de Broglie relation
λ = h/p = 2π/k
Einstein relation
E = hν = ħω
correspondence principle
at high enough energies quantum mechanics agree with classical mechanics
basis of QM
i) quantum state of particle characterized by wavefunction containing all the information possible to obtain
ii) Ψ is interpreted as the probability amplitude of a particle’s pressence (|Ψ|² = probability density)
iii) principle of decomposition applies to measurements
iv) the equation of the wavefunction must be linear and homogeneous
principle of decomposition
-result must belong to set of eigen results
-each eigenvalue a is associated to an eigenfunction Ψₐ whose measurement always results in the eigenvalue
-the probability of finding the eigenvalue a at t=t₀ is |cₐ|/Σ|cᵢ| (comes from superposition Ψ = ΣcᵢΨᵢ)
Schrödinger equation
Ĥ Ψ(r,t) = E Ψ(r,t)
Ĥ = - ħ²/2m ∇² + V
E = iħ ∂/∂t
obtained through separation of variables
- ħ²/2m ∇²Φ(r) + V Φ(r) = E Φ(r)
boundary conditions for wavefunction
normalised ∫|Ψ|²=1
bound solutions
specify all 3 BC
unbound solutions
ignore the normalisation BC
square well of width a with infinite walls
Ψ = sin(nπx/a) for even n
Ψ = cos(nπx/a) for odd n
εₙ = n²π²/a²
dirac-delta potential V = - α δ(x)
Ψ = √(mα)/ħ e^(-mα/ħ² |x|)
ε = -mα²/2ħ²
harmonic potential V = mω₀²x²/2, H = p²/2m + mω₀²x²/2
εₙ = (n + 1/2) h ν₀
rigid rotor
εₗ = ħ² l (l+1) / 2I
hydrogen atom
εₙ = -13.6 eV / n²
scalar product of wavefunctions
(Φ, Ψ) = ∫ Φ* Ψ d³r = (Φ, Ψ)*
[A, B] = AB - BA
orthonormal basis
basis if every element in the space can be expressed as linear combinations of the elements, verified by closure ∫di uᵢ(r) uᵢ*(r’) = δ(r-r’)
orthonormal if (uᵢ (r), uᵢ,(r’)) = δ(i-i’)
projection operator
Pₐ = |a> <a|
closure relation
∫ da |uₐ><uₐ| = 1
properties of hermitian operators
eigenvalues are real
eigenvectors corresponding to different eigenvalues are orthogonal
hermitian operators
A = A†
a hermitian operator whose eigenvectors form a basis of the state space
3 theorems of commuting observables [A,B]=0
e^(i p·r / ħ) / (2πħ)^(3/2)
momentum operator
p̂ = - i ħ ∇
position operator
r̂ = r
angular momentum operator
^L = r̂ × p̂ = -iħ (r × ∇)
postulates of QM
operator â
operator â†
√(mω/2ħ) x̂ - i/√(2ħmω) p̂
creation operator: ↠|n> = √(n+1) |n+1>
operator N
a† a
has eigenvalues ≥ 0
if |n> is an eigenvector of N:
-if n=0, a|n> = 0
-if n>0, a|n> = (n-1)|n>
-↠|n> = (n+1)|n>
obtained from L = R × P
Lₓ = RᵧP₂ - R₂Pᵧ
general definition for angular momentum
any set of observables such that
[Jₓ , Jᵧ] = iħ J₂
[Jᵧ , J₂] = iħ Jₓ
[J₂ , Jₓ] = iħ Jᵧ
therfore J² = Jₓ² + Jᵧ² + J₂² commutes with all Jᵢ
raising operator for linear momentum J₊
J₊ = Jₓ + i Jᵧ
J₊ |j, m> = √(j(j+1) - m(m+1))ħ |j, m+1>
lowering operator for linear momentum J₋
J₋ = Jₓ - i Jᵧ
J₋ |j, m> = √(j(j+1) - m(m-1))ħ |j, m+1>h
hamiltonian hydrogen
P²/2m + L²/2mr² + V