OMM II Terms (3)

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45 Terms

ASIS Compression Test
1\. A test for lateralization of somatic dysfunction of the sacrum, innominate or pubic symphysis.

2\. Application of a force through the ASIS into one of the pelvic axes to assess the mechanics of the pelvis.
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Backward Bending Test
1\. This test discriminates between forward and backward sacral torsion/rotation.

2\. This test discriminates between unilateral sacral flexion and unilateral sacral extension.
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Spring test
1\. A test used to differentiate between backward or forward sacral torsions/rotations.

2\. A test used to differentiate bilateral sacral extension and bilateral sacral flexion.

3\. A test used to differentiate unilateral sacral extension and unilateral sacral flexion.
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Posterior movement of the sacral base around a transverse axis in relation to the ilia.
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The plural of ilium (the expansive superior portion of the innominate)
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Iliosacral motion
Motion of one innominate (ilium) with respect to the sacrum. This motion is part of pelvic motion during the gait cycle.
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A large, irregularly shaped bone that consists of three parts: ilium, ischium and pubis, which meet at the acetabulum, the cup- shaped cavity for the head of the femur at the hip (femoroacetabular) joint. Also called the os coxae, hip bone or pelvic bone.
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Anterior innominate rotation
A somatic dysfunction in which the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) is anterior and inferior to the contralateral landmark. The innominate (os coxae) moves more freely in an anterior and inferior direction, and is restricted from movement in a posterior and superior direction.
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Posterior innominate rotation
A somatic dysfunction in which the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) is posterior and superior to the contralateral landmarks. The innominate (os coxae) moves more freely in a posterior and superior direction, and is restricted from movement in an anterior and inferior direction.
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Inferior Innominate Shear
A somatic dysfunction in which the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and posterior superior iliac spines (PSIS) are inferior to the contralateral landmarks. The innominate (os coxae) moves more freely in an inferior direction, and is restricted from movement in a superior direction.
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Superior innominate shear
A somatic dysfunction in which the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and posterior superior iliac spines (PSIS) are superior to the contralateral landmarks. The innominate (os coxae) moves more freely in a superior direction, and is restricted from movement in an inferior direction.
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Inflared innominate
A somatic dysfunction of the innominate (os coxae) resulting in medial positioning of the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS). The innominate moves more freely in a medial direction, and is restricted from movement in a lateral direction.
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Outflared innominate
A somatic dysfunction of the innominate (os coxae) resulting in lateral positioning of the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS).
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Nodding forward; anterior movement of the sacral base around a transverse axis in relation to the ilia.
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Structural Model of Osteopathic Care
biomechanical adjustment and the mobilization of joints. This model also seeks to address problems in the myofascial connective tissues, as well as in the bony and soft tissues, to remove restrictive forces and enhance motion. This is accomplished by the use of a wide range of osteopathic manipulative techniques such as high velocity-low amplitude, muscle energy, counterstrain, myofascial release, ligamentous articular techniques and functional techniques.
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Respiratory-circulatory Model of Osteopathic Care
improve all of the diaphragm restrictions in the body. Diaphragms are considered to be “transverse restrictors” of motion, venous and lymphatic drainage and cerebrospinal fluid. The techniques used in this model are osteopathy in the cranial field, ligamentous articular strain, myofascial release and lymphatic pump techniques.
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Metabolic Model of Osteopathic Care
to enhance the self- regulatory and self-healing mechanisms, to foster energy conservation by balancing the body’s energy expenditure and exchange, and to enhance immune system function, endocrine function \\n and organ function. The osteopathic considerations in this area are not manipulative in nature except for the use of lymphatic pump techniques. Nutritional counseling, diet and exercise advice are the most common approaches to balancing the body through this model.
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Neurologic Model of Osteopathic Care
to attain autonomic balance and address neural reflex activity, remove facilitated segments, decrease afferent nerve signals and relieve pain. The osteopathic manipulative techniques used to influence this area of patient health include counterstrain and Chapman reflex points.
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Behavioral Model of Osteopathic Care
to improve the biological, psychological and social components of the health spectrum. This includes emotional balancing and compensatory mechanisms. Reproductive processes and behavioral adaption are also included under this model.
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Pelvic rotation
Movement of the entire pelvis in a relatively horizontal plane about a vertical (longitudinal) axis.
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Pelvic sideshift
Deviation of the pelvis to the right or left of the central vertical axis as translation occurs along the horizontal (z) axis. Usually observed in the standing position.
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Pelvic tilt
Pelvic rotation about a transverse (horizontal) axis or about an anterior-posterior axis.
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Within the context of structural diagnosis, it is made up of the right and left innominates, (hip bone or os coxae) the sacrum and coccyx.
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Rotation of sacrum
movement of the sacrum about a vertical (y) axis (usually in relation to the innominate bones).
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Sacral base
1\. In osteopathic palpation, the uppermost posterior portion of the sacrum.

