simple squamous
single layer of cells that lines the blood vessels, alveoli, and lining of body cavities; they help with diffusion, filtration, secretion, and absorption
simple cuboidal
single layer of cells that are in the kidney tubules, glands or gland ducts; they diffuse molecules and transport secretions
simple columnar
single layer of cells that are in the stomach, colon, and the fallopian tubes(with goblets); they secrete mucus and move particles and line and protect the cell
stratified columnar
multiple layer of elongated cells in the mammary glands that help with protection and secretion
pseudostratified columnar
in the nasal cavity, trachea, and bronchi; can have goblets, they help to synthesize and secrete mucus
in the urinary bladder; they help to acomodate fluctuations in volume of fluid
stratified squamous- nonkeratinized
in the esophagus and vagina; they help with abrasion protection
stratified squamous- keratinized
thick layer of skin; help with abrasion protection
elastic cartilage
provides flexible, semi-rigid support; in your earlobe, and between the ribs and sternum
hyaline cartilage
in the long bones and articulating surface bones; provides rigid support and is the foundation for bone formation
reticular tissue
in the lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow; short interconnecting fibers that are tightly packed to provide strength, support, and structure to tissues
dense regular ct
in the tendons and ligaments; provides strength and attaches structures; elongated nuclei, very compact
adipose tissue
is all throughout the body; provides insulation, energy storage, and protection; you can see expanded fat droplets in the large cells
compact bone
outer portion of flat bones and shafts of long bones; provides strength and support
spongy/cancellous bone
interior of flat bones, ends of long bones; act like scaffolding; have a lattice structure
in the blood vessels; they transport nutrients and remove wastes
loose areolar connective tissue
in the basement membrane; support, transfers/blood and nutrients; very spread out lots of space