Published February 16, 2024

Everything You Need to get a 5 on AP Calculus BC


Natasha Potter

MSU Alumni, Creative Advertising Major, Marketing Associate at Knowt 😃

In this article, we aim to delve into a range of highly effective techniques and valuable AP Calculus BC exam tips for the AP Calculus BC exam, enabling you to attain a remarkable score of 5. By thoroughly analyzing and implementing these strategies, along with leveraging appropriate resources, you'll be fully prepared to excel in the AP Calculus BC exam and confidently secure an outstanding grade.

Free AP Calculus BC Resources

No need to stress if you find yourself cramming for the last-minute AP Calculus BC exam; it's a situation we can all relate to! If you're seeking ways to learn how to pass AP Calculus BC under time constraints, we've got you covered. Below, you'll find a collection of student-made AP Calculus BC exam tips and resources specifically tailored for last-minute cramming.

What Do I Need to Memorize for the AP Calculus BC Exam?

The AP Calculus BC exam evaluates high school students' ability to apply the content, AP calculus exam tips and skills covered in the AP Calculus BC course, which includes ten study units. These units cover various topics such as limits, differentiation, integration, differential equations, applications of integration, parametric equations, polar coordinates, and infinite sequences and series. By refreshing and understanding these units you can learn how to prepare for the AP Calculus BC exam. 

In comparison to the AP Calculus AB exam, the main difference lies in content coverage. The AB exam tests students on the first eight units, while the BC exam includes all ten units. Both exams are considered to be of similar difficulty level, with the variation being in the breadth of content tested.

What is on the AP Calculus BC Exam?


Exam Weight 


Unit 1: Limits and Continuity


- Limits enable handling instantaneous change in calculus.

- They analyze function behavior as values approach specific points.

- Properties of limits are applicable in various representations.

- Continuity refers to the absence of breaks or jumps in a function.

- Continuity can be defined at a point or over a domain.

Unit 2: Differentiation: Definition and Fundamental Properties


- Limits are applied to define the derivative in calculus

- Derivatives are determined using limit-based approaches

- Differentiability and continuity are connected concepts in calculus

Unit 3: Differentiation: Composite, Implicit, and Inverse Functions


- Chain rule is utilized for differentiating composite functions

- Implicit differentiation is employed for finding derivatives of implicitly defined functions

- General and particular inverse functions are differentiated using specific techniques

- Higher-order derivatives can be determined through successive differentiation

Unit 4: Contextual Applications of Differentiation


- Recognize pertinent math information in real-world problems with rates of change

- Apply differentiation concepts to solve motion-related problems

- Utilize local linearity and approximation techniques in mathematical analysis

Unit 5: Analytical Applications of Differentiation


- Mean Value Theorem and Extreme Value Theorem

- Derivatives and properties of functions

- First derivative test, second derivative test, and candidates test application

- Sketching graphs of functions and their derivatives

- Solving optimization problems

- Behaviors of Implicit relations

Unit 6: Integration and Accumulation of Change


- Limits used to define definite integrals

- Fundamental Theorem connecting integration and differentiation

- Applying properties of integrals and integration techniques

Unit 7: Differential Equations


- Solve differential equations

- Use knowledge of solving differential equations for exponential growth and decay

- Apply differential equations to understand logistic models

Unit 8: Applications of Integration


- Solve net change problems over time intervals

- Find lengths of curves, areas of regions, and volumes of solids defined by functions.

Unit 9: Parametric Equations, Polar Coordinates, and Vector-Valued Functions


- Solve parametrically defined functions, vector-valued functions, and polar curves

- Apply knowledge of differentiation and integration in these cases

- Use straight-line motion principles to solve curve-related problems

Unit 10: Infinite Sequences and Series


- Explore convergence and divergence of infinite series

- Represent familiar functions as infinite series

- Determine the largest possible error in approximations involving series.

AP Calculus BC Exam Format

The AP Calculus BC exam extends over a duration of three hours and 15 minutes, during which test takers will undertake two distinct sections: Section 1 comprises the multiple-choice segment, while Section 2 entails the free-response segment.

Section 1 - Multiple-Choice (Duration: Approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes):

The first segment of the AP Calc BC exam, lasting around 1 hour and 45 minutes, focuses on multiple-choice questions. This section typically encompasses a series of questions covering various calculus concepts and topics, such as derivatives, integrals, applications of calculus, and series. Students must carefully analyze each question and select the most appropriate answer from the given choices.

Section 2 - Free-Response (Duration: Approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes):

The second segment, spanning about 1 hour and 30 minutes, involves the free-response section. Here, test takers will encounter a set of problems that require more in-depth explanations and solutions. The free-response questions often cover a wide range of calculus topics, and students are expected to demonstrate a deep understanding of the subject matter by providing comprehensive answers, showing their work, and justifying their solutions.

It is crucial for students to manage their time efficiently during the exam, considering the division of the test into these two sections. Adequate time allocation for each part can significantly impact their overall performance and chances of achieving a top score of 5. By being well-prepared and practicing with sample questions and past exams, candidates can familiarize themselves with the exam structure and build the confidence needed to excel in both sections of the AP Calculus BC exam.

