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Temporomandibular origin
Zygomatic arch
Temporomandibular fiber course
Downward and backward
Temporomandibular insertion point
Neck of the condyle
Temporomandibular function
Limits degree to which the condyle can be displaced (downward and backward)
Sphenomandibular origin
Angular spine of the sphenoid bone
Sphenomandibular fiber course
Downward and backward
Sphenomandibular insertion point
Inner surface of the ramus below the condyle
Sphenomandibular function
Limits downward and backward displacement of the mandible
Stylomandibular origin
styloid process
Stylomandibular fiber course
Downward and forward
Stylomandibular insertion point
Near angle of the mandible
Stylomandibular function
Downward and forward displacement of the mandible
Masseter origin
2/3 of the zygomatic arch
Masseter fiber course
Downward and backward
Masseter insertion point
Ramus of the mandible
Masseter function
2 layers:
1. Outer layer - Elevation of the mandible and approximation of the mandible and maxilla
2. Inner layer - Elevation of mandible and pulls backward and approximates jaw
Temporalis origin
Temporal line of the parietal bone and sphenoid bone
Temporalis fiber course
Converge and course downward (Under the zygomatic arch)
Temporalis insertion point
Front surface of the coronoid process and ramus of the mandible
Temporalis function
Upward and backward pull of the mandible. Contraction of one side results in retraction of mandible on activated side
Internal pterygoid origin
Lateral pterygoid plate and the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone
Internal pterygoid fiber course
downward, backward and outward
Internal pterygoid insertion point
Ramus of the mandible
Internal pterygoid function
Elevation of the mandible
External pterygoid origin
2 origins:
1) Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
2) Lateral pterygoid plate
External pterygoid fiber course
2 origins converge and run backwards
External pterygoid insertion point
Neck of the condyle of the mandible
External pterygoid function
Condyle slides downward and forward. Contraction of one side moves front of mandible to the opposite side
Superior longitudinal origin
Root of the tongue from the hyoid bone
Superior longitudinal fiber course
Forward along the axis of the tongue
Superior longitudinal insertion point
Front edges of the tongue and tongue tip
Superior longitudinal function
Shorten tongue and increase convexity from the front to the back
Inferior longitudinal origin
Body of the hyoid bone at the root of the tongue
Inferior longitudinal fiber course
Forward through the body of the tongue
Inferior longitudinal insertion point
Near lower surface of the tongue tip
Inferior longitudinal function
Shortens the tongue and pulls the tongue tip downward
Vertical muscle origin
Beneath the dorsum of the tongue
Vertical muscle fiber course
Downward vertically and toward the side through the body of the tongue
Vertical muscle insertion point
Near the sides of the tongue along the lower surface
Vertical muscle function
Flattens tongue and lowers midline portions of upper tongue surface
Transverse muscle origin
Median fibrous skeleton of tongue
Transverse muscle fiber course
Lateral (side to side within the tongue)
Transverse muscle insertion point
Terminate in the fibrous tissue along the side of the tongue
Transverse muscle function
Narrowing of tongue from side to side and elongating the tongue
Styloglossus origin
Styloid process and stylomandibular ligament
Styloglossus fiber course
Forward, downward and towards the midline
Styloglossus insertion point
Sides of the root of the tongue
Styloglossus function
Draws tongue up and back, shorten tongue, pull tongue tip to the side, brings sides of tongue upward and influences concavity
Palatoglossus origin
Palatal aponeurosis
Palatoglossus fiber course
Downward, forward and to the side
Palatoglossus insertion point
Side of the root of the tongue
Palatoglossus function
Pulls upward, backward and inward on the root of the tongue, displaces tongue mass backwards in oral cavity, increases concavity of upper surface
Hyoglossus origin
Greater cornua of the hyoid bone
Hyoglossus fiber course
Upward and forward
Hyoglossus insertion point
Side of the tongue towards the rear
Hyoglossus function
Lowers body of the tongue and moves it backward
Genioglossus origin
Near midline of the body of the mandible
Genioglossus fiber course
Genioglossus insertion point (3 groups of muscle)
1) Root of the tongue, 2) juncture between dorsum and blade and 3) the tongue tip
Genioglossus function
1) Brings root of the tongue forward, 2) front of the tongue backwards, 3) center of the tongue pulled downward
Orbicularis oris origin
Concentric rings around the border of the sphincter of the mouth
Orbicularis oris fiber course
Course of fibers change with angular circumference of mouth opening
Orbicularis oris insertion point
The skin and the mucous membrane of the upper and lower lips
Orbicularis oris function
Adduction of the lips, controls the corners of the mouth and pushes lips against teeth
Risorius origin
Fascia of the masseter muscle
Risorius fiber course
Horizontally forward and toward midline
Risorius insertion point
Corner of the mouth and lower lip
Risorius function
Pulls corner of the mouth backward and to the side and forces lips against teeth
Buccinator origin
Pterygomandibular ligament, alveolar process of maxilla, mandible in the region of the molars
Buccinator fiber course
Horizontally forward towards midline
Buccinator insertion point
Upper and lower lip near corners of the mouth
Buccinator function
Pulls corner of mouth backward and to the side as well as forces the lips and cheeks against the teeth