idea that different parts of the body can be maintained deliberately out of sync with each other
body desires to "normalize as quick as possible"
cardiac output blood volume hematocrit heart volume blood flow to lungs size/number of mitochondria mitochondrial enzyme activity capillarization fat oxidation enzyme activity blood supply to heart stroke volume left ventricle volume ventricular wall thickness
peripheral resistance
muscle strength muscle power balance and coordination BMR lean tissue mass muscle endurance motor performance insulin sensitivity
% body fat low back pain sarcopenia and osteoporosis insulin concentration/response to glucose challenge
increase of individual cross-section of a muscle fibre
dependent on resistance to muscle contraction and total number of concentrations
non-contractile hypertrophy
increase interfibrillar fluid, ATP, glycogen, phosphocreatine, mitochondria
increase with training
high contraction rates
large force
increase with training
high oxidative and glycolytic enzymes
increased potential for powerful muscle contraction
aerobic exercise causes increase in more type 1 fibre (oxidative)
same is true for any other type of activity including resistance training
increases activity of oxidative enzymes (citrate synthase, Krebs cycle, presence of mitochondria)
reduction in activity of anaerobic enzymes
increased blood volume
increased mitochondrial and capillary density
level of the CNS and spinal level
increase strength without increase cross-sectional area
increased neural drive of agonist activation
increased motor unit firing, increased motor cortex signal
decreased antagonist activation
PA (stress/strain) causes an increase in BMD
weight bearing / tendon stress through resistance training are indicated
site specific
rapid increase in strength due to neural adaptations
no difference in rate of progressions between males and females
some cellular / mechanistic adaptations
hypertrophy may occur faster than previously thought
continued strength gains mostly due to cellular adaptations
greater hypertrophy in males due to presence of androgenic anabolic hormones (testosterone)