Chapter 25: The Cold War

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Truman Doctrine

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Truman Doctrine

The ________ became a cornerstone of the American policy of containment designed to stop Soviet expansion anywhere in the world.

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In the spring of 1950, ________ hesitantly endorsed North Korean leader Kim Il Sungs plan to liberate the South by force, a plan heavily influenced by Maos recent victory in China.

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Anticommunist policies

________ reflected national fears of a surging global communism.

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The USSR successfully tested a hydrogen bomb in ________, and soon thereafter Eisenhower announced a policy of "massive retaliation.

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Smith Mundt Act

In 1948, Congress passed the ________ to "promote a better understanding of the United States in other countries.

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The ________ was a devastating Nazi superweapon that had terrorized England

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Internal Security Act

The ________, or McCarran Act, passed by Congress in September 1950, mandated all "communist organizations "to register with the government, gave the government greater powers to investigate sedition, and made it possible to prevent suspected individuals from gaining or keeping their citizenship

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Bolshevik Revolution

The ________ had overthrown the Russian tsarists during World War I and paved the way for socialism

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Soviet scientists

________ successfully tested an atomic bomb on August 29, 1949, years before American officials had estimated they would.

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________ (named after Wisconsin Republican Joseph McCarthy, a known anti- Communist) was a symptom of a massive and widespread anticommunist hysteria that engulfed Cold War America.

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The ________ existed, but never attracted many Americans.

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Marshall Plan

To avoid the postwar chaos that had followed in the wake World War I, the ________ was designed to rebuild Western Europe, open markets, and win European support for capitalist democracies.

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________ and his successors pushed an agenda that included not only the creation of Soviet client states in Eastern and Central Europe, but also a tendency to support leftwing liberation movements everywhere, particularly when they espoused anti- American sentiment.

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The Cold War was a global political and ideological struggle between capitalist and communist countries, particularly between the two surviving superpowers of the postwar world

the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

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Cold War

The _______________ was a state of political hostility that existed from 1945 until 1990 between countries led by the Soviet Union and countries led by the United States

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Truman Doctrine

The _____________________ was President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology

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European Recovery Program

The _____________ pumped enormous sums of capital into Western Europe in the hopes of rebuilding Western Europe as capitalist democracies

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Molotov Plan

The _________________ was a a symbolic pledge of aid to Eastern Europe

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Federal Republic of Germany

The _____________________ was the western half of Berlin (and Germany)

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The German Democratic Republic

The __________________________ was the eastern part of Berlin (and Germany)

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The idea of mutually assured destruction, which kept the world from entering nuclear war

What was MAD

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Space Race

A competition between the Soviet Union and the United States to achieve superior spaceflight capability

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Executive Order 9835

____________________ established loyalty reviews for federal employees to make sure they were not communists

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Communist Control Act

The ______________________ effectively criminalizing membership in the Communist political party

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Smith-Mundt Act

The ____________________ established cultural exchanges with various nations, including even the USSR, in order to showcase American values through American artists and entertainers

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