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Chemistry A Molecular Approach AP Edition Chapter 12 Solutions 

Chemistry A Molecular Approach AP Edition Chapter 12 Solutions 

12.1 Thirsty Solutions: Why You Shouldn't Drink Seawater 

  • Seawater draws water out of the body 
  • Seawater is a "thirsty" solution 
  • Seawater draws water toward itself 
  • A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances/components 
  • The majority component is the solvent 
  • The minority component is the solute 
  • Solutions form because of intermolecular forces 
  • Molecules want to form uniform mixtures over pure substances
  • If a person drinks seawater, the water in their body will flow out in order to make the seawater uniform
  • As the concentrations become more uniform, the solutions starts to dilute 

12.2 Types of Solutions and Solubility 

  • Gaseous solutions are two gases mixed together 
  • Liquid solutions can be a gas and a liquid, a liquid and a liquid, or a solid and a liquid 
  • Solid solutions are two solids
  • In aqueous solutions, water is the solvent and some other solid, liquid, or gas in the solute 
  • Soluble means the solute will dissolve in the solvent 
  • Insoluble means the solute will not dissolve in the solvent 
  • Solubility is the amount of substance that will dissolve in a given solvent 
  • Solubility depends on mixing and intermolecular forces 

Nature's Tendency toward Mixing: Entropy 

  • Although most situations tend to lower potential energy, this is not true for all solutions 
  • Mixing two ideal gases does not lower their potential energy 
  • Entropy measures energy randomization or energy dispersal 
  • Energy dispersal happens in gases 
  • Energy dispersal happens when things are going from hot to cold in order to heat up the other end 

The Effect of Intermolecular Forces 

  • Intermolecular forces can allow for or prevent solution formation 
  • Intermolecular forces exist in three ways: Solvent-solute, Solvent-solvent, and Solute-solute
  • Solvent-solute is the interaction between solvent and solute particles 
  • Solvent-solvent is the interaction between a solvent particle and another solvent particle 
  • Solute-solute is the interaction between a solute particle and another solute particle 
  • Miscibility is the ability to be soluble in all proportions 
  • If the solvent-solute interactions are greater than the solvent-solvent and solute-solute interactions a solution will form 
  • If the solvent-solute interactions are equal to the solvent-solvent and solute-solute interactions a solution will form 
  • If the solvent-solute interactions are less than the solvent-solvent and solute-solute interactions a solution may or may not form 
  • Solution formation does depend on disparity 
  • The general rule of thumb is that "like dissolves like" 
  • Polar solvents tend to dissolve polar or ionic solutes 
  • Nonpolar solvents tend to dissolve nonpolar solutes 

12.3 Energetics of Solution Formation 

  • When heat is released the process is exothermic (-) 
  • When heat is absorbed the process is endothermic (+) 
  • Separating a solute is always endothermic because energy is required to break IM forces 
  • Separating a solvent is always endothermic because energy is required to break IM forces
  • Mixing solute particles with solvent particles is always exothermic because energy is released when interactions occur 
  • The enthalpy of a solution is the sum of the enthalpy changes in each step 
  • If the sum of the endothermic processes is equal to the exothermic process the enthalpy is 0 
  • If the endothermic processes are less than the exothermic process the enthalpy will be negative. The solution will be exothermic 
  • If the endothermic processes are greater than the exothermic process the enthalpy will be positive. The solution will be endothermic 
  • If the enthalpy of a solution is too large a solution will not form 

Aqueous Solutions and Heats of Hydration 

  • The heat of hydration is the enthalpy change that occurs when 1 mole of the gas solute dissolves in water 
  • The enthalpy of hydration is always largely negative for ionic compounds 
  • If the enthalpy of the solute is less than the enthalpy of hydration, the enthalpy of the solution is negative. The solution will be exothermic
  • If the solution is exothermic the solution will feel warm to the touch 
  • If the enthalpy of the solute is greater than the enthalpy of hydration, the enthalpy of the solution is positive. The solution will be endothermic 
  • If the solution is endothermic the solution will feel cool to the touch 
  • If the enthalpy of the solute is about equal to the enthalpy of hydration, the enthalpy of the solution is about 0. It will not be endo or exothermic 
  • If the enthalpy of the solution is about 0, there is no noticeable change in temperature 

