Flashcards covering all topics from Chapter 2 of NCERT Biology Class XI
Known as the father of botany and ancient plant taxonamy & wrote Historia Plantarum which classified plants into herbs, shrubs, undershrubs, and trees.
earliest to attempt a more scientific basis for classification using simple morphological characters to classify plants into trees, shrubs and herbs, and dividing animals into two groups, those which had red blood and those that did not.
Invertebrates with no red blood
Vertebrates with red blood
Carolus Linnaeus
introduced the two-kingdom system; gave plant nomenclature in his “Species Plantarum” and plant classification in his “Genera Plantarum” using mainly characteristics of male plant reproductive organs.
Limitations of Two-Kingdom Classification.
this classification system grouped prokaryotes and eukaryotes together, didn’t account for cell wall composition, and unicellular and multicellular algae are placed in Kingdom Plantae due to the presence of a cell wall only.
Two-Kingdom Classification
classification system which grouped plants and animals into Kingdom Plantae and Animalia on the basis of cell wall only.
Introduced a t hree kingdom classification with Plantae, Animalia, and Protista
Introduced four kingdom classification with Plantae, Animalia, Protista, and Monera.
Carl Woese
Introduced a six kingdom classification with two kingdoms for prokaryotic organisms.
Holophytic/Photosynthetic Nutrition
nutrition using photosynthesis
Ingestive/Holozoic Nutrition
nutrition through the consumption of nutrients by digestion
Absorptive/Osmotrophic Absorption
Nutrition through the release of enzymes that digest and break down nutrients from dead organic matter and absorb those nutrients
What did R.H. Whittaker’s five-kingdom classification introduce?
Whittaker’s system classified organisms into Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia, based on factors such as cell structure and nutrition .
Criteria for Five-Kingdom Classification
criteria include cell structure, thallus organization, mode of nutrition, reproduction, and phylogenetic relationship.
Absent in Five-Kingdom Classification
Viruses, viroids, prions, and lichens are not included in this classification system
Kingdom Monera
kingdom which contains prokaryotic unicellular organisms with a noncellulosic cell wall, absent nuclear membrane, and autotropic and heterotrophic nutrition.
Prokaryotic Cell wall
cellular structure made up of peptidoglycan(polysaccharides + amino acids) or murein
Periplasmic space
space between cell wall and cell membrane for the digestion of complex substances
contain ds circular naked DNA + polyamines (non-histone proteins)
Prokaryotic unicellular organisms divided into Gram-positive bacteria and Gram-negative bacteria and moves with the help of flagella.
Coccus (pl.cocci)
spherical bacteria, e.g. Streptococcus
Baciilus (pl. bacilli)
rod shaped bacteria, e.g E.coli
Vibrium (pl.vibrio)
comma-shaped bacteria, e.g Vibrio cholerae
Spirillum (pl.spirilla)
spiral shaped bacteria, e.g Spirillum
cellular structure which allows for bacterial movement
Number and arrangement of flagella
When flagella are found on the whole body of bacterium
Pili (sing.pilus)
hair like bacterial structures used for conjugation, and attatchment to environment/host.
F pilli or sex pilli
longer pili present only in donor (F+ or male) bacteria for help in conjugation
short pilli used for attachment to rocks in streams and to the host tissue. These are found only in pathogenic bacteria.
protects the bacteria from W.B.C. and also helps in colony formation.
thick, nonsticky, regular and smooth layer made of polysaccharides and polypeptides in the glycocalyx and increases the intensity of a disease
Slime layer
thin, sticky, loose, irregular, and rough layer made of polysaccharides in the glycocalyx
Gram + bacterial cell wall
thick and single layered bacterial cell wall mostly made up of peptidoglycan and some lipids.
Gram - bacterial cell wall
double layered cell wall with the inner layer being thin and composed of peptidoglycan while outer layer is thick and made up mostly of lipopolysaccharide and some lipoproteins and phospholipids
special membranous structure formed by the extension or infoldings or invaginations of plasma membrane into the cell in the form of vesicles, tubules and lamellae and are functionally mitochondria like structures meaning that they contain oxidative enzymes.
Functions of the Mesosome
They help in cell respiration and cell wall secretion processes to increase surface area of the plasma membrane and enzymatic content. Help in DNA replication and distribution to daughter cells during cell division.
Glycogen granules
carb storage in bacteria
Volutin granules
phosphate reservoirs in bacteria
extra chromosomal/extranuclear/extra genomic genetic material that the ability to replicate independently and are of many types on the basis of their function or phenotypic character
F-plasmid (fertility factor)
plasmids which provide the ability to produce long pilli
F+ cells
male bacterial cells carrying the “F” plasmid and act as a donor
F- cells
female bacterial cells lacking 'F' plasmid and act as recipient
when the “F” plasmid attaches with the main DNA
plasmid which encodes enzymes and cell membrane proteins to fight antibiotics
Autotrophic bacteria
bacteria which use light or chemical energy for their own food synthesis.
Photosynthetic autotrophs/Photoautotrophs/Phototrophs
bacteria which use light energy for food synthesis, but do non-oxygenic photosynthesis because of the absence of water as the H-donor and oxygen not being the byproduct
e.g.- Rhodospirillum.
