Schizogony Sarcocystis ovicanis begins a. In ovine lymph node endothelial cells b. In the muscle cells of the dog c. In sheep muscle cells d. In ovine endothelial cells e. In dog enterocytes
In ovine endothelial cells
Sporulation of genus Sarcocystis bovicanis occurs in a. Enterocytes of dogs b. Enterocytes of cattle c. Leukocytes of dogs d. Lymphatic nodes of cattle e. Environment
Enterocytes of dogs
Babesia divergens is transmited by a. Rhipicephalus sanguineus to dogs and humans b. Haemaphysalis punctata to sheep and humans c. Ixodes Ricinus to horse and humans d. Ixodes Ricinus to cattle and humans e. Dermacentor reticulatus to humans
Ixodes Ricinus to cattle and humans
Gametogony Plasmodium vivax takes place in a. Tick intestinal cells b. In human red blood cells c. In human white blood cells d. In the liver cells of humans e. In the intestinal cells of mosquitoes
In the intestinal cells of mosquitoes
Endogenous development of Cystoisospora felis in parathenic host takes place a. In the bones of rodents b. In rodent mesenteric lymph nodes c. In the intestines of cats d. In the lymph nodes of the cats e. In the striated muscles of cats
In rodent mesenteric lymph nodes
Which of the following coccidian life cycle stages results from the fusion of a macrogamete and a microgamete? a. First generation schizont b. Sporulated oocysts c. Trophozoite d. Merozoite e. Zygote
The developmental stages of Toxoplasma gondii are localized in all kind cells of the intermediate hosts except a. Muscle cells b. Hepatocytes c. Nervous cells d. Erythrocytes e. Lymphocytes
The protozoa can have diverse life cycles with multiple morphological stages, depending on species. What stage of the life cycle is the active, reproductive and feeding stage? a. Infection stage b. Trophozoite stage c. Flagella stage d. Sporozoites stage e. Cyst stage
Trophozoite stage
The solid axis of the trichomonad cell forms a. Parabasal filament b. Kinetoplast c. Axostyl d. Flagellym e. Costa
Taxonomy category with suffix “idae” is a. Species b. Family c. Genus d. Classis e. Order
The diagnosis of leishmaniasis is based on a. The finding of promastigote stage sin the stained slides of vector organs b. Finding of amastigotic stages in the stained slides of vertebrate organs c. The finding of amastigotic stages in the stained slides of vector organs d. Finding leishmania in the blood e. Finding of promastogotic stages in the stained slides of vertebrate organs
Finding of amastigotic stages in the stained slides of vertebrate organs
A protozoan cyst that contains four nuclei, median bodies and axonemes should be identified as a. Eimeria tenella b. Cystoisospora spp. c. Giardia duodenalis d. Tritichomonas foetus e. Spironucleus spp.
Giardia duodenalis
What are diagnostic techniques for sarcocystosis in intermediate host? a. Flotation method b. Digestion method of tissues c. Biopsy of bones d. Biopsy of liver e. Staining blood smear
Digestion method of tissues
Intravital diagnosis of bird Trichomonosis is done by a. A deep swab form the pharynx mucosa b. Finding trichomonas in the blood c. Concentration flotation methods d. Finding Trichomonas in the urine e. A native preparation obtained by cloak wash
A deep swab form the pharynx mucosa
Acute human sleeping disease is caused by a. Trypanosoma brucei rhodensiense b. Trypanosoma brucei brucei c. Trypanosoma lewisi d. Trypanosoma brucei gambiense e. Trypanosoma cruzi
Trypanosoma brucei rhodensiense
The infection stage of Cystoisosporosis is a. Caused by the consumption of raw meat containing tissue cysts with bradyzoites b. Sporulated oocyst with 2 sporocysts in each with four sporozoites c. Caused by the consumption of raw meat containing tissue cysts with tachyzoites d. Sporulated oocyst with 4 sporocysts in each with two sporozoites e. Quad-nuclei cysts
Sporulated oocyst with 2 sporocysts in each with four sporozoites
Schizogony Eimeria intricata begins in a. Enterocytes of domestic swine b. Hen enterocytes c. Sheep ileum enterocytes d. Bovine duodenal enterocytes e. Rabbit ileum enterocytes
Sheep ileum enterocytes
Gametogony of Babesia canis begins a. In the intestine of the dog by the formation of microgametocytes and macrogametocytes b. In the intestine of the dog by the formation of a movable ookinete c. In the salivary gland of the tick by the formation sporozoites d. In the gut of the tick by the formation of gametes, radial bodies e. In the gut of the tick, the formation of a zygote
In the gut of the tick by the formation of gametes, radial bodies
For diagnosis of Giardia/giardiasis we use flotation solution a. Kozak-Magra b. Vajda c. Breza d. Zinc sulphate e. Darling
Zinc sulphate
Eimeria stiedai is located in a. Large intestine of cattle b. Small intestine of hens c. Cecum of sheep d. Liver of rabbit e. Kidney of goose
Liver of rabbit
Giardia divides by
binary fission
Which organelles form the apical complex?