2\. The most cephalad portion of the first sacral segment
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Sacral extension
1\. Posterior movement of the base of the sacrum in relation \n to the ilia.

2\. In Osteopathy in the cranial field, the sacral base moves antero-inferiorly as the sphenobasilar synchondrosis (SBS) descends and flattens during the exhalation phase of the primary respiratory mechanism.
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Sacral flexion
anterior movement of sacral base in relation to the ilia.
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Seated Flexion Test
a screening test that determines the side of sacroiliac somatic dysfunction (motion of the sacrum on the ilium).
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Standing Flexion Test
a screening test that determines the side of iliosacral somatic dysfunction (motion of ilium on the sacrum).
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Inferior transverse axis (innominate)
The hypothetical functional axis of sacral motion that passes from side to side on a line through the inferior auricular surface of the sacrum and ilia, and represents the axis for movement of the ilia on the sacrum.
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Middle transverse axis (AKA postural)
The hypothetical functional axis of sacral nutation/counternutation in the standing position, passing horizontally through the anterior aspect of the sacrum at the level of the second sacral segment.
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Oblique axis (diagonal)
a hypothetical functional axis from the superior area of a sacroiliac articulation to the contralateral inferior sacroiliac articulation. It is designated as right or left relevant to its superior point of origin.
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Superior transverse axis (AKA respiratory)
The hypothetical transverse axis about which the sacrum moves during the respiratory cycle. It passes from side to side through the articular processes posterior to the point of attachment of the dura at the level of the second sacral segment. Involuntary sacral motion occurs as part of the craniosacral mechanism, and is believed to occur about this axis.
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Anterior-posterior (x) axis
axis formed at the line of intersection of a sagittal and transverse plane.
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Vertical (y) axis (AKA longitudinal)
the axis formed by the intersection of the sagittal and coronal planes.
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Transverse (z) axes
axes formed by intersection of the coronal and transverse planes about which nutation/ counternutation occurs.
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Sacral somatic dysfunction
Any of a group of somatic dysfunctions involving the sacrum. These may be the result of restriction of normal physiologic motion or trauma to the sacrum.
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Sacral sulcus
A depression just medial to the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) as a result of the spatial relationship of the PSIS to the dorsal aspect of the sacrum.
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Sacral torsion
1\. A physiologic function occurring in the sacrum during ambulation and forward bending.

2\. A sacral somatic dysfunction around an oblique axis in which a torque occurs between the sacrum and innominates. The L5 vertebra rotates in the opposite direction of the sacrum.

3\. If the L5 does not rotate opposite to the sacrum, L5 is termed maladapted.

4\. Other terms for this maladaption include: rotations about an oblique axis, anterior or posterior sacrum and a torsion with a non-compensated L5.
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Sacroiliac motion
Motion of the sacrum in relationship to the innominate(s) (ilium/ ilia).
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Sacrum, inferior lateral angle (ILA) of
The point on the lateral surface of the sacrum where it curves medially to the body of the fifth sacral vertebrae
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The initial general somatic examination to determine signs of somatic dysfunction in various regions of the body.
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An action or force causing or tending to cause two contiguous parts of an articulation to slide relative to each other in a direction parallel to their plane of contact.
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Symphyseal shear
The resultant of an action or force causing or tending to cause the two parts of the symphysis to slide relative to each other in a direction parallel to their plane of contact. It is usually found in an inferior/superior direction but is occasionally found to be in an anterior/posterior direction.
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1\. A motion or state where one end of a part is twisted about a longitudinal axis while the opposite end is held fast or turned in the opposite direction.

2\. A physiologic motion pattern about an anteroposterior axis of the sphenobasilar symphysis/ synchondrosis.
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