Untitled Flashcards Set

What is the learning objective for this presentation/unit?  Describe the role of states in the expansion of maritime exploration from 1450-1750.

What are the Historical Developments?  New state-supported transoceanic maritime exploration occurred in this period.

  • What are the three “Gs”? Gold(resources/finding new trade routes), god(christians felt destined to convert), and glory(fame and fortune of state origin)(reasons why)

  • Why was there a search by Europeans for new trade routes?  They couldnt go on land because they didnt wanna cross the ottomans/islamics who controlled the land(italy monopoly on ocean trade access and doest want them in that area as italy controls the trade and so theyd tax) and europe wanted to get spices(will start chain reaction of exploration).

  • Who led the way, early on, in European exploration?  spain/portugal as theyre right on the ocean

    • Provide examples of significant individuals and progress (where did they land early on?) -prince henry the navigator who is a mapmaker from portugal. He didnt go on any expeditions but was interested in gold trade.

-portugal finds some islands and find south tropics. And they find sugar cane! These islands are little pit stops

-portugal sponsors ocean expeditions.(gov gets involved bec they want more resources)

-Gil eanes sails past cape bojador successfully and tells others how to get there.(capes are bad cus of currents and would turn explorers arround)

-They followed trade winds to get there

-bartholmew dias made it to southafrica 

-vasco di gama found india(they set up trade posts and stuff)

  • What is a Trading-Post Empire? Rather than conquering a territory these posts control and influence trade routes

  • Tell me something about Columbus. Portugal, spain, and again portugal deny columbus prpposing funding but then in 1492 spain finally lets him get money(he came from italy so they were split so he went to another country)(italy also wouldnt want him to go there)(spain sees portugal expanding so they fund columbus to bring back wealth)

  • This painting doesnt celebrate the life of columbus? It is very dark with a black cape and sorrowful tone. The curtains are heavily draped over and theres only 1 person and the room looks cold and unfurnished. Columbus was a bad guy and this signifies the end of an era.

  • What the heck is the “Earth Apple”? The oldest globe in existence and it was a bad map missing a lot

  • Who joins Portugal in the exploration movement?  Spain sponsored columbus and gave him ships and crew in exchange for money (even tho columbus didnt get money)

  • List a few significant explorers.

  • Ferdinand magellan who wanted to find the spice islands. He was sponsored by spain.(kinda feud between portugal and spain for funding) he took some currents to get to the straight of magellen and mde it to the spice islands but he died

  • European disease kills natives so slaves have to take over their work.


  • What other European powers join the exploration movement?  

  • List significant individuals. 

  • John cabot who made it to canada and claimed part of it for britain. He found a short route from america to europe but hw wanted to find asia over canada 

  • Jacques cartier wanted to find a northwest passage but never found it. Hw was from france and thats why canadians speak french and he founded quebec

  • Dutch henry hudson tried to find the passage

  • What is the Northwest Passage?  

A passage over canada to asia

  • Define mercantilism - an economic system where a nations wealth is mesudted in gold rather than productivity.they hord wealth from setting up trade posts and dominating routes and colonzing territories with a lot of natural resources. Like portugal and the sugarcane

What are KEY IDEAS/Takeaways from the unit/presentation - provide at least three.  

Portugal finds the cape of good hope,(navigator Bartolomeu Dias) spain goes thru the straights of magellan in south america. English, french, and netherlands never found the northwest passage.

Merchantilist state takes raw materials from nutrient rich colonoies into finished goods. 

Portugal established trading posts

Spain colonized americas

Columbian Exchange

Smallpox codex

Plants, animals, and disease

A bunch of deaths from disease and the slave trade caused an increase in population(which is unexpected)

Treaty of Tordesillas 1492 where the church set a line dividing the Pacific Ocean approximately 300 leagues east of the Spice Islands.(west is Spain and east is Portugal)

Colonization turns into imperialism. They bring the military to enforce laws and such.

Disease- syphilis from sailors disease that came from the new world back to the old world

Europeans also brought guns and steel with them

Slave labor is headed into a new world and some ppl couldn't pay for passage so they paid with their work.(indentured servants)

Portugal turned madeira into centre of sugar production and used slave labor. They replicate it in central and south america

Triangular trade- sugar and other goods were exchanged from americas to europe who gave them finished goods and slaves. West close of africa awas close to brazil sugar so they went there for slaves.

Transatlantic slave trade-middle passage or where ships transported humans to central and south america.(diaspora)(afro-brazilian syncretism) and in the south as well
