When all forces on an object are balance and a = 0
1st Condition of Equilibrium
Net F = 0
2nd Condition of Equilibrium
Net τ = 0
Static Equilibrium
A motionless object
Dynamic Equilibrium
Object moving with constant velocity
The rotational equivalent of a force, changes angular velocity
What is torque based on?
Distance from the pivot, force, and angle between F and the pivot
Torque equation
τ = rFsinø
What is r?
Distance from the pivot
What is Sinø?
The angle between the force and the pivot
Perpendicular lever arm
The perpendicular distance from the force to the pivot
Stable Equilibrium
When displaced the object has a restoring force
Unstable Equilibrium
When displaced, object has a displacement in the same direction
Neutral Equillibrium
When displaced, object comes to rest in the new position