**contraindicated in Esophageal Strictures, Gi ulcerations, Gi stenosis
and Gi obstruction
**Cautious use in DM because of carbohydrate content from fiber. Many now use in sugar-free form
contains aspartame; Avoid in patients with gluten intolerance
May cause absorption blocking with quinolones or TCN.
Not useful in opioid induced constipation
contraindicated in suspected GI obstruction or potential for GI perforation
-Some patients may experience opioid withdrawal
interacts with other meds metabolized by CYP3A4
or other opioid antagonists
•Acute bronchospasm has been observed in patients with asthma and COPD.
•Contraindicated in patients with chronic lung disease
not recommended for DKA
not recommended for smokers or recent smokers
•Contraindication: Hypoglycemia, COPD, hypersensitivity.
•AE: hypoglycemia, cough, throat pain or irritation, headache.