12.4 Solution Equilibrium and Factors Affecting Solubility 

  • The dissolution of a solute in a solvent is an equilibrium process
  • Initially, the rate of dissolution is faster than the rate of recrystallization 
  • As the concentration of the dissolved solute increases, the rate of recrystallization increases 
  • When the rate of dissolution and recrystallization are equal, dynamic equilibrium is reached 
  • In a saturated solution all solute has been dissolved. If more solute were to be added, it would not dissolve 
  • Saturated solutions are in dynamic equilibrium 
  • In an unsaturated solution not all of the solute has been dissolved. If more solute was added it would dissolve 
  • Unsaturated solutions are not at dynamic equilibrium 
  • A supersaturated solution can contain more solute than it is supposed to 
  • Supersaturated solutions are unstable  

The Temperature Dependence of the Solubility of Solids

  • Solubility of a solid in water strongly depends on temperature 
  • The solubility of most solids increases with an increase in temperature 
  • Recrystallization is a way to purify a solid 
  • Recrystallization is used to make rock candy 

Factors Affecting the Solubility of Gases in Water

  • Solutions of gases dissolved in water are common
  • The solubility of a gas in a liquid are temperature and pressure dependent

The Effect of Temperature 

  • The solubility of gases in liquids decrease with an increase in temperature
  • There is an inverse relationship between gas solubility and temperature 
  • Warm temperature results in lower oxygen concentration 

The Effect of Pressure 

  • The higher the pressure of a gas above a liquid, the more soluble the gas is in the liquid
  • Henry's law quantifies the solubility of gas with increasing pressure 
  • Sgas = kHPgas 
  • Sgas is the solubility of the gas in M 
  • kH is the constant of proportionality (Henry's law constant) 
  • kH depends in the specific solute and solvent (also temperature) 
  • Pgas is the partial pressure of the gas in atm 

12.5 Expressing Solution Concentration 

  • A dilute solution contains a small amount of solute compared to the solvent 
  • A concentrated solution contains large amounts of solute compared to the solvent 
  • Concentration can be found with molarity, molality, parts by mass, parts by volume, mole fraction, and mole percent 


  • The unit for molarity is M 
  • M = amount of solute / volume of solution 
  • The amount of solute is always in moles 
  • The volume of the solution is always in L 
  • Molarity is often used when making, diluting, or transerfing solutions 
  • Molarity depends on volume. Since volume depends on temperature, molarity is temperature dependent 


  • Molality is showed with m 
  • m = amount of solute / mass of solvent 
  • The amount of solute is always in moles 
  • The mass of the solvent is always in kg 
  • Molality is used when comparing concentrations over a range of temperatures

Parts by Mass and Parts by Volume 

  • Parts by mass is the ratio of the mass of solute to the mass of the solution. It is then multiplied by a multiplication factor
  • (Mass solute / Mass solution) x multiplication factor 
  • For percent by mass, the multiplication factor is 100 
  • Percent by mass = (mass solute / mass solution) x 100% 
  • Percent means per hundred. A solution with a 14% concentration contains 14g solute for 100g solution 
  • Dilute solutions typically use parts per million (ppm) or parts per billion (ppb) 
  • Parts per million have a multiplication factor of 10^6 
  • Parts per billion has a multiplication factor of 10^9 
  • ppm = (mass solute / mass solution) x 10^6 
  • ppb = (mass solute / mass solution) x 10^9 
  • Parts by volume is a ratio of volume of solute to volume of solution. It is then multiplied by a multiplication factor 
  • (Volume solute / Volume solution) x multiplication factor 
  • A solution with 22% volume has 22mL solute for 100mL solution 

Using Parts by Mass (or Parts by Volume) in Calculations 

  • Parts by mass or parts by volume can be used as a conversion factor 

Mole Fraction and Mole Percent 

  • Mole fraction is represented by Xsolute 
  • Xsolute = amount solute / total amount of solute and solvent 
  • nsolute / nsolute + nsolvent 
  • Both are represented in moles 
  • Mole percent is the mole fraction times 100% 
  • mol % = Xsolute x 100% 

