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s the revised list without the etymologies: 1. **Altruism** (noun): The selfless concern for the well-being of others. Synonym: Selflessness Antonym: Self-interest 2. **Ambrosia** (noun): The food or drink of the gods, often thought to bring immortality. Synonym: Nectar Antonym: Poison 3. **Ameliorate** (verb): To make something better or improve it. Synonym: Improve Antonym: Worsen 4. **Amenable** (adjective): Open to suggestion or influence. Synonym: Agreeable Antonym: Uncooperative 5. **Ascribe** (verb): To attribute something to a cause or source. Synonym: Attribute Antonym: Disclaim 6. **Aseptic** (adjective): Free from contamination or germs. Synonym: Sterile Antonym: Contaminated 7. **Avant-garde** (adjective): New and experimental, especially in the arts. Synonym: Innovative Antonym: Traditional 8. **Blarney** (noun): Flattering talk meant to deceive or charm. Synonym: Flattery Antonym: Sincerity 9. **Blasé** (adjective): Indifferent or unimpressed due to over-familiarity. Synonym: Indifferent Antonym: Enthusiastic 10. **Blitzkrieg** (noun): A sudden and intense military attack. Synonym: Attack Antonym: Defense 11. **Cache** (noun): A hidden store of goods or valuables. Synonym: Hoard Antonym: Open 12. **Cacophony** (noun): A harsh, jarring noise. Synonym: Racket Antonym: Silence 13. **Cajole** (verb): To persuade someone through flattery or promises. Synonym: Coax Antonym: Discourage 14. **Chagrin** (noun): A feeling of distress or embarrassment. Synonym: Disappointment Antonym: Joy 15. **Chauvinism** (noun): Excessive or prejudiced loyalty to one's own group. Synonym: Nationalism Antonym: Tolerance 16. **Chic** (adjective): Elegantly and stylishly fashionable. Synonym: Stylish Antonym: Unfashionable 17. **Chicanery** (noun): The use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose. Synonym: Deception Antonym: Honesty 18. **Conduit** (noun): A channel for conveying something, especially liquids or electricity. Synonym: Channel Antonym: Blockage 19. **Cuckold** (noun): A man whose wife is unfaithful. Synonym: Husband Antonym: Faithful husband 20. **Duress** (noun): Threats or pressure used to force someone into action. Synonym: Coercion Antonym: Freedom 21. **Ebullient** (adjective): Overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement. Synonym: Enthusiastic Antonym: Depressed 22. **Eclectic** (adjective): Drawing from a variety of sources or styles. Synonym: Diverse Antonym: Narrow 23. **Equivocal** (adjective): Ambiguous or having more than one possible meaning. Synonym: Unclear Antonym: Clear 24. **Fecund** (adjective): Fertile or capable of producing an abundance of offspring. Synonym: Fertile Antonym: Infertile 25. **Flout** (verb): To openly disregard or mock a rule or law. Synonym: Defy Antonym: Obey 26. **Maxi-** (prefix): Large or maximum size. (Example: *Maximal*) Synonym: Large Antonym: Mini 27. **Medio-** (prefix): Middle or moderate. (Example: *Medium*) Synonym: Average Antonym: Extreme 28. **Megalo-** (prefix): Large or great in size. (Example: *Megaphone*) Synonym: Large Antonym: Micro 29. **-Meter** (suffix): A device used to measure something. (Example: *Thermometer*) Synonym: Gauge Antonym: None 30. **Micro-** (prefix): Small or tiny. (Example: *Microscope*) Synonym: Tiny Antonym: Macro 31. **Mis-** (prefix): Wrong or badly. (Example: *Misunderstand*) Synonym: Incorrect Antonym: Correct 32. **Mono-** (prefix): One or single. (Example: *Monologue*) Synonym: Single Antonym: Multi 33. **Morpho-** (prefix): Form or shape. (Example: *Morphology*) Synonym: Shape Antonym: None 34. **Moto-** (prefix): Related to movement. (Example: *Motor*) Synonym: Movement Antonym: None 35. **Neuro-** (prefix): Related to nerves or the nervous system
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4 hours ago
K Final Study Guide K= Contracts SoF= Statute of Frauds I. Application of law: a. UCC applies to transactions in goods (movable, tangible, personal property) (pg. 134, 161,379) b. Common Law applies to all other contracts (service, land, lease of goods, etc.) (pg. 134-135) i. The Predominant Purpose Test: used to determine whether a K for both sale of goods and the rendition of services falls within the scope of Article 2 of the UCC. i.e. if a k is primarily for services, with the sale of goods being incidental, it will not fall within the scope of Article 2 of the UCC. (pg. 137) 1. Test: in determining the nature of the K, the Court will consider (1) the language of the K, (2) the nature of the business of the supplier, and (3) the intrinsic worth of the materials. (pg. 153) c. CISG generally applies when the parties to a contract have places of business in d ifferent countries that are signatories to the CISG. (pg. 12 and 146) II. Formation of a K a. What is a K? i. K: an agreement between two or more personas as to something that is to be done in the future by one or both of them. (pg. 2) ii. Types of K: 1. Option K: (pg. 254) an offer which (at least for some specified, or perhaps “reasonable,” time period) they could delay accepting without losing the power of acceptance, even if the offeror should attempt to revoke it in the meantime. Option K review (pg. 255-262) 2. Unilateral K: pg. 58, 267 b. Formation of a K requires:​ i. A bargain in which there is a manifestation of mutual assent to the exchange (offer and acceptance) and a consideration. (pf. 23) 1. Offer: a direct, complete proposal that a contract be entered into, providing for an exchange of defined performances. (pg. 