What are the two types of particles?
Hadrons, Leptons
Leptons definition
fundamental particles; cannot be broken down further
experience the weak nuclear force
they do not experience the strong nuclear force
Hadrons definition
particles that are made up of quarks
experience the strong nuclear force
(although Hadrons can experience all four fundamental forces)
Baryon definition
a particle that is made up of 3 quarks
Antibaryon definition
a particle that is made up of 3 antiquarks
Meson definition
a particle that is made up of a quark and antiquark
Note: cannot have a quark-antiquark pair e.g. up and antiup because they’ll annihilate
What is a muon
a ‘heavy electron’, these decay into electrons
What are the three types of quarks
up (u), down (d), strange (s)