What does the AP Calculus BC MCQ section look like?

Exam Section 

Number of Questions 


Part A

30 Questions

60 Minutes 

Part B

15 Questions 

40 Minutes 

Section 1 of the AP Calculus BC exam consists of 45 multiple-choice questions, which are further categorized into two parts: Part A and Part B. 

Both Part A and Part B of Section 1 cover a broad range of content related to calculus concepts. The questions in these parts encompass various functions, including algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and general types. Moreover, the exam requires students to handle diverse types of representations, such as analytical, graphical, tabular, and verbal formats.

To excel in this section, students should be well-versed in these different types of functions and representations and be proficient in analyzing and solving problems without relying on a graphing calculator for Part A. However, they can leverage the advantages of a graphing calculator for Part B to aid in their problem-solving process. Adequate preparation and familiarity with the various concepts and question formats is the best way to study for the AP Calculus exam and will significantly contribute to students' success in Section 1 of the AP Calculus BC exam.

What does the AP Calculus BC FRQ look like?

Exam Section 

Number of Questions 


Part A

2 Questions

30 Minutes 

Part B

4 Questions 

60 Minutes 

Indeed, while the six free response questions in the AP Calculus BC exam may seem limited in number, it's essential to recognize that each question is multifaceted. Typically, these free response questions consist of three or four sub-questions, each denoted by letters like (a), (b), and (c). To secure full points in this section of the exam, candidates must respond comprehensively to all parts of each free response question.

The grading of the free response section involves a comprehensive assessment of students' capabilities. Their performance is evaluated based on their proficiency in implementing mathematical processes, effectively connecting different representations, providing justifications for their solutions, and demonstrating clear communication and notation. Furthermore, the ability to solve problems within real-world contexts is vital, as at least two free response questions often incorporate real-world scenarios or applications into their formulation.

Navigating through the free response questions requires not only a sound understanding of calculus principles but also the capacity to apply those principles within diverse problem-solving contexts. By effectively addressing all parts of each question, offering well-structured solutions, and providing relevant explanations, candidates can showcase their mastery of calculus concepts and significantly enhance their chances of attaining a top score on the AP Calculus BC exam. Thorough preparation and practice with various types of free response questions are crucial in developing the skills needed to excel in this challenging section.

When do AP Calculus BC scores come out?

Scores will typically come out in July every year, but you can also refer to the official CollegeBoard Annual calendar to monitor any chances.

Should I Self Study AP Calculus BC?

Having a bit of help on the AP Exams is never ever going to be a bad idea, however, by utilizing AP Calculus BC test tips and tricks and learning how to study for the AP Calculus BC exam, you can learn how to ace the AP Calculus BC exam all on your own. 

  1. Pay Attention in Class: Seriously, this is the real deal. Your teacher's gonna work hard to get you prepped for the exam, so show up and pay attention. They'll break down new concepts, show you how to use that graphing calculator like a pro, and practice questions that'll totally match the real deal.

  2. Show up for Tutoring Sessions: If you need a little extra help, no worries! Check out your school's free tutoring programs or find some online options. One-on-one tutoring can be a game-changer, especially for nailing those tricky calculus concepts.

  3. Form a Study Group: Don't go it alone! Get together with your pals and tackle those tough equations as a team. You'll boost each other's morale and master those core skills like champs.

  4. Take Practice AP Calc BC Tests: Familiarity is the key! Practice makes perfect, right? So grab some practice exams and get comfy with the test format. Time yourself, and you'll breeze through the real thing.

  5. Get Familiar With Your Graphing Calculator: You know it's essential, so get friendly with that graphing calculator. Your AP Calc BC course will give you loads of practice, but if you hit a snag, ask your teacher for help. You gotta rock that calculator before the big exam!

Is the AP Calculus BC Exam Hard?

When comparing AP Calculus AB and BC scores, there's a lot to consider. The numbers may give the impression that BC is easier, but that's not entirely true. Calculus BC covers everything in AB, plus additional sections on series and sequences. Many AB questions appear in the BC exam. The higher BC scores are partly due to confident and well-prepared students who opt for BC. Experience also plays a role, as some take BC after gaining more calculus knowledge. The score distributions for both classes are somewhat unusual. In AB, a 1 and a 5 are the most common scores, indicating two groups of students: those who grasp the concepts and those who struggle. For BC, the scores are among the highest, with nearly half scoring 5s, and even higher if only considering the AB questions within the BC exam. It seems AP Calculus works well for some but poses challenges for others. Let's dive into what makes AP Calculus tough in the next sections.

Explaining the 2022 AP Calculus BC Scores

At first glance, it might seem easier to score a 5 on the AP Calculus BC exam compared to the AP Calculus AB exam. In 2021, around 38% of BC test-takers got a 5, while only 18% of AB test-takers achieved the same. But here's the catch - the BC material is more advanced, and the students taking BC are super motivated and math whizzes. Plus, way more students take the AB exam than the BC one - only about half as many go for BC. So, while the percentage of 5s may seem higher for BC, it's because they're a smaller, more competitive bunch.

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