what is the scientific and common name
Leiostomus xanthurus
what is the scientific and common name
Atlantic croaker
Micropogonias undulatus
what is the scientific and common name
Cynoscion regalis
what is the scientific and common name
southern kingfish
Menticirrhus americanus
what is the scientific and common name
Tautoga onitis
what is the scientific and common name
northern stargazer
Astroscopus guttatus
what is the scientific and common name
spotfin hogfish
Bodianus pulchellus
what is the scientific and common name
Lagodon rhomboides
what is the scientific and common name
spottail pinfish
Diplodus holbrookii
what is the scientific and common name
Orthopristis chrysoptera
what is the scientific and common name
red drum
Sciaenops ocellatus
what is the scientific and common name
black drum
Pogonias cromis
what is the scientific and common name
dusky damselfish
Stegastes adustus
what is the scientific and common name
Carolina pygmy sunfish
Elassoma boehlkei
what is the scientific and common name
red goatfish
Mullus auratus
what is the scientific and common name
Rachycentron canadum
what is the scientific and common name
Echeneis naucrates
what is the scientific and common name
spotfin mojarra
Eucinostomus argenteus
what is the scientific and common name
Atlantic tripletail
Lobotes surinamensis
what is the scientific and common name
vermilion snapper
Rhomboplites aurorubens
what is the scientific and common name
Selene vomer
what is the scientific and common name
Florida pompano
Trachinotus carolinus
what is the scientific and common name
round scad
Decapterus punctatus
what is the scientific and common name
Atlantic moonfish
Selene setapinnis
what is the scientific and common name
sand tilefish
Malacanthus plumieri
what is the scientific and common name
Pomatomus saltatrix
what is the scientific and common name
largemouth bass
Micropterus salmoides
what is the scientific and common name
yellow perch
Perca flavescens
what is the scientific and common name
black crappie
Pomoxis nigromaculatus
what is the scientific and common name
Centrarchus macropterus
what is the scientific and common name
great barracuda
Sphyraena barracuda
what is the scientific and common name
spotfin butterflyfish
Chaetodon ocellatus
what is the scientific and common name
Atlantic spadefish
Chaetodipterus faber
what is the scientific and common name
Lepomis macrochirus
what is the scientific and common name
twospot cardinalfish
Apogon pseudomaculatus
what is the scientific and common name
short bigeye
Pristigenys alta
what is the scientific and common name
French angelfish
Pomacanthus paru
what is the scientific and common name
Scophthalmus aquosus
what is the scientific and common name
ocellated flounder
Ancylopsetta quadrocellata
what is the scientific and common name
summer flounder
Paralichthys dentatus
what is the scientific and common name
southern flounder
Paralichthys lethostigma
what is the scientific and common name
winter flounder
Pseudopleuronectes americanus
what is the scientific and common name
Peprilus paru
what is the scientific and common name
blackcheek tonguefish
Symphurus plagiusa
what is the scientific and common name
Trinectes maculatus
what is the scientific and common name
Spanish mackerel
Scomberomorus maculatus
what is the scientific and common name
king mackerel
Scomberomorus cavalla
what is the scientific and common name
naked goby
Gobiosoma bosc
what is the scientific and common name
fat sleeper
Dormitator maculatus
what is the scientific and common name
Gobiesox strumosus
what is the scientific and common name
feather blenny
Hypsoblennius hentz
what is the scientific and common name
stripped burrfish
Chilomycterus schoepfi
what is the scientific and common name
northern puffer
Sphoeroides maculatus
what is the scientific and common name
queen triggerfish
Balistes vetula
what is the scientific and common name
planehead filefish
Stephanolepis hispida
what is the scientific and common name
Coryphaena hippurus
what is the scientific and common name
Bermuda chub
Kyphosus sectatrix
what is the scientific and common name
Atlantic cutlassfish
Trichiurus lepturus