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smallest compnent of a substance, it cannot be divide into
atomic number
number of proteins in the nucleus
Atomic mass
the total number of protons and neutrons in an atom approximant atomic mass
molecular mass
the sum of the atomic mass of all it atoms m
a substance is a substance molecular md shown in grams ( used to relate the molecular level to the laboratory )
dalton( da)
the unit of molecular mass
chemicals reactions
the making or braking of bonds between atoms
an attraction between icons of opposite charges that hold them together to form molecules ( weak bonds are important for reactions with antigens & antibodies reactions )
a bond formed by two atoms that share one or more pairs of electrons, the most common bond responsible for holding atoms of most molecules in organisms
Very weak bonds in which a hydrogen atom is covalently bonded to one oxygen, nitrogen, serves a s bridges between different molecules or different parcens of the same molecule z9 ex, in protein & nucleic acids )
endergonic reaction ( endo = with in)
absorbes more energy than releases
exergonic reaction
energy is directed outward ( exo = out)
synthesis reaction
to put together /form new bonds
synthesis reactionin iving organisms genrall called thi s. the combing of sugar molecules to form starch and amino acids and form protiens
the name of the breakdown that occurs in living things ( ex, breakdown of sucrose ( sugar ) into simpler sugars , glaucous and fructose, during digestion
exchange reaction
bonds between A& B and C& dD are broken in a decomposition neew bonds are than formed between A& b and Between B& c in s synthesis process ( lego bricks )
reversable reaction
can happen because neither reactions are stable or are under certain conditions
inorganic compounds
definef as molecules, usally small & strucutal simple, which typically lack carboon, ionic bonds play as important role incldue water, molecular oxygen, carbon diciode, many salts ,acids and bases
organic compound
contains carbon anf hydroge are stucrally complex, carbin us a unique element due to is very versatikity carbon chains form the basis of many organic componds inliving cells including sugars , amico acids, and vitamins heald together mostly by covalent bonds
larger organic molecules including polysaccharides , proteins, & nucleic acids
nuterients are disoved in water, which facilitaies ther passage trough cell membrane , water is the mediem for most chemical reactions makes up 65% and 75% of every cell
Polar molecular
any molecular having an unequal distrbutation of charge
ionization/ dissocation
when inorganic salts are dissolved in water, they break apart into ions
a substance that dissociates into one or more hydrogen ions and one or more negative ions ( a proton donor)
dissociates into one or more negativity charged hydroxide ions that can accept or combine with protons and one or more positive ions
Ph scale
reanges from 0 to 14 means potential ffor hydrogen
pH buffers
compounds that keep the Ph from changing drastically
carbon skeleton
specific groups of atoms that are most commonly involoved inchemical reaction anf re responsible for the charcteric chemical properties
macromolecules ( mano =large)
macromoleculea re usally polymers
larger divers groups of organic compounds that include sugars & starches
Monosaccharides ( sasschar =sugar)
simple sugars, like glucose, pentons and hexose important for living things
disaccharides( di =two)
formed when two monosaccharides bond in dehydration
isomers (iso=same)
the molecules with the same chemical formula but different structures and properties
hydrolysis ( o
( op of dehydration ) when disacharides are broken into smaller smplar molecules when water is added
consistes of ten or hundred of moosacarides joined through dehydration synthesis usally lak the harcteristic sweetness of sugars & are mot soluable in water
lipids ( lip = fat)
essential to the sturcure and formationof memebraes that seprate living vells from their emvierment, non polar molecules are in soluable
primary functio is to form plasma membrane the supports the vell anf allows nutrients and wastes to pass in and out
complex lipid/phospholipids
build membranes, are essential to a cells survival has polar and non polar regions
structurral differen tfrom lipids
sterol ( alchol)
important constituite of plasma membranes of animal cell and of onr group of bacteria ) mycoplaysma ) also found in fungi anf plants seperate the fatty acids chains anf prevents packing
essentisl ingredents in all aspects of cell structure and function
contraction of animal muscles
cell structures
type of protien are chemicals that speed uo bio chemical reactions
amino acids
building blocks of proteins
contain at least one carboxyl (-COOH) group
amino (-NH2) group
attached to an alpha- carbon ( Ca)
attchated to the alpha- carbon is the side (R- group)
Peptide bond
The bonds between amino acids
Primary structure
(protein organization ) Unique sequences which amino acids link together to form a polypeptide chain `
Secondary structure
localized, repetitious twisting of folding of the polypeptide chain
tertiary structure
overall three- dimensional structure and a polypeptide chain. non reparative or predictable
quaternary structure
which consists of an aggregation of two or more individual peptide chains
when proteins encounters a hostial environment in terms of temperature, pH, or salt concentrations may unravel and loses its shape
the structural units of nuclic acids
amino acids exist in two configurations, deignated by D and L
amino acids in proteins are always L-isomers
D-amino acids occasionally occur in nature for example in certain bacterial cells walls and antibiotics
simple proteins
contain only amino acids
conjugated proteins
combinations of amino acids with other organic or inorganic components
named by their non-amino acid components