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Myliobatus californica
(Bat ray)
Anarrhichthys ocellatus
(Wolf eel)
Rhinogobiops nicholsii
(Black eyed goby)
Brachyistius frenatus
(Kelp perch)
Small but tall belly, tiny mouth
Cymatogaster aggregata
(Shiner surfperch)
3 vertical yellow lines, deeply forked tail, more common than white surfperch
Embiotoca jacksoni
(Black surfperch)
Vertical black stripes, enlarged scales below pectoral fin
Embiotoca lateralis
(Striped surfperch)
Bright blue lateral lines, orange diagonal line at base of anal fin
Hypsurus caryi
(Rainbow perch)
Uneven vertical stripes and horizontal lines; tend to be smaller; black dots on fins
Phanerodon furcatus
(White surfperch)
Deeply forked tail
Rhacochilus toxotes
(Rubberlip perch)
Big lips, wide vertical black band, deeply forked tail
Phanerodon vacca
(Pile perch)
Normal lips, wide vertical black band, deeply forked tail
Oxyjulis californica
Cigar shaped, black patch on caudal peduncle, swims with pectoral fins
Semicossyphus pulcher
Transition between male/female; females have long white lateral line
Paralabrax clathratus
(Kelp bass)
Midwater column, have jewel bright blue eye
Girella nigricans
Chubby body with small mouth, straight caudal fin, white spot below dorsal fin, herbivore
Medialuna californiensis
Chubby body with small mouth, curved caudal fin
Scorpaenichthys marmoratus
Big (wide and tall) head, fleshy 'antennae'
Sebastes atrovirens
(Kelp rockfish)
Light color, piscivore, big eyes
Sebastes auriculatus
(Brown rockfish)
Big head, dark spot on back edge of gill operculum, on bottom and easily spooked
Sebastes carnatus
(Gopher rockfish)
No solid lateral line, piscivore
Sebastes caurinus
(Copper rockfish)
Key feature is distinct white lateral line, piscivore
Sebastes chrysomelas
(Black and yellow rockfish)
Yellow blotches dorsally, lateral line is mottled yellow
Sebastes flavidus
(Yellowtail rockfish)
Grouped with Sebastes serranoides (olive rockfish)
Black spot on dorsal fin, silvery ventral part of body, sometimes yellow tail
Sebastes serranoides
(Olive rockfish)
Grouped with Sebastes flavidus (yellowtail rockfish)
Black spot on dorsal fin, silvery ventral part of body
Sebastes maliger
(Quillback rockfish)
Key feature is head bump
Sebastes melanops
(Black rockfish)
Rounded anal fin, piscivores (bigger mouth)
Sebastes miniatus
(Vermillion rockfish)
Bright red with white lateral line, black edging on fins
Sebastes mystinus
(Blue rockfish)
Square anal fin, planktivores (smaller mouth, present in canopies)
Sebastes nebulosus
(China rockfish)
Yellow nike swoosh that extends onto dorsal fin
Sebastes paucispinis
(Bocaccio rockfish)
Giant mouth, slender body
Sebastes pinniger
(Canary rockfish)
White lateral line and white on bottom of pelvic fin
Sebastes serriceps
5-6 dark vertical bars (2 diagonally coming back from its eyes)
Hexagrammos decagrammus
(Kelp greenling)
Males have blue spots near head, females have many dark red speckles all over; both have large pectoral fins
Ophiodon elongatus
(Ling cod)
Torpedo body, large mouth, mottled black
Oxylebius pictus
(Painted greenling)
5-7 vertical reddish brown bars, small mouth
Enhydra lutris
(Sea otter)
Zalophus californianus
(Sea lion)
Ear flaps, large forelimbs to move
Phoca vitulina
(Harbor seal)
No ear flap
Chromis punctipinnis
Very shiny
Sebastes rastrelliger
(Grass rockfish)
Big head, varied color
Aulorhynchus flavidus