what are the two types of questions that can be asked in a questionnaire
open question
closed question
what is an open question
Qs where there is no fixed choice of response
respondents can answer in any way they wish
what is a closed question ?
questions which there is a fixed choice of response determined by the question setter
what is a likert scale ?
this is one in which respondents indicate their agreement or otherwise with a statement using a scale of usually 5 points
what is a rating scale ?
a rating scale works by identifying a value that represents their strength of feeling about a particular topic
what is a fixed choice question ?
option of items included in a list respondents are required to indicate those that apply to them
what are the most important aspects of designing an interview
interview schedule - list of questions that the interviewer intends to cover
standardised questions to reduce researcher bias
take notes throughout the interview / record to analyse later
usually involve ac single Ps and an interviewer / a group interviews - used more in clinical settings
one-to-one interviews should be in a quiet setting away from people= increase likelihood they will open up
begin interview with neutral questions - make interviewee feel relaxed + establishing a rapport
answers treated with the strictest confidence + should be reminded
what is jargon ?
this refers to the technical terms that are only familiar to those within a specialised field or area
why is it important to use jargon in questions
the participants may not understand the question being asked which could cause them to answer th question incorrectly
why is using an emotive language an issue with good questions
this is because it will give a clue towards the researchers attitude towards the particular topic because of the way the question is phrased
leading questions
these guides the the respondents answer towards a particular answer
double barrelled negative ?
question that contain questions in one
the issue being that respondents may agree with one half of the equation and not the other
what is a pilot study
this is when before a study begins there is a small scale production of the experiment to make sure all aspects of the study work together