Results for "Nearsighted"


flashcards Flashcard (55)
studied byStudied by 1 person
309 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (56)
studied byStudied by 8 people
311 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (56)
studied byStudied by 1 person
320 days ago
Front Back Acousto- Hearing Af- Toward Alges/o Sense of pain Audi/o Hearing, sound Aur/o Ear Blephar/o Eyelid Cac/o Bad or ill Cerebell/o Cerebellum; small hind brain Cerebr/o Brain, cerebrum; large outer brain Chrom/o Color Conjunctiv/o Conjunctiva; lining of the surface of the eye Corne/o Cornea Cor/o Pupil Core/o Pupil Dacry/o Tears, tear duct Dendr/o Tree Disk Flat, round structure; intervertebral disk Dur/o Tough Echo- Reflected sound Ef- Away from Encephal/o Brain Esthesi/o Feeling, sensation Fovea Pit or depression -ferent Carry Furc/o Branch; forked Gangli/o Ganglion; mass of nerve tissue -glia Gluey substance Gloss/o Tongue Hydr/o Water -ia State of, condition,, process -ictal Seizure, attack Irid/o Iris Kerat/o Horn, hard tissue Cornea transparent part of the coat of the eyeball that covers the iris and pupil and admits light to the interior Labyrinth Labyrinth; maze Lacrim/o Tears -lepsy Seizure Lingu/o Tongue Mal- Bad, abnormal -mania Madness Meat/o Passage, opening meatus Megal/o Large Mening/o Meninges; lining of the central nervous system -mentia Mental, mind Myel/o Bone marrow or spinal cord Myring/o Eardrum, tympanic membrane Narc/o Numbness, stupor Neur/o Neuron, nerve Noct/i/o/u Night Ocul/o Eye Olfact- Smell -opia Vision (condition of) Opt/o Vision Ophthalm/o Eye Ot/o Ear Pachy- Thick Phasia Speak or speech Phas/o Speech -phobia Fear -phonia Sound or voice Phon/o Sound Phot/o Light -phrenia Disorder of the mind Poli/o Gray matter disease Presby/o- Old age Psych/o Mind, soul -ptosis Prolapse, drooping Pupill/o Pupil of the eye Radicul/o Nerve root, spine Reticul/o Network of cells Retin/o Retina; inner lining of the eye Rhiz/o Nerve root -schisis Split, fissure Schiz/o Split Scler/o Sclera; white of the eye or hardening Sens- Feeling Son/o Sound -spasm Sudden, involuntary muscular contraction Staped/o- Stapes; bone of the middle ear Ton/o Tension, pressure Tympan/o Eardrum Vitre/o Glass-like Achromatism (condition of) Absence of color; colorless; unable to see color Acoustic Pertaining to hearing Afferent To carry toward Anesthesia Without feeling or sensation Aphasia Without speech Audiogram Record of hearing Audiometer Instrument to measure hearing Audiometry Measurement of hearing Auditory Pertaining to hearing Auricle Outer ear Binocular Pertaining to two eyes Blepharitis Inflammation of the eyelid(s) Blepharoplasty Surgical repair of the eyelid(s) Blepharoptosis Drooping of the eyelids Blepharospasm Involuntary contraction of the eyelid Cacophony Bad sound Cerebrospinal Pertaining to the brain and spinal cord Conjunctivitis Inflammation of the conjunctiva Dacryocystorhinostomy Surgical creation of an opening between lacrimal sac and nose Dendrites Branch of a neuron Dementia Memory impairment Diplopia Double vision Dysphasia Difficulty speaking Efferent To carry away from Encephalitis Inflammation of the brain Encephalotomy To dissect the brain Epilepsy Recurring seizures Exophthalmic Eyes slightly out Fovea Pit Hydrocephalus Condition of water in the brain Hyperopia Far vision (referring to farsighted) Insomnia Not being able to sleep Intraocular Within the eye Iridectomy Removal of the iris Keratometry Measurement of the cornea Keratoplasty Repair of the cornea (corneal transplant) Keratotomy Incisions into the cornea (corrects mild to moderate myopia) Lacrimal Related to the tear ducts Malaise A feeling of general discomfort or uneasiness Megalomania Madness about great or large(having an over- inflated ego) Meninges Meninges or coverings of the brain Meningitis Inflammation of the brain coverings (meninges) Meningocele Herniation or protrusion of the meninges Microglia small glue; specialized neuroglial cells Monochromatic One color or hue Motor Referring to movement Myelography The process of recording a picture of the spinal cord Myopia Nearsightedness Narcolepsy Sleep seizures Neuralgia Nerve pain Neuroglia(l) Nerve glue (supporting nerve cells) Neurology The study of nerves Neuron Pertaining to the nerve Oculomotor Movement of the eye Olfactory Referring to smell Oligodendrocyte Specialized neuroglial cells Ophthalmologist One who studies the eyes Ophthalmoplegia Paralysis of the eye(s) Ophthalmoscope Instrument to view the interior of the eye(s) Optic Having to do with the eye Optometry Measurement of the eyes Ossicle Small bones ( especially tiny middle ear bones) Otitis media Middle ear infection Otolaryngologist one who specializes with the ear, nose and throat Otoscope Instrument to view inside the ear Photophobia Fear of light (what it really means is to be light sensitive) Polyneuritis Inflammation of many nerves Presbyopia Aging vision Radiculopathy Nerve root disease Reticular Net-like Reticulocyte Net cell Retinopathy Disease of the retina Schizophrenia Condition of split mind Sense Feeling Somnambulism State of sleep walking or other motor acts during sleep Spinal Spine or spinal cord Stapedectomy Removal of the stapes (to correct conductive deafness) Tonometer Instrument to measure pressure (used for glaucoma) Trigeminal Relating to cranial nerve Tympanitis Inflammation of the ear drum Vitrectomy Removal of the vitreous Vitreous Glass-like fluid of the eye Myringotomy Incision into the ear drum Poliomyelitis Inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord (disease)
flashcards Flashcard (58)
studied byStudied by 0 people
338 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (56)
studied byStudied by 7 people
366 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (56)
studied byStudied by 1 person
420 days ago
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studied byStudied by 0 people
450 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (110)
studied byStudied by 7 people
487 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (54)
studied byStudied by 4 people
503 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (54)
studied byStudied by 4 people
681 days ago
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studied byStudied by 9 people
683 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (56)
studied byStudied by 1 person
683 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (56)
studied byStudied by 1 person
692 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (56)
studied byStudied by 6143 people
708 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (56)
studied byStudied by 8 people
739 days ago


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studied byStudied by 2 people
17 minutes ago
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8 hours ago
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