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Digital Access
It refers to the ability to fully participate in the digital society. This includes access to tools and technologies, such as the Internet and computers, that allow for full participation.
Digital Citizenship
Having full access to technology requires continuously developing norms of appropriate, responsible, and empowered technology use.
Digital Health & Wellness
Physical & Psychological well-being in a digital world
Digital Security
Electronic precautions to guarantee safety
Digital Rights & Responsibilities
Those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world
Digital Literacy
Teaching and learning about technology and its use
Digital Law
Electronic responsibility for actions and deeds
Digital Etiquette
Electronic standards of conduct or procedure and has to do with the process of thinking about others when using digital devices.
Digital Communication
Electronic exchange of information
Digital Commerce
Electronic buying and selling of goods
Digital Access
Full electronic participation in society
It is a set of rules about the proper and polite way to communicate with other people when using the internet. its common issues in the digital world are: Online Bullying and Bashing
Rule 1
Remember the Human
Rule 2
Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life
Rule 3
Know where you are in cyberspace
Rule 4
Respect other people's time and bandwidth
Rule 5
Make yourself look good online
Rule 6
Share expert knowledge
Rule 7
Help keep flame wars under control
Rule 8
Respect other people's privacy
Rule 9
Don't abuse your power
Rule 10
Be forgiving of other people's mistakes.