le sommeil
Sleep (noun)
avoir sommeil
To be sleepy
être fatigué.e
To be tired
To sleep (verb)
je dors
I sleep
tu dors
You (inf) sleep
il/elle/iel dort
He/she/they sleep
nous dormons
We (nous) sleep
vous dormez
You (form) sleep
ils dorment
They (mp) sleep
il/elle/iel a dormi
He/she/they slept
nous avons dormi
We (nous) slept
vous avez dormi
You (form) slept
ils ont dormi
They (mp) slept
je dormais
I was sleeping
tu dormais
You (inf) were sleeping
il/elle/iel dormait
He/she/they were sleeping
nous dormions
We (nous) were sleeping
vous dormiez
You (form) were sleeping
ils dormaient
They (mp) were sleeping
Je dors huit heures par nuit
I sleep 8 hours per night
A lot
Little; not a lot
un peu
A little
Too much
A lot
Worried (ms)
Little; not a lot
Too much
Exhausted (ms, inf)
un peu trop
A little too much
Worried (fs)
faire la grasse matinée
To sleep in
Hyper (f)
Faire de beaux rêves!
Sweet dreams!
faire la grasse matinée
To sleep in
passer une nuit blanche
To pull an all nighter
se coucher
to go to bed (lit. to put oneself to bed)
Tu te lèves
You’re getting up
to fall asleep
se lever
to get up
je me lève
I’m getting up
il/elle/iel se lève
He/she/they are getting up
je me couche
I am going to bed
tu te couches
You’re going to bed
il/elle/iel/on se couche
He/she/they are going to bed
nous nous chouchons
We (nous) aren’t going to bed
vous vous couchez
You (form) are going to bed
ils se chouchent
They (mp) are going to bed
je ne me couche pas
I’m not going to bed
je me couchais
I was going to bed
tu te couchais
You were going to bed
il/elle/iel se couchait
He/she/they were going to bed
on se couchait
We (on) were going to bed
nous nous couchions
We (nous) were going to bed
vous vous chouchiez
You (form) were going to bed
Ils se couchaient
They (mp) were going to bed
on dort
We (on) sleep
j’ai dormi
I slept
tu as dormi
You (inf) slept
on a dormi
We (on) slept
on dormait
We (on) were sleeping
Quand est-ce que tu te couches?
When do you go to bed?
je m’endors
I’m falling asleep
tu t’endors
You (inf) are falling asleep
il/elle/iel s’endort
He/she/they are falling asleep
on s’endort
We (on) are falling asleep
nous nous endormons
We (nous) are falling asleep
vous vous endormez
You (form) are falling sleep
ils s’endorment
They (mp) are falling asleep
je ne m’endors pas
I’m not falling asleep
je m’endormais
I was falling asleep
tu t’endormais
You (inf) were falling asleep
il/elle/iel s’endormait
Hé/she/they were falling asleep
nous nous endormions
We (nous) were falling asleep
on s’endormait
We (on) were falling asleep
vous vous endormiez
You (form) were falling asleep
ils s’endormaient
They (mp) were falling asleep
Quand est-ce qu’elle s’endort?
When does she fall asleep?
se soigner
To take care of oneself
se reposer
To relax; to rest
se laver
to wash (oneself)
se laver le visage
To wash one’s face
se laver les mains
To wash one’s hands
se brosser
To brush (oneself)
se brosser les dents
To brush one’s teeth
se brosser les cheveux
To brush one’s hair
se peigner
To comb one’s hair
se doucher
To shower
To rinse
se raser
To shave
se raser le visage
To shave one’s face
se raser les jambes
To shave one’s legs
se maquiller
To put on make up
se maquiller les yeux
To makeup one’s eyes