12.6 Colligative Properties: Vapor Pressure Lowering, Freezing Point Depression, Boiling Point Elevation, and Osmotic Pressure 

  • Colligative properties depend on the number of particles dissolved in a solution 
  • Colligative properties do not depend on the type of particle 
  • Colligative properties include vapor pressure lowering, freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, and osmotic pressure 
  • When 1 mole of a nonelectrolyte is dissolved in water, 1 mole of dissolved particles is formed 
  • When 1 mole of an electrolyte is dissolved in water, more than 1 mole of dissolved particles is formed 

Vapor Pressure Lowering 

  • Vapor pressure of a liquid is the pressure of gas above the liquid when they are in dynamic equilibrium 
  • The vapor pressure of a the solution is lower than the vapor pressure of a pure solvent 
  • When a nonvolatile solute is added, the rate of vaporization is slower than the rate of the pure solvent (rate if condensation is greater) 
  • By the time the rates are equal again, the concentration of solvent molecules has decreased 
  • A concentrated solution has the ability to draw a solvent to itself 
  • Nature's tendency to mix causes a solution to become less and less concentrated 
  • Raoult's law quantifies the vapor pressure of a solution 
  • Psolution = XsolventPsolvent 
  • Psolution is the vapor pressure of the solution 
  • Xsolvent is the mole fraction of the solvent 
  • Psolvent is the vapor pressure of the pure solvent at the same temperature 
  • Vapor pressure lowering is the difference in vapore pressure between the pure solvent and the solution 
  • Vapor pressure lowering = Psolvent - Psolution 
  • The vapor pressure lowering is directly proportional to the mole fraction of the solute 

Vapor Pressure of Solutions Containing a Volatile (Nonelectrolyte) Solute 

  • If a solution contains a volatile solvent and volatile solute, both affect the vapor pressure of the solution 
  • An ideal solution will follow Raoult's law at all concentrations (for both solute and solvent)
  • In an ideal solution the solute-solvent interactions are equal to solvent-solvent interactions 
  • In a nonideal solution, solute-solvent interactions are either stronger or weaker than solvent-solvent interactions 
  • If solute-solvent interactions are stronger, the solute will stop the solvent from vaporizing quickly 
  • If a solution is dilute, Raoult's law works as an approximation 
  • If a solution is not dilute, the effect and vapor pressure will be less than Raoult's predicted amount 
  • If solute-solvent interactions are weaker, the solute will allow more vaporization 
  • A solution that is not dilute will have a large effect and the vapor pressure will be greater than Raoult's predicted amount 

Freezing Point Depression and Boiling Point Elevation 

  • Vapor pressure lowering occurs at all temperatures 
  • A lower melting point is called freezing point depression 
  • A higher boiling point is called boiling point elevation 
  • The freezing point of a solution is lower than the freezing point of a pure solvent
  • Tf = m X Kf
  • Tf is the change in temperature of the freezing point in Celsius (usually a positive number) 
  • m is molality of solution in moles solute per kilogram solvent 
  • Kf is the freezing point depression constant for the solvent
  • The boiling point of a solution is higher than the boiling point of a pure solvent 
  • Tb = m X Kb 
  • Tb is the change in temperature of the boiling point in Celsius 
  • m is the molality of the solution in moles solute per kilogram solvent 
  • Kb is the boiling point of elevation constant for the solvent 

Osmotic Pressure 

  • Osmosis is the flow of solvent from a solution of a lower solute concentration to one of a higher solute concentration 
  • Concentrated solutions draw solvent from more dilute solutions 
  • The semipermeable membrane allows some substances to pass through, but not all 
  • Osmotic pressure is the pressure required to stop osmotic glow 
  • Osmotic pressure = MRT 
  • M is molarity of the solution 
  • T is the temperature (in Kelvin) 
  • R is the ideal gas constant 

12.7 Colligative Properties of Strong Electrolyte Solutions 

  • Van't Hoff factor is the ratio of moles or particles in a solution to moles of formula units dissolved 
  • Van't Hoff factor is represented with and i 
  • i = moles of particles in solution / moles of formula units dissolved 
  • The expected factor only occurs in very dilute solutions 
  • The expected values do not occur because some ions pair in a solution 
  • To calculated the different properties for an ionic solution, multiple the m by i 
  • Tf = im X Kf 
  • Tb = im X Kb 
  • Osmotic pressure = iMRT 

