Economic Sustainability: ‘means ensuring that average incomes in all countries are adequate to sustain a decent standard of living and continue to rise in line with inflation and living costs in the future.
What are the four main characteristics for Economic Sustainability?
Range of industries, Employment Rates, Strong economy/ high average incomes and opportunity for trade
Social Sustainability – creating an equitable society that meets the needs of all citizens and can be maintained indefinitely.
What are the four main characteristics for Social Sustainability?
Gender Equality, Social Security Systems, Education and Employment, Legal Systems
Environmental Sustainability – Relates to ensuring the natural environment is used in a way that will preserve resources for future generations – these resources include: clean water, fish and other wildlife, coal, timber.
What are the three main characteristics for Environmental Sustainability?
Access to safe water and sanitation, Carbon dioxide emissions, Food security
What is Human Development? creating an environment in which people can develop to their full potential and lead productive, creative lives according to their needs and interests.
and similarities between countries.
What does PPKHDD? Reach their full potential, Have productive and creative lives, Expanding People’s choices, Have access to knowledge, Have access to health, Decent standard of living, Be involved in decisions affecting their lives.
What is the Human Development Index? A tool developed by the United Nations to measure and rank countries’ level of social and economic development.
What are the three dimensions and four indicators? a long and healthy life, knowledge, a decent standard of living and life expectancy at birth, mean years of schooling, expected years of schooling and gross national income per capita.
What are the four quartiles according to the Human Development Index?
Very High Human Development, High Human Development, Medium Human Development and Low Human Development
What are the advantages of the HDI? (must atleast name three): The HDI takes more than just average incomes into account
provides a more comprehensive representation of the level of human development experienced.
It provides an indication of opportunities for education this reflects access to knowledge and the ability to enhance choices and capabilities.
Average income is taken into account reflects the ability to access the resources required for a decent standard of living.
Life expectancy is taken into account reflects the ability to lead a long and healthy life.
The HDI provides a single statistic relating to the three dimensions and four indicators.
This makes comparison easier, as numerous statistics do not have to be sorted through and compared.
The HDI is effective for analysing progress that is made by countries over time.
The four indicators may experience differing rates of progress, but monitoring the overall HDI is useful for analysing the overall
progress achieved over time.
What are the disadvantages of HDI? Human development is a complex concept and encompasses many aspects of human lives. The HDI only reflects selected dimensions of human development and therefore does not capture all aspects.
Aspects of human development that are not measured by the HDI include gender equality; freedom of speech; freedom of
employment; levels of discrimination; empowerment; access to resources such as water, social security and public
housing; social exclusion; and political participation.
The HDI, although moving beyond economic indicators, is still based on averages and, therefore, does not provide an
indication of the inequalities that exist within countries.
Those from cultural minorities, females, those with disabilities and those in rural areas often experience lower levels of
human development than the rest of the population.
Collecting data is complex and the reliability of data for measuring human development remains a challenge.
Comparisons between countries are often difficult because of the different definitions and methods used in measuring key
components of the HDI.
Comparisons within countries is often difficult as data are often only collected at a national level.
How does climate change affect the earth?
increased CO2, Increased greenhouse gas, increase in the earth’s temperature (including sea surfaces) and changing weather patterns and extreme weather (heat waves more common)
Why is climate change happening? Naturally occurring as earth orbits the sun and mainly due to burning of fuel fossil to provide energy
What are the four main characteristics of sea level rising?
Forced relocation of people living in coastal areas, reduction in the availability of fresh water, changes in biodiversity and reduced in availability of food
What are the four characteristics of changing weather patterns and extreme weather events?
More infectious diseases, increased burden of disease from cardiovascular disease and asthma, increased homelessness, less food and increased hunger and undernutrition and less access to fresh water
What are the four groups that are affected by mass migration?
Refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced persons and stateless people
What are the impact of conflict?
Injuries, loss of life, Destruction to the physical environment, No health care, Malnutrition, Damage to infrastructure, Communicable diseases, Presence of land mines, Few opportunities for employment, Poverty
What is mass migration?
Mass migration refers to movement of large groups of people from one geographical area to another.
What is the impact of displaced people?
Overcrowding, Poverty, violence, Locate to low and middle income countries, Struggle to meet basic needs: food, infrastructure, health care, security, water, Spread of infectious diseases, Refugee camps and Displacement and early marriage
What is world trade?
World trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries.
What are the postive impacts of world trade? Employment, Reduces hunger and lack of medical care and Increases number of children in school
What are the negative impacts of goods and services of world trade? Exploitation, Low wages, Poor working conditions, Use of child labour and Use of pesticides
What are the benefits of tourism?
Promotes sustainable economic growth and Promotes mutual understanding, peace and security.
What are the challenges of tourism?
Overcrowding: groups in larger numbers - ie. travelling north during our winter months to get some warm weather
Strain on infrastructure: as more people are using it
Additional waste created disease-producing organisms being transported rapidly from one country to another.
Eg zika virus at the Rio Olympics, Measles outbreak at the Vancouver winter Olympics
What are the benefits of digital technology?
Communication, Data collection and sharing of health information, Access to self diagnostic information, Monitors of health (health apps), Register births, deaths, marriages, Disaster preparedness and SMS notifications
What are the challenges of digital technology?
Issues regarding privacy and safety of children, Bullying, Online scams and Indecent content