Transoceanic Maritime Exploration
New state-supported exploration of oceans that occurred from 1450 to 1750.
Three Gs
Gold (resources and trade routes), God (Christian expansion), Glory (fame and fortune of states).
Motivation for New Trade Routes
Europeans sought new trade routes to avoid Ottoman control and Italian monopolies.
Prince Henry the Navigator
A Portuguese mapmaker who sponsored voyages to find new trade routes.
Significant Early Expeditions
Portugal discovered islands and sugar cane, leading to further exploration and trading.
Gil Eanes
Portuguese explorer who successfully sailed past Cape Bojador, opening up new routes.
Bartholomeu Dias
Explorer who navigated around the southern tip of Africa.
Vasco da Gama
Discovered a sea route to India, establishing Portuguese trade posts.
Trading-Post Empire
An empire that influences trade routes through posts rather than territorial conquest.
Christopher Columbus
Denied funding by Portugal and Spain until 1492 when Spain sponsored his expedition.
The 'Earth Apple'
The oldest globe, noted for its inaccuracies and missing details.
Significant Explorers
Ferdinand Magellan, who sought the spice islands and died during the journey.
John Cabot
Explored Canada, claiming land for Britain while seeking a route to Asia.
Jacques Cartier
French explorer who sought the Northwest Passage but founded Quebec instead.
Henry Hudson
Dutch explorer who attempted to find a Northwest Passage.
Northwest Passage
A theoretical sea route through Canada to Asia.
An economic theory emphasizing wealth accumulation through trade and resources.
Key Ideas of the Unit
Portugal navigated the Cape of Good Hope; Spain traversed the Straits of Magellan; the impact of trading posts.
Columbian Exchange
The exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the New World and Old World.
Treaty of Tordesillas (1492)
Agreement that divided the Pacific Ocean between Spain and Portugal.
Colonization vs. Imperialism
Transformation from establishing settlements to enforcing control using military forces.
Disease Impact
European diseases like smallpox caused significant Native American population declines.
Slave Labor System
Labor system in which individuals worked to pay off passage to the New World.
Sugar Production in Madeira
Portugal developed Madeira into a center for sugar production, utilizing slave labor.
Triangular Trade
Trade system involving sugar from Americas, finished goods from Europe, and slaves from Africa.
Transatlantic Slave Trade
The forced transportation of enslaved people across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas.
Middle Passage
The brutal sea journey undertaken by slave ships from West Africa to the Americas.
Afro-Brazilian Syncretism
Cultural blending resulting from the cross-continental diaspora and slave trade.
Plant Exchanges
The transfer of crops between continents as part of the Columbian Exchange.
Animal Exchanges
The introduction of new livestock and wildlife across the Atlantic during exploration.
Cultural Exchanges
The sharing of customs, ideas, and technologies between the Old and New Worlds.