Strong Electrolytes and Vapor Pressure 

  • An electrolyte solutions has a greater freezing point depression than a solution that is a nonelectrolyte solution of the same concentration 
  • Vapor pressure of an electrolyte solution is greater than that of a nonelectrolyte solution

Colligative Properties and Medical Solutions 

  • Osmotic pressures that are greater than body fluids are hyperosmotic 
  • Hyperosmotic solutions take water out of cells and tissues 
  • Osmotic pressures that are less than body fluids are hyposmotic 
  • Hyposmotic solutions pump water into cells 
  • Isosmotic solutions are normal

12.8 Colloids 

  • Colloidal dispersion, or a colloid, is a mixture when the substance is dispersed evenly but not fully dissolved 
  • Milk, fog, smoke, and whipped cream are all colloids 
  • Colloids are determined by the size of the particles 
  • If the diameter is between 1nm and 1000nm, the mixture is a colloid 
  • Colloid particles move in what is called the Brownian motion 
  • In micelles, the nonpolar end interacts with the center of a sphere to maximize interactions 
  • Micelles structure scatter light 
  • Scattering light is called the Tyndall effect 

Chemistry A Molecular Approach AP Edition Chapter 12 Solutions 

Chemistry A Molecular Approach AP Edition Chapter 12 Solutions 

12.1 Thirsty Solutions: Why You Shouldn't Drink Seawater 

  • Seawater draws water out of the body 
  • Seawater is a "thirsty" solution 
  • Seawater draws water toward itself 
  • A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances/components 
  • The majority component is the solvent 
  • The minority component is the solute 
  • Solutions form because of intermolecular forces 
  • Molecules want to form uniform mixtures over pure substances
  • If a person drinks seawater, the water in their body will flow out in order to make the seawater uniform
  • As the concentrations become more uniform, the solutions starts to dilute 

12.2 Types of Solutions and Solubility 

  • Gaseous solutions are two gases mixed together 
  • Liquid solutions can be a gas and a liquid, a liquid and a liquid, or a solid and a liquid 
  • Solid solutions are two solids
  • In aqueous solutions, water is the solvent and some other solid, liquid, or gas in the solute 
  • Soluble means the solute will dissolve in the solvent 
  • Insoluble means the solute will not dissolve in the solvent 
  • Solubility is the amount of substance that will dissolve in a given solvent 
  • Solubility depends on mixing and intermolecular forces 

Nature's Tendency toward Mixing: Entropy 

  • Although most situations tend to lower potential energy, this is not true for all solutions 
  • Mixing two ideal gases does not lower their potential energy 
  • Entropy measures energy randomization or energy dispersal 
  • Energy dispersal happens in gases 
  • Energy dispersal happens when things are going from hot to cold in order to heat up the other end 

The Effect of Intermolecular Forces 

  • Intermolecular forces can allow for or prevent solution formation 
  • Intermolecular forces exist in three ways: Solvent-solute, Solvent-solvent, and Solute-solute
  • Solvent-solute is the interaction between solvent and solute particles 
  • Solvent-solvent is the interaction between a solvent particle and another solvent particle 
  • Solute-solute is the interaction between a solute particle and another solute particle 
  • Miscibility is the ability to be soluble in all proportions 
  • If the solvent-solute interactions are greater than the solvent-solvent and solute-solute interactions a solution will form 
  • If the solvent-solute interactions are equal to the solvent-solvent and solute-solute interactions a solution will form 
  • If the solvent-solute interactions are less than the solvent-solvent and solute-solute interactions a solution may or may not form 
  • Solution formation does depend on disparity 
  • The general rule of thumb is that "like dissolves like" 
  • Polar solvents tend to dissolve polar or ionic solutes 
  • Nonpolar solvents tend to dissolve nonpolar solutes 

