Cold war 1945-1972

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Yalta conference date

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Yalta conference date

February 1945 (before end of WWII)

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who attended the Yalta conference?

Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin

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agreements at Yalta

  • Stalin would enter war against Japan once Germany surrendered

  • Germany + Berlin divided into 4 zones

  • UN would be set up + they would join

  • eastern europe seen as ‘Soviet sphere of influence’ (buffer zones for Stalin - geography)

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disagreements at Yalta

borders with Poland, Stalin wanted more space, Churchill + Roosevelt unhappy but couldn’t do anything

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Potsdam conference dates

17 July 1945 ( after end of WWII in europe)

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who was at the Potsdam conference

Stalin, Truman, Attlee

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disagreements at Potsdam

  • reparations (Stalin wanted $10 bill compensation, Truman didn’t want another Treaty of Versailles mishap)

  • Soviet policy in Eastern Europe (Stalin wanted buffer zones, Truman saw it as a threat)

  • Truman had the A-Bomb (stalin had known about it since 1942 through spies)

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Iron Curtain speech

1946, by Churchill, described the border between Soviet-controlled countries and Western Europe

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what was Cominform

  • established in 1947

  • Communist Information Bureau

  • to coordinate Communist parties of eastern Europe

  • Stalin can tighten control + make himself secure

  • Europe no longer reliant on $$

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how did Truman view Cominform

the spread of Communism, europe no longer reliant on the American dollars (Marshall Aid 1948)

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Truman doctrine

  • March 1947

  • containment of communism

  • e.g. Marshall Plan, broken in Korean war (became offensive as the attacked over prev. boundaries)

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Problems in post WWII europe

  • homelessness

  • costs of rebuilding damaged homes

  • damaged infrastructure

  • refugees ( thousands fleeing Easter europe fearing communist takeover)

  • food/clothing/fuel shortages

  • debts from cost of war effort

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Marshall Plan

  • 1948-52

  • $17 billion

  • created new markets of USA

  • made Europe dependant on $$

  • only allowed to happen after events in Czechoslovakia ( Jan Masaryk killed, communist takeover)

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Stalin’s reaction to Marshall Plan

  • Comicon (1949 - favoured the USSR)

  • Cominform (1947)

  • refused satellite states to ask for aid

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causes of Berlin Blockade + Airlift

  • Trizonia formed w/ new currency

  • Stalin saw this as provocative

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why was Trizonia formed?

  • W Germany economy crippled, Allies needed to rebuild the industries to feed people

  • Formed in 1948, became W Germany in 1949pp

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Events of Berlin blockade

  • June 1948 Stalin blocked all transport links to W Berlin, cutting off 2 mill people from food + supplies

  • Allies flew in coal, flour + supplies

  • 1 plane every 3 mins / 24 hrs

  • ended in May 1949

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importance of Berlin blockade (international crisis?)

  • Allies couldn’t ram through road / rail blockades ( act of war)

  • would USSR shoot down first planes

  • Truman refused to be forced out of Berlin (feared rest of Germany would be next —CONTAINMENT)

  • Berlin became a symbol for CW

  • not willing to go to war w each other directly

  • NATO formed

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NATO formation

  • April 1949 (during Berlin Blockade)

  • finalized split between 2 sides (capitalism vs communism)

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why did Truman want NATO?

US forces can have secure bases in Europe so if USSR attacked then forces wouldn’t have to cross atlantic

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China goes Communist

  • 1949 Mao took control

  • 1950 Treaty of Friendship, Alliance + Mutual Assistance

  • USA containment (Truman Doctrine) had failed in Asia — fears of the Domino theory

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Korean War dates


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Why was the USSR not there for the vote on entering the Korean War

UN refused to acknowledge Mao as leader of China, so USSR was boycotting UN, this led to them missing the vote and losing their veto power

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who invaded in Korea first

Communist dictatorship north invaded anti-Communist (but not democratic) South

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UN intervention in Korean War

General MacArthur and Un troops stormed Ichon in Sept 1950, retaking the whole of South Korea to 38th parallell

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Significance of MacArthur going beyond 38th parallel

  • Ignored Truman doctrine as no longer containment

  • warnings from Mao that if they did then China would join (funded by USSR)

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when did China intervene in Korean War

  • October 1950

  • when MacArthur went beyond 38th parallel

  • supported by USSR w weapons + tanks

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importance of Korean War (international crisis)?

