Check out our UNiDAYS exclusive offers below

Over 2,500,000 students prefer Knowt to Quizlet — enjoy most of our core features like learn mode for free, and upgrade to experience the power of AI learning.

Pick a plan to start a 1 week free trial

Over 2,500,000 students and teachers prefer Knowt to Quizlet — enjoy most of our core features like learn mode for free, and upgrade to experience the power of AI learning.

plan type icon
Saving 75%

Student Plus

$1.99$7.99per month, billed $23.99 annually

Everything on "Student Basic" and

  • No Ads

  • Folder color, profile page customization & password protecting files

  • Unlimited explanations on incorrect answers

Most popular
plan type icon
Saving 73%

Student Ultra

$3.99$14.99per month, billed $47.99 annually

Everything on "Student Plus" and:

  • Unlimited flashcards made from your notes using AI

  • Unlimited notes & flashcards made from your lecture videos with AI

  • Unlimited practice tests made from your lecture and PDFs with AI

  • Unlimited explanations on incorrect answers

Compare plans & features

We recommend choosing our limitless plan if you don’t want to worry about how much of a certain feature you can use.

No Ads
Password protected files
Folder & profile page customization
Badge on profile
Learn Mode
Spaced Repetition
Test Mode
Matching Game
Helpful brainstorming AI assistant (AI fills out flashcard definitions)
100 per monthunlimited
Explain wrong answers
Create flashcards from notes with AI
30 per monthunlimited
Create tests from notes with AI
30 per monthunlimited
Helpful brainstorming AI assistant (AI writes your notes when given a prompt)
100 per monthunlimited
Upload videos
Create notes from videos using AI
Create flashcards from videos using AI
Chat with your video
PDFs & other filesBasicPlusUltra
Upload PDFs, PowerPoints & Google Slides, Spreadsheets
Create notes from PDF using AI
Create flashcards from PDF using AI
Chat with your PDF

*Ultra users have a monthly cap of 100 PDF related AI prompts and 100 video related AI prompts per month.

Questions & AnswersIf you have any other questions - please get in touch
Is there a free trial for the Knowt plans?
Yes! We start you off with some complimentary uses of all our AI features so you can test it out before you choose a plan. Once you've used up your complimentary features or if you want to try one of our exclusive premium features, you can sign up for our Plus or Ultra plans!
What's included in the Free plan?
  • You have our guarantee that the core features on Knowt will ALWAYS be free! You can create notes & flashcard sets, study flashcards with unlimited rounds of learn mode or any of our study modes and use our dual-screen video & PDF editors completely free.
  • However, if you're looking to upgrade your learning with AI features we've uniquely built to help you save time and energy when studying, we highly recommend trying out a free trial for one of our premium plans.
How can I get a discount on the Knowt premium plans?
You get a 25% discount off our Ultra plan & 40% discount off our Pro plan when you choose the annual billing option!
Can I purchase one of these plans for my organization at a cheaper price?
If you like to purchase ad-free Knowt or one of our premium plans for your organization, we offer discounted pricing! Please fill out this form and our CEO will get in touch with you shortly.
How do refunds work?
  • Our refund policy is simple. If you believe you mistakenly signed up or renewed a paid Knowt subscription, contact us at within 48 hours of renewal or initial subscription and we’ll refund you the full amount (minus the ~3.5% transaction fees incurred by Knowt for processing the refund). You can reach out up to 72 hours after in order to receive a 50% refund as well (minus the ~3.5% transaction fees incurred by Knowt for processing the refund).
  • If for some reason, you’re unhappy with your Knowt subscription, please email us at and let us know. We want to make your experience studying on Knowt the best it can be, so we are always open to hearing your feedback.
How do I change my payment method?
You can change your payment method at any time by going to your Settings page, scrolling down to the Plans section and clicking Manage Billing.
What happens when I change plans?
  • When you upgrade your plan, your account will be upgraded and charge the amount due immediately. The amount of money you pay will be automatically reduced based on the percentage of the billing cycle left at the time the plan was changed.
  • When you downgrade a plan, your account will be downgraded at the end of your billing cycle.
How do I cancel my subscription?
Your Knowt subscription, annually and monthly, automatically renews until you cancel it. You can cancel your subscription at any time by going to your Settings page, scrolling down to the Plans section and clicking Manage Billing. Once you cancel your subscription, you'll have access to all the paid features until the end of your billing cycle.