12.3 Energetics of Solution Formation 

  • When heat is released the process is exothermic (-) 
  • When heat is absorbed the process is endothermic (+) 
  • Separating a solute is always endothermic because energy is required to break IM forces 
  • Separating a solvent is always endothermic because energy is required to break IM forces
  • Mixing solute particles with solvent particles is always exothermic because energy is released when interactions occur 
  • The enthalpy of a solution is the sum of the enthalpy changes in each step 
  • If the sum of the endothermic processes is equal to the exothermic process the enthalpy is 0 
  • If the endothermic processes are less than the exothermic process the enthalpy will be negative. The solution will be exothermic 
  • If the endothermic processes are greater than the exothermic process the enthalpy will be positive. The solution will be endothermic 
  • If the enthalpy of a solution is too large a solution will not form 

Aqueous Solutions and Heats of Hydration 

  • The heat of hydration is the enthalpy change that occurs when 1 mole of the gas solute dissolves in water 
  • The enthalpy of hydration is always largely negative for ionic compounds 
  • If the enthalpy of the solute is less than the enthalpy of hydration, the enthalpy of the solution is negative. The solution will be exothermic
  • If the solution is exothermic the solution will feel warm to the touch 
  • If the enthalpy of the solute is greater than the enthalpy of hydration, the enthalpy of the solution is positive. The solution will be endothermic 
  • If the solution is endothermic the solution will feel cool to the touch 
  • If the enthalpy of the solute is about equal to the enthalpy of hydration, the enthalpy of the solution is about 0. It will not be endo or exothermic 
  • If the enthalpy of the solution is about 0, there is no noticeable change in temperature 

12.4 Solution Equilibrium and Factors Affecting Solubility 

  • The dissolution of a solute in a solvent is an equilibrium process
  • Initially, the rate of dissolution is faster than the rate of recrystallization 
  • As the concentration of the dissolved solute increases, the rate of recrystallization increases 
  • When the rate of dissolution and recrystallization are equal, dynamic equilibrium is reached 
  • In a saturated solution all solute has been dissolved. If more solute were to be added, it would not dissolve 
  • Saturated solutions are in dynamic equilibrium 
  • In an unsaturated solution not all of the solute has been dissolved. If more solute was added it would dissolve 
  • Unsaturated solutions are not at dynamic equilibrium 
  • A supersaturated solution can contain more solute than it is supposed to 
  • Supersaturated solutions are unstable  

The Temperature Dependence of the Solubility of Solids

  • Solubility of a solid in water strongly depends on temperature 
  • The solubility of most solids increases with an increase in temperature 
  • Recrystallization is a way to purify a solid 
  • Recrystallization is used to make rock candy 

Factors Affecting the Solubility of Gases in Water

  • Solutions of gases dissolved in water are common
  • The solubility of a gas in a liquid are temperature and pressure dependent

The Effect of Temperature 

  • The solubility of gases in liquids decrease with an increase in temperature
  • There is an inverse relationship between gas solubility and temperature 
  • Warm temperature results in lower oxygen concentration 

The Effect of Pressure 

  • The higher the pressure of a gas above a liquid, the more soluble the gas is in the liquid
  • Henry's law quantifies the solubility of gas with increasing pressure 
  • Sgas = kHPgas 
  • Sgas is the solubility of the gas in M 
  • kH is the constant of proportionality (Henry's law constant) 
  • kH depends in the specific solute and solvent (also temperature) 
  • Pgas is the partial pressure of the gas in atm 

12.5 Expressing Solution Concentration 

  • A dilute solution contains a small amount of solute compared to the solvent 
  • A concentrated solution contains large amounts of solute compared to the solvent 
  • Concentration can be found with molarity, molality, parts by mass, parts by volume, mole fraction, and mole percent 


  • The unit for molarity is M 
  • M = amount of solute / volume of solution 
  • The amount of solute is always in moles 
  • The volume of the solution is always in L 
  • Molarity is often used when making, diluting, or transerfing solutions 
  • Molarity depends on volume. Since volume depends on temperature, molarity is temperature dependent 


  • Molality is showed with m 
  • m = amount of solute / mass of solvent 
  • The amount of solute is always in moles 
  • The mass of the solvent is always in kg 
  • Molality is used when comparing concentrations over a range of temperatures

