compounds with the same molecular formula but different structures; same molecular weights
relative term
structural/constitutional isomers
do not have the same connectivity; least similar; vary in physical and chemical properties
have the same connectivity/structural backbone
For any molecule with n chiral centers, there are 2n possible stereoisomers
conformational isomers/conformers
type of stereoisomer, do not require bond breaking to interconvert, differ in rotation around single bonds; interconversion barrier may be easy to overcome at room temperature but not at low temps.
configurational isomer
type of stereoisomer, requires bond breaking to interconvert
type of configurational isomer, molecules with 2+ stereogenic centers that differ at some, but not all, of them; any stereoisomer that is NOT an enantiomer
optically active
type of configurational isomer, nonsuperimposable mirror images
optically active
cis-trans isomers (formerly geometric)
type of diastereomers, differ in arrangement around an immovable bond
physical properties
observable with no change in composition of matter
ex. melting point, boiling point, solubility, odor, color, density.
chemical properties
reactivity of molecule, resulting in change in composition; generally attributable to functional groups in the molecule.
Newman projection
molecule is visualized along a line extending through a carbonācarbon bond axis
staggered conformation
no overlap of atoms along the line of sight
anti conformation
type of staggered conformation; the two largest groups are antiperiplanar (in the same plane, but on opposite sides) to each other; lowest energy state
gauche conformation
type of staggered conformation; when the two largest groups are 60Ā° apart
(also means unsophisticated or awkward)
eclipsed conformation
overlap of atoms along the line of sight; the two largest groups are 120Ā° apart or on top of each other
totally eclipsed conformation
two largest groups directly overlap each other with 0Ā° separation, synperiplanar (in the same plane, on the same side) ; highest energy state
ring strain
a type of instability that exists when bonds in a molecule form angles that are abnormal
arises from three factors: angle strain, torsional strain, and nonbonded/steric strain
Angle strain
when bond angles deviate from their ideal values by being stretched or compressed
Torsional strain
when cyclic molecules must assume conformations that have eclipsed or gauche interactions
Nonbonded/steric strain/van der Waals repulsion
when nonadjacent atoms or groups compete for the same space
flagpole interactions
steric interactions that occur between substituents attached to adjacent carbon atoms in cyclic organic compounds
axial equatorial orientations alternate around the ring
ideal cyclobutane conformation
ideal cyclopentane conformation
cyclohexane conformations
chair (most stable)
substituents that are perpendicular to the plane of the ring; sticking up/down
parallel to the plane of the ring; sticking out
chair flip
one chair form is converted to another; all axial and equatorial groups switch
bulkiest groups favor equatorial position to reduce flagpole interactions
half-chair conformation
half-chair, half-planar cyclohexane, highest energy level
cis ring
largest groups on same side (up/down) of the ring
trans ring
largest groups on opposite side (up/down) of the ring
optical isomers
another term for configurational isomers due to the fact they can rotate polarised light
mirror image cannot be superimposed on the original object; molecule lacks an internal plane of symmetry
from Greek word for hand
mirror image can be superimposed on the original object; molecule has at least one internal plane of symmetry
chiral center
carbon with four different substituents
optical activity
rotation of plane-polarized light by a chiral molecule
specific rotation
the unique angle an optically active compounds rotates polarised light
[Ī±] = Ī±obs/cl
where [Ī±] is specific rotation in degrees, Ī±obs is the observed rotation in degrees, c is the concentration in g/mL, and l is the path length in dm
dextrorotary (d-/(+))
compound that rotates the plane of polarised light to the right/clockwise
levorotatory (l-/(ā))
compound that rotates the plane of polarised light to the left/counterclockwise
racemic mixture
when dextrorotary and levorotary enantiomers are present in equal concentration; rotations cancel and no optical activity is observed
can be separated by reacting with another compoundās enantiomer ā makes diastereomers with different physical properties
cis isomer
simple substituents over a double bond on same side
trans isomer
simple substituents over a double bond on opposite sides
meso compound
a molecule with chiral centers that has an internal plane of symmetry
not optically active
spatial arrangement of atoms/groups in a molecule
relative configuration
configuration in relation to another chiral molecule
absolute conformation
exact spatial arrangement of atoms/groups in a molecule, independent of other molecules
CahnāIngoldāPrelog priority rules
priority is assigned based on the atom bonded to the double-bonded carbons: the higher the atomic number, the higher the priority. If the atomic numbers are equal, priority is determined by the next atoms outward; again, whichever group contains the atom with the highest atomic number is given top priority. If a tie remains, the atoms in this group are compared one-by-one in descending atomic number order until the tie is broken.
E/Z nomenclature
compounds with polysubstituted double bonds
Z (zusammen) - together
E (entgegen) - opposite
R/S forms
used for chiral (stereogenic) centers in molecules
assign priority
Arrange in space so lowest priority is in the back/invert the stereochemistry (remember to switch assignment at end)
Draw a circle number substituents in numerical order
Assign R/S
Write the name
R configuration
rectus/right, clockwise from high to low priority
S configuration
sinister/left, counterclockwise from high to low priority
Fischer projection
horizontal lines = wedges, vertical lines = dashes
determine order of substituents and direction - designation is opposite
Swap the lowest priority group onto vertical axis, then switch the other two - designation is same