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Who nominates the cabinet members?
The president does
Who approves cabinet members?
The Senate approves
What is the cabinet?
Advisors to the president
Who was the President during this time?
George Washington
What is the secretary of state?
Senior member of the President’s cabinet
Who was the first Secretary if State (Foreign Affairs) of the US?
Thomas Jefferson, leaves France without his mistress
Who was the first Secretary of Treasury (Money Man) of the US?
Alexander Hamilton
Who was the first Secretary of War?
Henry Knox, died by a chicken bone
Who is the first Attorney General of the US?
Ed Randolph, Attorney of the nation
How long does Foreign Debt + Interest have to be paid off?
20 Years, Alexander Hamilton comes up with this
Who did the US owe money to?
Holland, Spain, and France
Do the States have to take care of their own debt?
No, the Federal Government assumes state debts and pays them off
What 2 people are part of the Capital Deal?
Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton
What is the Capital Deal?
TJ and AH meet and decide to build a new capital between Virginia and Maryland by the Potomac River
Where is the Capital of the US at first?
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Who was the new Capital named after?
George Washington and Christopher Columbus
Where was the new Capital moved to?
Who was the first President to live in the White house?
John Adams
What was the main source of income for the Bank of the United States(started by Hamilton)?
Tariffs and the sale of public land
What is the Necessary and Proper (Elastic) Clause?
Congress can create laws even though it does not say in they can in the constitution, they can do it if it is necessary and proper to the nation (used to create the BUS).
Why was the bank challenged?
It was challenged as being unconstitutional by Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson wants to amend the constitution because of the BUS
What did the BUS charter say?
If congress does not like the bank in 20 years then they can repeal it
Who proposed the Federal Whiskey Tax?
Alexander Hamilton
What was the Federal Whiskey Tax of 1794?
A Tax put on Whiskey on SW Penssylvanians
Who drank whiskey and where was it produced?
Poor people. It was distilled in South Western Pennsylvania
What was the Whiskey Rebellion?
Pennsylvanians refusing the pay the tax because they were poor
Who does Washington send to SW Pennsylvania?
Hamilton with 10K soldiers. People of the rebellion are scared of Hamilton (they pay the tax) and it ends fast with 1 arrest.
What precedent is set by Washington during the Whiskey Rebellion?
You must obey the law
Who are the Creek Indians led by?
Alexander McGillroy
What is Washington pressured to do?
He is pressured to bribe the Creek Indians to stop attacking towns
What does Washington give McGillroy to bribe hime?
50K in gold
What does McGillroy do with the money?
He blows it in gambling, women, and a new house
Does McGillroy keep his promise?
No, after blowing the money he leads a battle with the Creek Indians into a nearby city going back on his words.
What treaty was formed at the beginning of the French Revolution?
The Treaty of Alliance 1778. George is worried about this treaty because France was on the brink of a Revolution
Who was the Treaty of Alliance between?
Us and France: Helping each other in future wars FOREVER
What is Bastille Day (July 14,1789)?
Peasants storm the Bastille Prison and free all prisoners and kill the guards.
King Louis 16th and Queen Marie Antoinette are still in rule of France.
What is the US Neutrality Act?
US can trade with countries at war.
It is passed because Washington is scared of France asking for help so he passed this bill.
Who wants to pull out of the US Neutrality Act?
Alexander Hamilton
What 2 countries declare war against France?
Austria and Great Britain
What is the Women’s march in Versailles?
Women who marched looking for bread
Who invented the Guillotine and what was its purpose?
Dr. Guillotine, it was meant to be an egalitarian way to be executed
Who is going to be the new Ambassador of France to America?
Citizen Genet
What is Citizen Genet told to do upon arrival to America?
Go to the capital
What does Citizen Genet do instead?
He went to Charleston SC under the French administrations orders with sacs of cash and is ordered to hire US merchant vessels, arm them, send them out to sea, and attack British vessels, take the cargo, and sell it
How does England react to their vessels being attacked?
They threaten war on the US
What is Washingtons reaction to Citizen Genet paying merchants to attack British vessles?
He asks congress to declare war but they don’t
Who declares war?
Does Washington make Citizen Genet an ambassador?
He does but he has a bad feeling about Genet
What does “Persona Non-Grata” mean?
We don’t want them (pertaining to an ambassador)
Who is the first Foreign National to be granted political asylum in the US?
Citizen Genet is by George Washington
Who leads the Reign of Terror? How long does it go on?
Maximillian Robespierre. 18 Months.
Who was the first person to be killed by guillotine face up?
Maximillian Robespierre, he was also the last out of his friends to be executed
Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?
He is a lieutenant in the French army at the start of the revolution
What is Impressment?
Great Britain US merchant ships can be checked for deserters from British ships taking American crew members
How does Washington feel about Impressment?
He wanted to go to war but he knew the US was too weak
Who does Washington send to London to talk about Impressment and removing people from the North West territory?
John Jay
How much of both houses is needed to declare war?
2/3 of BOTH houses
What do diplomats say to Jay about Impressment?
They shut down his conversation about impressment but agree to remove troops if we repay the loyalists
What is Jays Treaty 1794?
Troops are taken out of the NWT almost immediately, it is signed but jays political career is ruined in the process. GW was mad JJ didn’t fight for impressment. Is regarded as a traitor. GW doesn’t come to his rescue.
Who is Thomas Pickney?
A US ambassador to Spain
What is the Pickney Treaty of 1795?
Spain thinks that the British and US are going to take over the Louisiana Territory and the Mississippi River. They sign a treaty saying the US can use the Mississippi River to ship goods for free ands use the port of New Orleans. This is an indirect result of Jays Treaty
What does Washington say in his Farewell Address?
He is not going to seek reelection and Hamilton helps him write it
What does Washington say about long term treaties and political parties?
We should never get involved in long term treaties and we should never form political parties
What was the first party formed?
The Democratic party
How does Washington die?
He gets a cold and doctors perform blood letting on him
Who ran for presidency during 1796?
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson
Who wins the Election of 1796?
John Adams wins and Jefferson becomes the Vice President
What is the XYZ Affair?
Adams sends 3 diplomats to France to mend relations with French officials. They want to talk to Talleyrand and Napoleon. They are told to see Talleyrand they have to pay 250K in gold to see him and Napoleon. The diplomats leave France and Congess and the public are mad and call for war.
What quote becomes popular after the XYZ affair?
Millions for defense but not a penny for tribute
What is Adams pressured to do?
He is pressured to go and ask Congress to go to war with France but he won’t
What is the Sedition Act?
You cannot make false or derogatory to comment in public about a public official but it is repealed in 1803