  • Proxy war between USA + USSR

  • UN proved that it could act (although only when USSR wasn’t there)

  • USSR resumed security counsel + wouldn’t make same mistake again

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timeline of Korean war

  1. June 1950 - NK invades SK, Truman commits USA forces to defend SK

  2. July ‘50 - UN approves resolution to make this a UN force

  3. Sept ‘50 - Un forces land in Ichon + push back NK

  4. Nov ‘50 - Chinese forces cross into SK to push back UN

  5. Jan ‘51 - Communists take the capital, Seoul

  6. March ‘51 - UN retakes Seoul, MacArthur sacked after disagreements w Truman (wanted to advance into China ect - Truman though it was too risky)

  7. June ‘51 - peace talks begin

  8. July ‘53 - ceasefire

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when did Stalin die

march 1953

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Warsaw pact

  • 1955

  • made by Khrushchev

  • communist NATO

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Arms race overview

  • 1945 A-bomb USA

  • 49 A-bomb USSR

  • 52 H-bomb USA

  • 53 H-bomb USSR

  • developed into Space race & vice versa

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Bomber gap

Triggered by USSR Bison jet bomber and TU-95 bomber - 52/53 ish (check this)

EIsenhower ordered B-52 to close gap

didnt really exist - evidence of soviet propaganda working? Eisenhower knew this though U2 spy planes so couldnt tell anyone

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Sputnik date

October 1957

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men in space???

April 1961, Yuri Gagarin, hero in USSR

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USA response to Gagarin ect..

Apollo mission (61-75), 69 USA had men on moon

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importance of space/arms race

  • best political system = more money = best tech

  • propaganda tool - massive talk about it worldwide

  • tech sending people to moon could send nukes

  • space tech led to ICBM (USSR in 57 then USA in 59)

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Krushchev’s 'Thaw’

peaceful coexistence and de-stalinisation

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  • brought in by Krushchev (55)

  • attacked Stalin at conference in 56 (public display, change in tone, evidence of purges)

  • released political prisoner

  • took troops out of Austria

  • closed down Cominform (reconciliation w Yugoslavia)

  • Invited MArshal Tito to Moscow

  • ‘if a man cannot have a pair of shoes or a glass of milk after 40 yrs of communism then he will not believe it is a good thing’

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Leaders of of Hungary

  • Rakosi (v communist)

  • Gero (riots w students bc Moscow put him in)

  • Nagy

  • Kadar

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Nagy’s demands

  • free elections

  • impartial courts

  • private ownership of farmland

  • leave Warsaw pact - hungary neutral in CW

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Significance of Nagy’s demands

leaving Warsaw pact would leave USSR exposed physically georgraphy, but would also send message to other countries e.g. Czechoslovakia or East Germany

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Response to Nagy’s demands

  • Nov 56

  • Soviet tanks moving into Budapest

  • Nagy imprisoned and executed

  • thousands of deaths in fighting

  • fragility of SU? only response is violence and has no political control

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Response to Gero being put into power (Hungary)

  • Oct 56

  • huge student demonstration

  • stalin statue pulled down

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Why did West not intervene in Hungary

  • Suez canal crisis - busy even though Eisenhower said he would back Hungary’s reforms

  • Hungary geographically to close to USSR so couldn’t send help without threat of triggering major war in USSR territory (would be surrounded and outnumbered)

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