3 People in JFK’s Cabinet
Robert Kennedy- Attorney General
Dean Rusk- Sec. of State
Robert McNamara- Sec. of Def.
Bay of Pigs
-authorized by Eisenhower (1500 exiles)
-Castro was seizing American businesses, leaning communist
-reporters put out a week early, a plane flew to Florida
-big JFK failure, hurt his reputation
-Strengthened Cuba-soviet ties
Berlin Crisis
people were escaping east berlin easily, so Khrushchev put up a big wall surrounding berlin, trapping people
JFK: “Better a wall than a war”
Cuban Missile Crisis
-US had missiles in Turkey, Soviets put them in Cuba.
-Ex-Comm decided to put a naval blockade (technically a quarantine to avoid an act of war)
-US agreed to never invade Cuba. In return, Soviets took out the missiles in Cuba.
Soviet-US hotline & Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
New Frontier
resolve issues with Soviets
Civil Rights
Poverty help
Chief Justice Warren
appointed by Eisenhower, was a Californian Governor
Worked on all of the court cases for civil rights and things
investigated Lee Harvey Oswald
How did LBJ combat poverty?
Tax cuts to the impoverished
job corps (Job training for those who haven’t finished highschool)
VISTA- Volunteers in Service to America (domestic Peace Corps)
Differentiate LBJ and Goldwater
Goldwater was a conservative republican, warhawk, hands-off government style leader, some consider extremist. Anti- Great Society
LBJ is democratic, great society, helping hands government.
What was the outcome of the Election of 1964?
LBJ won in a landslide— 61% of the popular vote
What did the Great society focus on?
War on poverty
Environmental help
Civil Rights
Education Reform
What was the Great Society’s Impact?
Set the stage for civil rights progression in the future, (unsure what else)
How did the Great Society decline?
Republicans gained seats in Senate and House, enabling them to deny more of his policies.
His eagerness into the Vietnam involvement scared a lot of people, making him lose a lot of support.
Brandenburg v. Ohio
illegal to advocate for or directly cause violence in a public speech. (Limits free speech)
Brown v. BoE
Desegregated schools
Reynolds v. Sims
Districts proportional to their population
Mapp v. Ohio
illegally obtained evidence can’t be used to convict of a crime
Gideon v. Wainwright
everyone has the right to a lawyer
Engel v. Vitale
separate church & state (in schools especially).
Terry v. Ohio
Stop and frisk (pat down) is allowed within reasonable suspicion
Miranda v. Arizona
you must be told of your rights/ right to remain silent
Johnson Doctrine
would intervene in Vietnam/Latin America if they lead to communism