polar ring, conoid, subpellicular microtubules, micronemes, rhopty, micropore
Sporogony of Cryptosporidium spp. occurs in ...?
definitive host
The life cycle of Plasmodium spp. has 4 stages:
1 sexual and 3 asexual
What does sporulated oocyst Cryptosporidium spp. look like? Draw and describe
small (4-6 μm) oval 2 shells 4 sporozoites, no sporocysts
Macroschizonts of Theileria spp. are located in:
lymphocytes before moving to erythrocytes
Describe the morphology of Trypanosoma
spindle shaped, well developed undulating membrane, kinetoplast at posterior end, layer of subpellicular microtubules, free flagellum at anterior, cell surface has variable glycoproteins, nucleus in centre
Fully sporulated oocysts were found in the faeces of a rabbit. What species is most likely represented? Write the name and describe
Eimeria magna, Eimeria intestinalis small (12-14 μm) oval 2 shells 4 sporocysts each containing 2 sporozoites colourless/transparent
Describe this life cycle (Sarcocystis)
Schizogony: Intermediate host
Ingestion and excystation of oocyte in GIT (isospora type)
Penetrate to blood – sporocyte -> meront -> merozoite
1st generations – artery epithelium, 2nd gen. capillary ep., 3rd gen in circulating lymphocytes
Striated muscles – enclosed in cysts
Merozoite -> metrozoite -> bradyzoites - infective Gametogony: Final host
Sarcocyst – bradyzoites liberated
Differentiate into gametocyst in lamina propria
Micro and macro gamete –Z oocyst (isospora type); Sporogony: in lamina propria
Eimeria stiedai: host and location?
rabbit, bile ducts
In Theileria, macroschizont in lymphocyte is known as?
Koch blue body
Which tissue/organ contains the highest number of Theileria?
In erythrocytes of Theileria we find:
T. cruzi belongs to:
How is T. equiperdum transmitted?
How is T. equiperdum diagnosed?
Clinical signs: pyrexia, local oedema of genitalia and mammary glands, oedematous cutaneous plaques Demonstration of parasite: preputial or vaginal scrapings, aspiration of cutaneous oedematous plaque Serological examination: CFT, ELISA, IFAT
Tyrpanosoma belongs to which order?
How many free flagella do Trypanosoma have?
1 or none depending on the developmental stage
What stage of T. cruzi multiplies in vertebrate host?
Form of Leishmania in vertebrate host?
amastigote in macrophages
Form of Leishmania in vector?
Clinical types of Leishmaniasis and species?
Visceral: L. donovani complex, L. infantum complex Cutaneous: L. tropica, L. major, L. aethiopica Mucocutaneous: L. mexicana complex, L. brasiliensis complex
What is the vector for Leishmania?
sandflies (Phlebotomus spp. and Lutzomyia spp.)
Location of Giardia intestinalis?
small intestine, extracellular
Giardia form of transmission
ingestion (faecal-oral, food, water)
number of flagella on Giardia?
