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Thrust Management
The amount of useful thrust required developed by an engine, usually expressed as a percentage.
Full Authority Digital Engine Control, a computer-controlled electromechanical system that manages engine thrust and throttle position.
Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor, displayed in the cockpit to provide engine parameters and other information.
Maximum Continuous Thrust, a thrust setting that should be applied during the appropriate segment of flight.
Published Allowable Limitation of TOGA
The maximum duration TOGA thrust can be applied during flight, which is usually 5 minutes.
N1/N2 Sensors
Important sensors responsible for monitoring the low-speed (N1) and high-speed (N2) rotors in engines.
Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range, a short-range radio navigation system used to navigate aircraft with signal coverage up to 200 miles.
Distance Measuring Equipment, a navigation beacon coupled with a VOR to measure the aircraft's position relative to the beacon.
Instrument Landing System, a precision radio navigation system providing guidance for aircraft during approach and landing.
Visual Flight Rules, regulations for flying under visual conditions, involving specific altitude and visibility requirements.
Dead Reckoning
A navigation technique estimating a current position based on a known position.
High Angle of Attack Protection
Safety feature that prevents the aircraft from exceeding critical angles of attack during flight.
Flight Control Data Concentrator (FCDC)
A system that acquires data from flight control computers and sends it to the Electric Instrument System and Fault Display System.
Bank Angle Protection
A protection mechanism that limits the bank angle to ensure safe flight operations.
Thrust Reverser Control
A function of FADEC that manages engine thrust reversal during landing.
Yaw Damper
An automated flight control system used to minimize unwanted yaw oscillation, also known as Dutch Roll.
Electronic Instrument System (EIS)
The system that presents flight data to pilots, acquiring inputs from various sensors.
Auto Thrust
A system that automatically manages the aircraft's thrust based on flight parameters.
Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)
A safety device installed on aircraft that transmits distress signals for locating and rescuing the aircraft in emergencies.