The process of acquiring new and relatively enduring information or behaviors, and being able to display it.
Things that happen to you in life, that you can learn from.
Connecting things together to make sense of something.
Experience something and imitate/respond to it in order to learn something.
Classical Conditioning
You learn to respond/react to a specific stimuli.
Ivan Pavlov
Founder of classical conditioning.
Neutral Stimulus
Means nothing prior to learning.
Unconditioned Stimulus
Something that causes a response.
Unconditioned Response
A reaction you have to the unconditioned stimulus without conditioning.
Conditioned Stimulus
A conditioned stimulus that triggers something.
Conditioned Response
Response that’s conditioned to respond to the otherwise meaningless stimuli.
When you first learn a behavior and gain the association.
Higher Order/Second Order Conditioning
Associations made that add up to the general neutral stimulant.
A decline in the behavior/reaction over time.
Spontaneous Recovery
The conditioned response randomly comes back after extinction.
Responding to a stimuli that’s similar to the conditioned stimuli, but not the same.
You can distinguish between the conditioned stimulus and other stimuli that are similar. You can tell them apart.
Taste Aversion
Animals (including humans) learn to avoid certain foods that got them sick in the past.
Operant Conditioning
Learning where behavior is strengthened or weakened depending on the outcome.
B.F Skinner
Founder of operant conditioning.
Skinner box
Pedal/lever/disc that dispenses a reward.
Thorndike’s Law of Effect
Behavior that is rewarded will likely occur again.
Rewards gradually lead to a behavior.
An outcome/consequence that increases the likelihood of a behavior happening again.
Positive Reinforcement
Gaining something desirable following a behavior.
Negative Reinforcement
Removing something bad following a behavior.
Primary Reinforcers
Things that are naturally satisfying, things that a baby would want.
Secondary Reinforcers
Its value is something you learn to want throughout life.
Immediate Reinforcement
Immediately giving the reward/consequence after the behavior is done.
Delayed Reinforcement
Giving a pause between the completion of the behavior, and receiving of the reward/consequence.
Reinforcement Schedules
How often reinforcement is given. Includes the use of how often the behavior is done.
Continuous Reinforcement
The reward/consequence is given EVERY time the behavior is completed.
Partial Reinforcement
The number of repetitions or time period spent doing a behavior determines reinforcement.
Fixed Ratio
A SET AMOUNT of behaviors leads to a consequence or reward.
Variable Ratio
A RANDOM AMOUNT of behaviors leads to a consequence or reward.
Fixed Interval
There is an EQUAL TIME between reinforcers.
Variable Interval
Reinforcement is given RANDOMLY no matter the behavior done.
Consequence that decreases/weakens a behavior.
Positive Punishment
Decrease behavior by adding something bad.
Negative Punishment
Decrease behavior by removing something that’s liked.
Overjustification Effect
Already justified activities will become “overjustified” with added rewards. Leads to a decrease in doing things for fun.
Latent Learning
Learning that occurs but that is not displayed until there is an incentive to do it.
Respondant Behavior
Automatic responses created from the pairing of stimuli.
Operant Behavior
Voluntary behaviors paired with an outcome.
Observational Learning
When you learn things by seeing others doing it, and mimic the person teaching you.
Learning through observation and imitation, it’s what you see, and you’re able to mimic it.
Mirror Neurons
Neurons fire when you observe others in order to direct your own actions.
Albert Bandura
Observational learning researcher.
Bobo Doll Experiment
Kids showed learning aggression without incentive, just by watching it being performed.
Prosocial Behavior
GOOD behaviors that get models by others.
Antisocial Behaviors
BAD behaviors that get models by others.
Vicarious Reinforcement/Punishment
Observed outcomes that lead to more or less behaviors by the observer.