divine right
the idea that the monarch is appointed by god
Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, bolshevik leader
village communes
'rich' peasants
elected local councils
social revolutionaries
radical party founded by Chernov
Pavel Milyukov
leader of the kadets
Aleksandr Guchkov
leader of the octobrists
1913 300th anniversary + pageant
tsarist secret police
social democrats, 'minority'
Julius Martov
leader of the mensheviks
'majority' social democrats, wanted immediate revolution
workers councils
debauched siberian monk
foremost religion in russia
tsarist dynasty + family name
hemophiliac son + heir
Karl Marx
father of communism
emancipation of the serfs
russian parliament
constitutional monarchy
monarchy where parliament have the power
the demand for identity + individualism
prison camps in siberia
Prince Lvov
russian aristocrat, first prime minister of the provisional government
Mikhail Rodzianko
octobrist, president of the 4th duma
Aleksandra Kollontai
leading female bolshevik, was part of the bloody sunday march, fought for the simplification of marriage + divorce
nevskii prospekt
main street in petrograd, where crowds gathered during the february revolution
a supporter of gradual reform
opposed to change, particulary political + social reform; aka arch-conservative
provisional government minister of justice in feb, then minister of war in may, and then prime minister in july
the belief that slavic races should be united and look to russia as the supreme slav country for leadership
Leon Trotsky
bolshevik, chaired the petrograd soviet, organised the military revolutionary committee
people of ukraine and southern russia, formed military units and were fiercely loyal to the tsar
kronstadt naval base
the headquarters of the russian baltic fleet
the set of laws by which a country is governed
voted against an armed revolution in 1917 with zinoviev, was later made a commisssar in lenin's government
permanent revolution
the concept that continuing revolutionary progress within the USSR was dependent on a continuing process of revolution in other countries
Nikolai Chkheidze
leading Georgian menshevik and first president of the petrograd soviet
central committee of the bolshevik party
from 1912, leading group which determined the bolshevik's broad policy objectives
red guards
loyal volunteer soldiers, mostly recruited from the factory workers
Grigorii Zinoviev
supported Kamenev against the october revolution, became head of the party's petrograd organisation
post-october revolution, the cabinet made up of key government who would run the country
international women's day
thursday, 23rd february
friday 24th feb
200,000 workers on strike, crowds shouting revolutionary slogans and calling for an end to the tsar
saturday 25th feb
250,000 workers on strike, petrograd at a standstill, cossacks refused to attack strikers when ordered to
sunday 26th feb
rodzianko telegram to the tsar about the situation in petrograd
monday 27th feb
volynskii regiment mutiny
When the serfs were set free in 1861
People from Ukraine and S.Russia who were known for their horsemanship and military skill who were loyal to the Tsar
Self determination
People from the same 'nations' have their own country
Program of making everyone learn Russian, re-naming towns and cities, putting loyal Russians in positions of power
Tsar's secret police
Russian prision camps for poilitcal prisioners mainly located in Siberia
Russian Parliament
Capital of Russia, also known as St Petersberg
rule by one person who has no limits to his power
Led by Lenin. Wanted immediate revolution
Opposed the bolsheviks. Let by Julius Martov. Wanted to wait for revolution
Constitiutional Monarchy
a form of democratic government in which a monarch acts as the head of state within the boundaries of a constitution giving real power to a representative assembly
Constitutional Democratic party
Russian peasants who were wealthy enough to own a farm and hire labour
La Marseillaise
French national anthem, symbolises for 'Liberty, Equality and Fraternity'
Favoured moderate reform and constitutional monarchy. Included groups such as the constitutional democrats (kadets), octobrists and the progressives
a belief that all Slav races should be united
turning the mass of the population into urban workers
backwards looking, opposed to change, particularly political and social reform
supports gradual reform rather than revolution
Social Democrats
Founded in 1898, based on the theories of Karl Marx. was led mainly by intellectuals with main support coming from the industrial working class
Social Revolutionaries
. tried to organise and imporve the positions of peasants
an elected council
war credits
the raising of taxes and loans to finance the war
elected councils responsible for the local administration of provincial districts
Central Committe of the Bokshevik Party
leading Bolshevik groupwhich determuned Bolshevik's broad policies
secret police force formed in 1917
Kronstadt Naval Base
Headquarters of the Russian Baltic Fleet
taking business out of private hands and placing them under state control
Russian Orthodox Christian
Religion in Tsarist Russia
Permanent revolution
the concept that continuing revolutionary progress within the USSR was dependant on a continuing process of revolution in other countries
Red guards
Loyal, young and old volunteer soldiers, mostly recruited from factory workers and given basic training
Constituent Assembly
What was supposed to replace the provisional government and draw up a new constitution for Russia
Petrograd Soviet
Council of workers and soldier deputies in Russia
Dual Authority
the division of authority between the Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet
Bolshevik party newspaper, 'The Truth'
Military Revolutionary Committee
Created by Bolsheviks in preparation for the Oct Rev
April Theses
Lenin's promise to the Russian people and challenge to the Provisional Government to provide peace, land, and bread. Outlines his ideology
Nicholas II
Tsar of Russia
Karl Marx
German philosopher who wrote the communist Manifesto
Julius Martov
Leader of the Mensheviks
Leader of the Bolsheviks
Aleksander Kerensky
Prime minister of the provisional government
Tsarina, German princess
Aleksandr Guchkov
Leader of the Octobrists. Minister of war and navy in the PG
Pavel Milyukov
Founded the Kadets. The foreign minister in the PG. Forced out in May after his support for 'war to Victory'
Mikhail Rodzianko
President of the fourth state Duma
Leon Trotsky
Bolshevik. Chaired the Petrograd soviet and organised the MRC. Commissar of foreign affairs
Aleksandra Kollontai
Leader of the IWD protests. Later Commissar for Social Welfare
Victor Chernov
Social Revolutionary. Minister of Agriculture in the provisional government
Lev Kamenev
Leading Bolshevik. Opposed Lenin's April Theses and voted against Oct revolution
Josef Stalin
Took leadership after Lenin's death