8 (1 pair anterior, 2 pairs posterior, 1 pair caudal)
Which floatation solution is used for Giardia?
zinc sulfate, FAUST
How does Giardia reproduce?
binary fission (asexual)
Order of Giardia
Form of transmission of Trichomonas foetus
coitus, AI, gynaecological exam
Host of Trichomonas foetus?
What is the form of reproduction in family Trichomonadidae?
longitudinal binary fission
Principle host of Trichomonas gallinae
Intravital diagnosis of Trichomonas in pigeons?
lesions in upper GIT contain parasites (mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, crop, proventriculus, liver)
How is Histomonas transmitted?
in the eggs of the caecal worm Heterakis gallinarum
Which group of protozoa possess an axostyle?
Trichomonadida Trichomonas spp. and Diplomonadida Giardia spp.
The diagnosis of Sarcocystosis of pigs we investigate
tissue samples
A facultative parasite is an organism:
an organism that exhibits both parasitic and non-parasitic modes of living and does not absolutely depend on the parasitic way of life, but is capable of adapting to it if placed on a host
Vertebrate host of Leucocytozoon is:
Oocysts of Cryptosporidium are?
smaller than 10 μm
Exoerythrocytic stage of Plasmodium falciparum is located in:
Flagellated form of Histomonas meleagridis occurs in:
Endodyogony in Sarcocystis life cycle takes place in:
tissue cells of intermediate host
So called ring-worms are stages in the life cycle of:
Plasmodium spp.
Sporulation of genus Hepatozoon occurs:
inside the vector
Intermediate host is:
a host in which the parasite passes obligatory through part of its development
Leishmania spp. occurs in the vertebrate host in:
amastigote form
The vector of human Plasmodium is:
Visceral leishmaniosis is caused by:
L. donovani complex, L. infantum complex
Giardia intestinalis is located
Eimeria zuernii is located in:
ileum of cattle
The nematode Heterakis gallinae plays an important role in the life cycle of:
Histomonas meleagridis
The infectious stage of eimeriosis is:
sporulated oocyst with 4 sporocysts each containing 2 sporozoites
Sporogony of Babesia spp. occurs:
inside the salivary gland of the final host
What is the location of Histomonas meleagridis?
caecum, liver, digestive tract
Cryptosporidium: What type of sporogony occurs?
What is the size of the oocyst of Cryptosporidium?
4-6 μm
Life cycle of Cryptosporidium
Host ingest oocyst, woth 4 sporozoites.
Sporozoites released in small intestine
Attach (not penetrate) to microvilli.
Multiply and form schizont -> division -> 8 merozoites
One more round of schizogony. Gametogony:
Formation of micro and macrogamonts
Gamestocyst form and fuse -> zygote Sporogony:
2 types of oocyst are formed
80% develop into thick walled. Pass to the environment with feces.
20% develop into thin- walled oocyst and release their sporozoites in the intestine representing the autoinfective life cycle form
Life cycle of Sarcocystis
Schizogony: Intermediat host
Ingestion and excystation of oocyte in GIT (isospora type)
Penetrate to blood – sporocyte -> meront -> merozoite
1st generations – artery eoithelium, 2nd gen. capillary ep., 3rd gen in circulating lymphocytes
Striated mucles – enclosed in cysts
Merozoite -> metrozoite -> bradyzoites - infective Gametogony: Final host
Sarcocyst – bradyzoites liberated
Differentiate into gametocyst in lamina propria
Micro and macro gamete –Z oocyst (isospora type) Sporogony: in lamina propria
Texas cattle fever is caused by? a. Babesia bovis b. Babesia bigemina c. Babesia gibsoni
Babesia bigemina
Haemoproteus is a parasite of which animal?
Phylum of Trichomonads?
