how is ZnCO3 formed?
________ is formed when zinc reacts with oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air and protects the iron by the barrier method.
Adverse effects
________: poisonous, combining with haemoglobin in blood and prevents it from carrying oxygen.
Poor sanitation
________ leads to the spread of bacteria and disease as drinking water becomes infected.
________ is used to fill balloons, argon is used in tungsten light bulbs, krypton is used in lasers for eye surgery.
Pollutes crops
________ and water supplies, irritates lungs, throats and eyes and causes respiratory problems.
calcium chloride
The ________ in the 3rd tube is used to remove any moisture in the air.
________ is used in steel making, welding and in breathingapparatus.
________ is used in food packaging, the production of ammonia and in the production of silicon chips.
Water is taken from rivers, ________ or underground water sources (groundwater)
noble gases
The ________ are still in the gaseous state at- 200 ºC, leaving a mixture of liquid nitrogen and oxygen.
________ and safe water supply is very important to mankind.
________ can be prevented from rusting using the reactivityseries.
________ is the process used to remove large insoluble particles by passing the water through layers of sand and gravel filters that trap larger particles.
Anhydrous copper
________ (II) sulfate turns white to blue on the addition of water.
________ is a chemical reaction between iron, water and oxygen to form the compound hydrated iron (III) oxide (________)
Power stations
________ are a major source of sulfur dioxide.
________ and typhoid are examples of bacterial diseases which can arise by the consumption of untreated water.
Food shortages
________ and famine due to a lack of crops which can not grow without a clean water supply.
catalytic converters
Cars are fitted with ________ which form a part of their exhaust systems.
________ (II) chloride turns blue to pink on the addition of water.
Carbon monoxide
________ is oxidised to carbon dioxide:
The oxygen in the air will react with the ________, forming a(n) ________ oxide.
metal catalysts
The ________ are in a honeycomb within the converter to increase the surface area available for reaction.
series of redox reactions
A(n) ________ occurs which neutralises the pollutant gases.
reactive metal
A more ________ can be attached to less ________.
________: combustion of fossil fuels containing sulfur compounds.
Exhaust gases
________ also contain unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide.
________ has a lower boiling point than oxygen so it vaporises first and is collected as it rises in the gaseous state to the top of the column.
Adverse effects
________: causes significant damage to the central nervous system, young infants are particularly susceptible to lead poisoning causing brain damage.
________ can be prevented by coating iron with barriers that prevent the iron from coming into contact with water and oxygen.
________ and nitrogen are separated from air by fractional distillation.
Adverse effects
________: dissolves in rain to form acid rain which causes corrosion to metal structures, buildings and statues made of carbonate rocks, damage to aquatic organisms.
Adverse effects
________: dissolves in rain to form acid rain with similar effects as SO2 as well as producing photochemical smog.
incomplete combustion of fossil fuels e.g
Adverse effects
poisonous, combining with haemoglobin in blood and prevents it from carrying oxygen
combustion of fossil fuels containing sulfur compounds
Adverse effects
dissolves in rain to form acid rain which causes corrosion to metal structures, buildings and statues made of carbonate rocks, damage to aquatic organisms
reaction of nitrogen with oxygen in the presence of high temperatures, e.g
Adverse effects
dissolves in rain to form acid rain with similar effects as SO2 as well as producing photochemical smog
old water pipes, old paints, petrol in some kinds of racing cars and from very old engines
Adverse effects
causes significant damage to the central nervous system, young infants are particularly susceptible to lead poisoning causing brain damage