34) a. Advertisements are not typically treated as offers, but merely as invitations to bargain. (pg. 118) i. Exception: * an advertisement can constitute an offer, and form a basis of a unilateral K, if it calls for performance of a specific act without further communication and leaves nothing for further negotiations. (pg. 118) b. Orders are considered as offers to purchase. (pg. 162) 2. Acceptance: an unequivocal and unqualified assent to the terms of the offer that is communicated to the offeror (pg. 45) a. Under the UCC: unless the offeror “unambiguously” indicates how acceptance should be made, an offer to make a contract shall be construed as inviting acceptance in any manner and by any medium reasonable in the circumstances. (pg. 146) b. Under the UCC: acceptance will be considered a counter offer ONLY IF the acceptance is expressly made conditional on assent to the additional terms. (pg. 163) c. Under the UCC: Battle of the Forms- between merchants, where a definite and seasonable expression of acceptance or a written confirmation is sent within a reasonable time, it operates as an acceptance even though it states terms additional to or different from those offered or agreed upon, UNLESS acceptance is expressly made conditional on assent to the additional or different terms. (pg. 171) i. *(pg. 171) Additional terms between merchants: become part of the uncontract UNLESS 1. the offer expressly limits acceptance to the term of the offer; 2. they materially alter the offer; or 3. notification of objection to them has already been given or is given within a reasonable time after notice of them is received. 3. Consideration: a. an offeree’s performance or another promise in exchange for the offeror’s promise/offer (pg. 46) b. a valuable consideration in the sense of the law may consist either in some right, interest, profit or benefit accruing to the one party, or some forbearance, detriment, loss or responsibility given, suffered or undertaken by the other. (pg. 90) c. Something which has been delivered before the promise is executed, and therefore, made without reference to it, cannot property be legal consideration (pg. 110) d. Appreciation of past services or pleasure afforded the offeror is not sufficient consideration, like love, respect, affection for another, desire to do justice, fear of trouble, desire to equalize the shares in an estate, to provide for a child, or regret for having advised an unfortunate investment will support a promise. (pg. 111) e. In ascertaining the presence of consideration, the courts will not “weigh” the consideration or insist on a “fair” or “even” exchange. (pg. 120-121) i. However, gross inadequacy of consideration may be relevant to the application of other doctrines, such as fraud, mistake, lack of capacity, duress, or undue influence. (pg. 122) f. Substitute to Consideration to enforce a K: i. Promissory estoppel: applies to promises that are otherwise unenforceable and is invoked to enforce the promises so as to avoid injustice (pg. 116, 219, 240, 276) ii. Elements for PE to be invoked: (pg. 239, 246) 1. A promise clear and unambiguous in its terms 2. A detrimental reliance on such promise by the person to whom the promise is made, 3. The reliance must be both reasonable and foreseeable; and 4. The party asserting the estoppel must be injured by his reliance/ AKA Injustice can be avoided only by enforcement of the promise. iii. A Promise which the promisor should reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance on the part of the promise or a third person and which does induce such action or forbearance is binding if injustice can be avoided only by enforcement of the promise. The remedy granted for breach may be limited as justice requires. (pg. 219) iv. In a PE analysis; the promise relied on by the promise need not be express by may be implied form a party’s conduct. (pg. 219) v. When someone makes a promise to make a gift: such a promise is ordinarily enforced by virtue of the promisee’s reliance only if promisee’s conduct is foreseeable and reasonable and involves a definite and substantial change of position which would not have occurred if the promise had not been made. (pg. 220) vi. Detrimental Reliance: the degree of detrimental reliance may be the most significant element in judicial determination that promissory estoppel should be invoked. (pg. 224) 4. No legal defenses or valid termination: a. Valid termination: i. Revocation of offer before acceptance by offeror – valid termination (pg. 258, 263) ii. Rejection- valid termination (pg. 261) 1. Mailbox rule: (pg. 38-39) iii. Counter-offer - valid termination (pg. 261) iv. Death- valid termination (pg. 261) b. Defenses to formation: i. Fraud – legal defense ii. Duress – legal defense iii. Mutual mistake – legal defense c. Defenses to enforcement of a K: i. Statute of frauds – Legal defense (pg. 139) III. Statute of Frauds: certain types of Ks to be in writing to be legally effective. (pg. 335) a. Common Law K that must be in writing (pg. 336) i. K of an executor or administrator to answer for a duty of his decedent ii. A K to answer for the duty of another / suretyship provision iii. K made up on consideration of marriage iv. K for sale of an interest in land v. K that is not to be performed within a year from the date the K is made b. UCC Ks that must be in writing (pg.336) i. K for the sale of goods for a price of $500 c. Elements to satisfy the statute of Frauds (pg. 336, i. Writing that specifies the K terms ii. Must be signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought, iii. The quantity of goods is specified, AND iv. No exception applies d. UCC Exceptions to the Statute of Frauds that can apply and if they apply, the K is kicked out of the SoF requirement (AKA the K won’t have to be in writing and can be oral so long as it still meets the basic K formation elements) i. Part Performance Exception: (pg. 350, 379) 1. where an oral K not enforceable under the SoF has been performed to such extent as to make it inequitable to deny effect thereto, equity may consider the K as removed from the operation of the SoF…(pg. 350) a. K involving Land: Unequivocally referable: (pg. 351)- i. when an outsider, knowing all of the circumstances of the case except for the claimed oral agreement, would naturally and reasonably conclude that a K existed regarding the land, of the same general nature as that alleged by the claimant. (pg. 351). The court will evaluate two factors in order to provide specific performance: 1. taking possession of the property 2. and making valuable permanent and substantial improvements to the property ii. Admissions Exception: (pg. 380) 1. If the party denies that he made a K but admits facts that in the court’s view establish that such a K was indeed made, the SoF defense will be lost (pg. 380) iii. Merchant/ Confirmation Exception (pg. 380-381): if the following elements are met, the SoF will not be a defense / AKA there will not need to be a K in writing. 1. Parties must be merchants a. Merchant: someone who regularly deals in goods of a kind or holds herself out as having particular skills or knowledge involved in a transaction 2. One merchant must send a written “confirmation of the K” within a reasonable period of time after the oral K was formed, 3. The confirmation must be received by the other merchant who must have reason to know its contents, AND 4. The receiving merchant FAILS to object within 10 days IV. Breach of K: pg. 9 a. A cause of action for breach of K must be established by pleading the following (pg. 95) i. Existence of a K, including its essential terms, ii. A breach of a duty imposed by the K, AND iii. Resultant damages b. If there is a breach, then the K does will not be enforced by the non-breaching party c. For the sale of goods: i. Purchaser of goods can reject non-conforming goods 1
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Role of Executive in Parliamentary Democracy The Executive ( the political executive) remains responsible and accountable to the Parliament. Parliament exercises political and financial control over the Executive and ensures administrative oversight over the executive. Subset of Parliament: In the parliamentary system the de facto head of the executive (Prime Minister) is not directly elected by the people, but he is the leader of the majority party in the Parliament. S/He chooses his own Cabinet which again, should be out of the Parliament only. Thus, in parliament democracy, the executive is a subset of the Legislature. The legislature is responsible for making the laws and the executive is responsible for enforcing the laws. In this case, the separation of power between the executive and legislature is not followed in a strict sense. Collective and Individual Responsibilities: The Executive is collectively responsible to the Parliament. It means that the term and tenure of the executive depends on the pleasure of the Lower House of Parliament. The House can introduce a no-confidence motion regarding the removal of the executive (government). The ministers, however, are individually responsible to the President and, ultimately, to the Council of Ministers. Administrative role: The executive's primary responsibility is to maintain internal peace and order, while also ensuring the country's safety from external aggression, encompassing all activities related to the state's well-being. The executive is also responsible for day-to-day administration. Financial role: The Executive has the authority to formulate the Budget, which is required to be presented annually to Parliament. The Executive has the freedom to determine expenditure levels, acquire funds for various purposes, and raise revenue to meet expenditures, leaving the entire financial initiative to the Government. Role of Parliament: Without the authority of Parliament, the executive, acting through its ministers, cannot raise funds through taxing, borrowing, or any other means. Money bills must originate and pass in the Lok Sabha, which has the exclusive authority to grant money in the form of taxes or loans and to sanction expenditure. Policy initiatives: The political executive, or the Council of Ministers, introduces bills in the house through its party members. The cabinet, the highest order of political executives, initiates and decides public policy concerning almost every sphere of government's activity. Further, delegated legislative functions are performed by the political and permanent executive. These are very important for policy making. Judicial role: The judicial functions are performed by the President of India with the aid and advice of his/her Council of Ministers. It includes the appointment of the judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts, and the power to grant pardon, reprieve, suspension, remission, or commutation of punishment or sentence of a court. Military Functions: The President of India with the Council of Ministers in aid and advice, is also vested with military powers
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