What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Christians?
‘A man shall leave his father and mother and be joined with his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’ - Bible
Families (responsibilities).
This shows that marriage and creating new family units is important within Christianity. It is a religious responsibility. This is followed by reproduction.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Christians?
‘Honour your mother and farther’ - 10 Commandments
Families (responsibilities).
This shows that children have a responsibility to treat their parents with respect, and in turn, their parents will teach them how to lead a Christian life.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Muslims?
‘No institution in Islam finds higher favour with Allah than marriage’ - Prophet Muhammad
Families (responsibilities).
This shows that Islam teaches that the family unit is important as it brings stability to society. Islam directs men and women to marry and reproduce.
What topic do these quotes relate to and how would it be interpreted by Christians?
‘The head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is a man’ - Bible
‘Wives, submit to your husband as you do to the Lord’ - Bible
Families (gender roles).
This shows that some Christians believe that men are dominant in relationships and should be seen as the ‘head’ of the family. These are seen as patriarchal or traditional views. This is also supported by Eve being created from Adam’s rib, suggesting that all men are superior to women.
What topic do these quotes relate to and how would it be interpreted by Muslims?
‘A man is guardian of his family and is responsible for his subjects; a woman is guardian of her husband’s home and of his children and is responsible for them ’ - Hadith
‘Honour your mother, next your mother then your father’ - Prophet Muhammad
Families (gender roles).
This shows that in Islam, men were considered to be responsible for providing for their families financially. Women were seen as holding equal responsibility but their duties tended to be domestic.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Christians?
‘There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, nor there is male and female, for you are all one in Christ’ - Bible (New Testament)
Families (gender roles).
This shows that in Christian contemporary society, men and women are seen as being equal and sharing equal responsibilities.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Muslims?
‘Be male of female, you are all equal to one another' - Qur’an
Families (gender roles).
This shows that in modern society, there is greater equality between the sexes and gender in Islam.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Muslims?
‘What God has joined together, let no one separate’ - Bible
This shows in Christianity, marriage is an expectation from God that celebrates commitment, love, and also provides a suitable environment for having children.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Muslims?
‘No institution in Islam finds higher favour with Allah than marriage’ - Prophet Muhammad
This shows that marriage is seen as a gift from Allah in Islam. Marriage is also seen as a stable and suitable environment for children to be raised in.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Muslims?
‘Choose one with faith and you will have success’ - Prophet Muhammad
Marriage (interfaith).
This shows that Muslims are expected to marry other Muslims so that the religion is passed down through the generations.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Christians?
‘If they cannot exercise self control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to be aflame with passion’ - Bible
This shows that in Christianity, if a couple is living together, it is logical to assume that they are sleeping together. Many traditional Christians believe that sex before marriage should be considered as adultery.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Christians?
‘Love one another as I have loved you’ - Jesus
This shows that in modern society, many Liberal Christians accept that marriage is expensive and argue that if the relationship is loving and committed, it should not matter. This is reinforced by Jesus’ agape.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Muslims?
‘And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil in every way’ - Qur’an
This shows that in Islam, sex outside of marriage is wrong and is an evil that leads to further evils.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Christians?
‘Thou shalt not commit adultery’ - 10 Commandments
This shows that adultery is harmful to relationships and undermines the sacrament of marriage in Christianity.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Muslims?
‘Have nothing to do with adultery, for it is a shameful thing and an evil opening the way to further evils’ - Qur’an
This shows that adultery is seen as a purely selfish act in Islam which disturbs the peace and tranquility of the Ummah.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Christians?
‘Be fruitful and multiply’ - Bible
Sex and contraception.
This shows that sex is a gift from God and is sacred. Sex should only take place in a marriage so many Christians exercise chastity - abstaining from sex until marriage. This also shows that God expects us to reproduce.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Muslims?
‘And those who guard their chastity except from their wives, they are free from blame’ - Qur’an
Sex and contraception.
This shows that sex is considered an act of worship when practiced inside a marriage and emphasises that any sex outside marriage is forbidden.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Christians?
‘Every sperm is sacred’
Sex and contraception.
This shows that Catholics do not accept any forms of contraception as this interferes with God’s plan. Catholics follow the declaration of Pope Paul VI Humane Vitae that says sexual intercourse should always be open to the possibility of creating new life.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Muslims?
‘He bestows male or female according to his will and he leaves barren whom he will, for he is full of knowledge and power’ - Qur’an
Sex and contraception.
This shows that Muslims approve of contraception as long as it does not harm the body and both the wife and husband are aware of its use, but accept that even if they use contraception, if Allah wants them to have a baby, they will have a baby.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Christians?
‘The wife must not divorce her husband and the husband should not divorce his wife’ - Bible
Divorce and remarriage.
This shows that Christians are encouraged to reconcile their relationships rather than getting divorced. In relationships that cannot be reconciled, couples have two options - separation or annulment.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Muslims?
‘But if they separate by divorce, Allah will enrich them from this abundance’ - Qur’an
Divorce and remarriage.
This shows that divorce is accepted in Islam but should be considered a last resort. When the couple is divorced, they must continue to treat each other with respect and kindness as they would any other Muslim.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Christians?
‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death’ - Bible
Same-sex relationships.
This shows that traditional Christians think that homosexuality is wrong as marriage was created with the intention of being able to reproduce. This is confirmed by the story of Adam and Eve.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Christians?
‘Why do you look at the spec of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?’ - Bible
Same-sex relationships.
This shows that Christians should not discriminate as we are all loved equally by God. Jesus’ teaching of agape also confirms this. Many Liberal Christians would argue that as long as the relationship is respectful and loving, there is no issue.
What topic does this quote relate to and how would it be interpreted by Muslims?
‘Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead women, rather, you are transgressing’ - Qur’an
Same-sex relationships.
This shows that homosexuality is forbidden in Islam as it goes against the laws of God and nature. It is also forbidden in Sharia Law, and is punishable by death in countries including Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Nigeria.