Bacteriochlorophyll 'a' & 'b'.
pigments in purple bacteria
Bacteriochlorophyll 'a', Chlorobium chlorophyll or Bacterioviridin.
pigments in green sulphur bacteria
Chemosynthetic autotrophs/Chemoautotrophs/Chemotrophs
non-photosynthetic autotrophic bacteria that use chemical energy instead of light energy for food synthesis through the oxidation of some chemical compounds and release of energy
Nitrifying bacteria
bacteria which oxidise nitrogenous compounds and obtain energy.
Nitrite bacteria
bacteria which convert ammonia into Nitrite (Nitrosomonas & Nitrococcus)
Nitrate bacteria
bacteria which convert nitrite into nitrates (Nitrobacter)
Heterotrophic bacteria
bacteria that receive their own food from dead organic matter or living organism.
Saprotrophic bacteria
bacteria which obtain food from dead and decaying organic matter.
e.g. Bacillus vulgaris, Clostridium botulinum, Pseudomonas
Parasitic bacteria
bacteria which obtain their food from living organism.
e.g. Mycobacterium leprae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Symbiotic bacteria
bacteria which form symbiotic relation with other organisms and convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia and then into nitrogenous ompounds like Amino acids, NO3 or salts of ammonia.
e.g. Rhizobium
Aerobic bacteria
bacteria that use oxygen in respiration.
E.g. Azotobacter
Anaerobic bacteria
bacteria that do not use oxygen for respiration, such as Clostridium
Binary Fission
Under favourable conditions, DNA replication takes place in bacterial cell and it divides into two cells due to formation of a septum (partition) in the centre of the cell and is a faster process then mitosis or meiosis.
Endosphore Reproduction
Under unfavourable conditions, bacterial cell forms only one endospore which is highly resistant to high temperature, radiations, antibiotics, and chemicals due to the presence of Ca-dipicolinate in wall.
Transfer of genetic material from one bacterium to another bacterium through surrounding environment
When the gene transfer process between two different bacteria is carried out by a virus (bacteriophage)
Domain of Monera which are the"Oldest living fossils", mostly anaerobic, and can survive in harsh habitats
Archaebacterial cell wall
bacterial cell wall made up of complex polysaccharides and complex polypetides.
Archaebacterial cell membrane
highly complex bacterial cell membrane composed of branched lipid chains
bacteria found in manshy area, feces, and in the rumen of cattle to produce methane (biogas).
E.g. Methanobacterium, Methanococcus, Methanomicrobium
bacteria found in extreme salty areas and contain bacteriorhodopsin in their cell membrane
E.g Halobacterium
Halophilic Bacteriorhodopsin
organelle found in bacterial cell membrane which absorbs suitable light radiations and produces ATP.
bacteria found at places where temperature is approx. 80°C to 100°C and medium is acidic, such as hot sulfur springs.
E.g Thermophilus, Sulfolobus
First photosynthetic prokaryotic organisms that produced Oxygen on earth and found as symbionts with other organisms or free living
membranous extensions into the cytoplasm in cyanobacteria
Chlorophyll a
green pigment
yellow pigment
blue pigment used by cyanobacteria
red pigment used by cyanobacteria
unicellular edible B.G.A containing large amounts of protein and used as fodder
Colonial Cyanobacteria
cyanobacteria found in colonies. e.g. Anabaena, Microcystis
Filamentous Cyanobacteria
cyanobacteria with many cells arranged in a row to form a filamentous body. E.g, Oscillatoria, Nostoc
filament of cyanobacteria
Mucilaginous membrane/gelatinous sheath
cyanobacterial envelope formed by mucopolysaccharides which prevent water loss and dehydration
Cyanophycean starch
reserve food materials similiar to glycogen found in α-granules in cyanobacteria
special thick walled, non-green cells found in Nostoc and Anabaena for nitrogen fixation and does not perform photosynthesis
Nitrogen fixation
converting atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia and then nitrogenous compounds like amino acids, nitrates which increase the fertility of soil.
found in the leaves of Azolla and form a symbiotic relationship with Azolla
found in plenty of paddy fields and performs nitrogen fixation due to which the production of rice is increased.
cyanobacteria which fixes nitrogen in paddy fields
Benefits of Cyanobacteria
benefits include: fertility to soil by nitrogen fixation, a very good source of protein, used as green manure, secrete toxins, which inhibits the growth of mosquito larva in water
Cons of Cyanobacteria
Cons include: water bloom and damage water tanks
smallest, unicellular prokaryotic organisms lacking a cell wall, flagellum, and mesosome; exhibit osmotrophic nutrition and are facultative anaerobic, and act as saprophytes or parasites. They are resistant to penicillin and sensitive to tetracyclin & chloramphenicol.
Mycoplasmic Plant Diseases
Diseases due to this bacteria include aster yellow disease of sunflowers, witch’s broom of potato & ground nuts, little leaf disease in eggplants, and bunchy top of papayas.
Mycloplasmic Animal Diseases
Diseases due to this organism include primary atypical pneumonia and bovine pleuropneumonia.
important bacteria used for making antibiotics due to the mycolic acid present in thier cell wall
Barophillic prokaryotes
Prokaryotes which grow and multiply in very deep marine ediments.
Caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Caused by Mycobacterium leprae
Caused by Clostridium tetani
Caused by Salmonella typhi
Caused by Vibrio cholerae