motion?
a. see if the motion is in order (does it violate any rules?). If it does chair must say "The chair rules that the motion is not in order because..."

b. must ensure motion is clearly phrased (help reword it if not clear)
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(CH.3) What should the chair not say when a motion is out of order?
"You are out of order"
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(CH.3) When a main motion has been stated by the chair, it is send to be...
pending or "on the floor"
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(CH.3) What is a debate?
discussion on the merits of the question ---- whether the proposed action should or should not be taken
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(CH.3) What are secondary motions?
motions that you make relating to the main motion's consideration.. or in some cases interrupting its consideration
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(CH.3) What is a secondary motion that interrupts?
a motion to recess
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(CH.3) What is the most common secondary motion that relates to a pending motion?
a motion to amend it
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(CH.3) When no one else seeks recognition to debate, what does the chair say?
"Are you ready for the question?"
"Is there any further debate?"
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(CH.3) What does "Are you ready for the question?" mean?
Is everyone in the group ready to vote on the proposal immediately or does anyone first want to speak about it?
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(CH.3) What does the chair say/do when he puts the question to a vote?
He stands up and says "The question is on the adoption of the motion that..." (repeats exact motion)
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(CH.3) What are abstentions?
instances in which members who are present do not vote -- are not counted and have no effect on the result
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(CH.3) What is the simplest and most common type of voting?
voice vote (aye or no)
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(CH.3) What does the chair say when conducting a voice vote?
"Those in favor of the motion say aye" (those in support REMAIN SEETED and call out aye)

"Those opposed say no"
(same thing as aye people )
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(CH.3) What are the three parts of an announcement of a result?
a. reporting which side "has it"
b. declaring that the motion is adopted or lost
c. indicating the effect of the vote, if needed or appropriate
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(CH.3) Immediately after announcing the result of the vote, what does the chair do?
announces the next item of business
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(CH.3) What does the chair say when there are more ayes than noes (and vice versa)?
"The ayes have it, and the motion is adopted" (States motion) "The next item of business is..." or "Is there further new business?"
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(CH.4) While debating, how many minutes can you speak up to?
10 minutes
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(CH.4) What are some limits on time in debating?
You cannot "save" time or transfer it to someone else

You cannot "yield the floor" to let someone else speak on your time
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(CH.4) Can you try to signal the chair that you want to speak next while someone else is speaking?
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(CH.4) What are the three common exceptions to the rule that the person who rises first should be the one recognized to speak?
a. maker of a motion has one-time preference
b. One who has not yet spoken has preference
c. alternate between supporters and opponents
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(CH.4) When does a member rise in order to gain the floor?
AFTER the floor has been yielded (other person done speaking)
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(CH.4) During debates remarks must be germane -- what does that mean?
they must have bearing on whether the pending motion should be adopted (they should be on topic)
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(CH.4) What must you avoid during debate?
Personalities!! (avoid attacking the speaker personally)
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(CH.4) What can you not say during a debate?
  • that someone is "false"

  • terms such as "fraud", "liar", "lie" about a member in a debate

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(CH.4) What are some formalities of speech you can do in order to not make the debate personal?
  • speak as though you are talking to the chair, not the members

  • avoid using the names of members in debate (refer to their officer titles)

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(CH.4) It is possible to change debate limits on the full right to speak but only by a _______.
2/3 vote
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(CH.4) A motion to Limit or Extend Limits of Debate is itself
undebatable (but it can be amended)

Ex. "I move that in debate on the pending amendment, each member be limited to one speech of three minutes
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(CH.4) Which motion immediately closes debate and also prevents the making of a number of secondary motions (amend, commit and postpone)?
motion for the Previous Question
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(CH.4) Can the previous question motion be moved at any time while a debatable motion is pending?
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(CH.4) What are the requirements/rules of the previous question motion?
  • must be seconded and adopted by a 2/3 vote

  • undebatable

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(CH.4) What is the proper wording to close debate on the immediately pending motion?
"I move the previous question"
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(CH.4) The Previous Question motion is made in a ______________ form.
Nonstandard (members say "I call the question" or "I move we vote now")
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(CH.4) Cutting off in debate is
out of order
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(CH.5) What do amendments do?
modify the wording, and within limits, the meaning of the main motion
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(CH.5) How do you put an amendment together?
put it together just as if you were giving detailed, word by word directions to the secretary how to change the main motion

ex. I move to amend by inserting "and suburban country" before "high schools"
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(CH.5) The chair require that amendments
be submitted by the mover in writing (makes it easier)
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(CH.5) After the amendment is adopted, the main motion may be further debated or amended. In the end, a vote is taken on the main motion as ______.
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(CH.5) What is one type of amendment?
1. Insert or add words

ex. I move to insert... or I move to add the words
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(CH.5) Describe the steps of the chair when dealing with an amendment
  1. states the amendment

  2. gives the main motion as it would read if the amendment were to be adopted

  3. makes clear once more what is the amendment, the chair finishes by restating the wording of the main motion as it then stands

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(CH.5) What is another type of amendment?
strike out words
ex. I move to strike out the words...
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(CH.5) What is the last type of amendment?
Strike out and insert words

ex. I move to stike out the words...and insert the words...
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(CH.5) What are the three forms of amendments that apply to whole paragraphs?
  1. Insert or add a prargrpah

  2. Strike out a paragraph 3.Subsitute

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