Chapter 24: World War II

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President Franklin D Roosevelt

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President Franklin D Roosevelt

________ and his administration had encouraged all able- bodied American women to help the war effort.

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Emperor Hirohito

________ announced the surrender of Japan on August 15.

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President Roosevelt

On February 19, 1942, ________ signed Executive Order 9066, authorizing the removal of any persons from designated "exclusion zones- "which ultimately covered nearly a third of the country- at the discretion of military commanders.

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Pearl Harbor

On the morning of December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the American naval base at ________, Hawaii.

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American Red Cross

The ________, the largest charitable organization in the nation, encouraged women to volunteer with local city chapters.

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________ was hit on August 6th and Nagasaki followed on August 9th.

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Double V campaign

The ________ called on African Americans to fight two wars: the war against Nazism and fascism abroad and the war against racial inequality at home.

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Roosevelt administration

The ________ urged citizens to save their earnings or buy war bonds to prevent inflation.

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In March 1939, ________ took the rest of Czechoslovakia and began to make demands on Poland.

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________ successfully exploded the worlds first nuclear device, Trinity, in New Mexico in July 1945.

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US Congress

In 1938 and 1939, the ________ debated the Wagner- Rogers Bill, an act to allow twenty thousand German- Jewish children into the United States.

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World War II

During ________, the Air Force was still a branch of the U.S. Army, and soldiers served in the ground and air crews.

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Coral Sea

In the summer of 1942, American naval victories at the Battle of the ________ and the aircraft carrier duel at the Battle of Midway crippled Japans Pacific naval operations.

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multibillion dollar

Bill was a multifaceted, ________ entitlement program that rewarded honorably discharged veterans with numerous benefits.

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German Wehrmacht

The European war began when the ________ invaded Poland on September 1, 1939.

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German doctrine

________ emphasized the use of tanks, planes, and motorized infantry to concentrate forces, smash front lines, and wreak havoc behind the enemys defenses.

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D Day

________, as it became popularly known, was the largest amphibious assault in history.

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German Luftwaffe

The ________ fought the Royal Air Force (RAF) for control of the skies.

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Japanese attack

In early 1941, months before the ________ on Pearl Harbor, A. Philip Randolph, president of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, the largest Black trade union in the nation, made headlines by threatening President Roosevelt with a march on Washington, D.C.

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Veterans Administration

The ________ (VA) paid the lions share of educational expenses, including tuition, fees, supplies, and even stipends for living expenses.

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In 1938, ________ annexed Austria and set its sights on the Sudetenland, a large, ethnically German area of Czechoslovakia.

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Federal Bureau of Investigation

The ________ (FBI) targeted many on suspicions of disloyalty for detainment, hearings, and possible internment under the Alien Enemy Act.

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Industrial labor

________, an occupational sphere dominated by men, shifted in part to women for the duration of wartime mobilization.

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________ signed a secret agreement- the Molotov- Ribbentrop Pact- with the Soviet Union that coordinated the splitting of Poland between the two powers and promised nonaggression thereafter.

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World War II

________ saw the institutionalization of massive bombing campaigns against cities and industrial production.

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________ repudiated the punitive damages and strict military limitations of the Treaty of Versailles, rebuilt the German military and navy, and reoccupied regions lost during the war.

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To dislodge Japans hold over the Pacific, the U.S. military began island hopping

attacking island after island, bypassing the strongest but seizing those capable of holding airfields to continue pushing Japan out of the region

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The Double V campaign called on African Americans to fight two wars

the war against Nazism and fascism abroad and the war against racial inequality at home

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Manchurian Incident

The ____________________ was a skirmish between the Chinese and Japanese which ended with all of Manchuria firmly under Japanese control

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Stimson Doctrine

The _________________ was the US' declaration to refuse to recognize any state established as a result of Japanese aggression

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The National Socialists (Nazis)

What political group took control of Germany after the Republic collapsed?

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Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

The _____________________ was a secret agreement with the Soviet Union that coordinated the splitting of Poland between the two powers and promised nonaggression thereafter

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_____________ was a battle tactic in which Germans used tanks, planes, and motorized infantry to concentrate forces, smash front lines, and wreak havoc behind the enemy’s defenses

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The _________________ was a German bombing captain against cities and civilians in Britain

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The attack on Pearl Harbor

What attack caused the US to join WW2?

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Island hopping

______________ was a US military tactic in which they attacked island after island, bypassing the strongest but seizing those capable of holding airfields to continue pushing Japan out of the region

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Manhattan Project

The program responsible for developing atomic bombs during World War II

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Hiroshima and Nagasaki

What two Japanese cities were hit by atomic bombs?

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War Production Board and Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion

The __________________ managed economic production for the war effort

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Executive Order 9066

____________________ authorizing the removal of any persons from designated “exclusion zones” at the discretion of military commanders, most of whom were of Japanese descent

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Alien Enemy Acr

The _____________________ allowed the FBI to target people suspicions of disloyalty for detainment, hearings, and possible internment

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Warner-Rogers Bill

The ___________________ was an act that allowed twenty thousand German-Jewish children refuge in the United States that was eventually defeated

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The United States, Britain, the Soviet Union, and China

Who were the Four Policement?

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Freedom of speech, of worship, from want, and from fear

What were Roosevelt's Four Freedoms?

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