Position of small and large Babesia in erythrocytes?
small: located on the periphery at obtuse angles large: located in the centre at acute angles
Pathology of Giardia
attachment of trophozoites causes: shortening of villi inflammation of crypts and lamina propria lesions of mucosal cells malabsorption syndrome (steatorrhea)
What is the pathology of Cryptosporidium? How is it diagnosed?
watery acute diarrhoea diagnosis: finding thick walled oocyst in faecal sample, Carbol fuchsin staining. ELISA, PCR
Pathology of Toxoplasma
trophozoites directly destroy host cells, especially parenchymal and reticuloendothelial cells Lymph node infection Local hypersensitivity Blood vessel blockage Abortions Chorioretinitis Hydrocephalus
Pathology of Histomonas, what are its lesions?
lesions in caecum and liver, perforation in caecum and liver, large inflamed caecum, yellow diarrhoea, apathy, blackhead; thickened mucosa that becomes necrotic, exudate can solidify into hard, cheesy plugs
What are the important coccidian of poultry? Pathogenesis, clinical signs, treatment
Chicken: E. maxima, E. tenello Turkey: E. galloparones, E. meleagrimitis, E. adenoeidea Geese: E. truncata, E. anseris Pathogenesis: destroys enterocytes, haemorrage, malabsorption, decreased production, weightloss, death; Treatment: amprolium, sulphonamides, toltrazuril, tylosine, amoxicillin, vaccine, supportive care
Life cycle of Entamoeba
-Ingestion of cyst -> excystation of ameba in small intestine
Nucleare divition (4->8), cytoplasm -> 8 small amebalae
Grow into trophozoites -> intestine, other organs.
2 forms can develop:
Forma minuta – Cronic, latent, 8-20um -> environment as cyst, encyctation in lumen, 4 nuclei
Forma magna – (10 – 60um), invasive, dysenteric (no cysts), necrosis, flask shape ulcers – perforate GIT -> peritonitis – ameboma, abscess, 2nd infection
Trypanosoma brucei is transmitted by: a. Tsetse fly - Glossina spp. b. Mechanically c. Mosquitoes
Tsetse fly - Glossina spp.
Acute sleeping sickness is caused by: a. T. ethansi b. T. gambeinsis c. T. rhodensiensis
T. rhodensiensis
Leishmania tropica causes: a. cutaneous b. visceral c. mucocutaneous form
Life cycle of Lieshmania
Vector: (Phlebotomus spp. / Lutzomyia spp.) -sucking of blood containing amastigote form in macrophages -amastigote form is released and migrates to midgut -adheres to gut: amastigote -> promastigote -promastigote migrates to pharynx and injected into host
Host: -promastigote is engulfed by macrophages -promastigote -> amastigote -amastigote multiplies by binary fission -macrophages burst and release to blood -migrate to other organs depending on species --Cutaneous: localised to skin --Visceral: internal organs (liver, spleen) --Mucocutaneous: mucosae of mouth, nose, pharynx, larynx, ear
Giardia intestinalis belongs to: a. Apicomplexa b. Diplomonadida c. Microspora
Cryprosporidium baileyi occurs in: a. Calves b. Piglets c. Poultry d. Human e. Dog
What is the size of the oocyst of Toxoplasma gondii?
12 μm
Gametogony of T. gondii occurs in the small intestine of: a. rodents b. birds c. carnivores (felidae)
carnivores (felidae)
How is a human infected by Toxoplasma?
ingestion of sporulated oocysts (cat faeces)
ingestion of zoites (undercooked meat)
congenital infection
organ transplants
blood transfusion
Life cycle of Babesia canis
Tick injects sporozoites into host → entering RBC Schizogony: vertebrate
Sporozoite in saliva (vermicles) -> rbc
Trophozoites - binary fission – rbc rupture
Merozoites -> blood -> new ec Gamogony: tick
Blood meal ingest Ec – gametocytes released
Micro and macrogametes -> motile zygote (ookinet)
Reproduction system -> tick eggs (treansovary/stadial)
Salivary gland Sporogony: tick
Saliva and form sporont
In salivary gland -> sporozoites
Sarcocystis is transmitted by: a. cysts b. trophozoites c. air