Parts by Mass and Parts by Volume 

  • Parts by mass is the ratio of the mass of solute to the mass of the solution. It is then multiplied by a multiplication factor
  • (Mass solute / Mass solution) x multiplication factor 
  • For percent by mass, the multiplication factor is 100 
  • Percent by mass = (mass solute / mass solution) x 100% 
  • Percent means per hundred. A solution with a 14% concentration contains 14g solute for 100g solution 
  • Dilute solutions typically use parts per million (ppm) or parts per billion (ppb) 
  • Parts per million have a multiplication factor of 10^6 
  • Parts per billion has a multiplication factor of 10^9 
  • ppm = (mass solute / mass solution) x 10^6 
  • ppb = (mass solute / mass solution) x 10^9 
  • Parts by volume is a ratio of volume of solute to volume of solution. It is then multiplied by a multiplication factor 
  • (Volume solute / Volume solution) x multiplication factor 
  • A solution with 22% volume has 22mL solute for 100mL solution 

Using Parts by Mass (or Parts by Volume) in Calculations 

  • Parts by mass or parts by volume can be used as a conversion factor 

Mole Fraction and Mole Percent 

  • Mole fraction is represented by Xsolute 
  • Xsolute = amount solute / total amount of solute and solvent 
  • nsolute / nsolute + nsolvent 
  • Both are represented in moles 
  • Mole percent is the mole fraction times 100% 
  • mol % = Xsolute x 100% 

12.6 Colligative Properties: Vapor Pressure Lowering, Freezing Point Depression, Boiling Point Elevation, and Osmotic Pressure 

  • Colligative properties depend on the number of particles dissolved in a solution 
  • Colligative properties do not depend on the type of particle 
  • Colligative properties include vapor pressure lowering, freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, and osmotic pressure 
  • When 1 mole of a nonelectrolyte is dissolved in water, 1 mole of dissolved particles is formed 
  • When 1 mole of an electrolyte is dissolved in water, more than 1 mole of dissolved particles is formed 

Vapor Pressure Lowering 

  • Vapor pressure of a liquid is the pressure of gas above the liquid when they are in dynamic equilibrium 
  • The vapor pressure of a the solution is lower than the vapor pressure of a pure solvent 
  • When a nonvolatile solute is added, the rate of vaporization is slower than the rate of the pure solvent (rate if condensation is greater) 
  • By the time the rates are equal again, the concentration of solvent molecules has decreased 
  • A concentrated solution has the ability to draw a solvent to itself 
  • Nature's tendency to mix causes a solution to become less and less concentrated 
  • Raoult's law quantifies the vapor pressure of a solution 
  • Psolution = XsolventPsolvent 
  • Psolution is the vapor pressure of the solution 
  • Xsolvent is the mole fraction of the solvent 
  • Psolvent is the vapor pressure of the pure solvent at the same temperature 
  • Vapor pressure lowering is the difference in vapore pressure between the pure solvent and the solution 
  • Vapor pressure lowering = Psolvent - Psolution 
  • The vapor pressure lowering is directly proportional to the mole fraction of the solute 

Vapor Pressure of Solutions Containing a Volatile (Nonelectrolyte) Solute 

  • If a solution contains a volatile solvent and volatile solute, both affect the vapor pressure of the solution 
  • An ideal solution will follow Raoult's law at all concentrations (for both solute and solvent)
  • In an ideal solution the solute-solvent interactions are equal to solvent-solvent interactions 
  • In a nonideal solution, solute-solvent interactions are either stronger or weaker than solvent-solvent interactions 
  • If solute-solvent interactions are stronger, the solute will stop the solvent from vaporizing quickly 
  • If a solution is dilute, Raoult's law works as an approximation 
  • If a solution is not dilute, the effect and vapor pressure will be less than Raoult's predicted amount 
  • If solute-solvent interactions are weaker, the solute will allow more vaporization 
  • A solution that is not dilute will have a large effect and the vapor pressure will be greater than Raoult's predicted amount 

Freezing Point Depression and Boiling Point Elevation 

  • Vapor pressure lowering occurs at all temperatures 
  • A lower melting point is called freezing point depression 
  • A higher boiling point is called boiling point elevation 
  • The freezing point of a solution is lower than the freezing point of a pure solvent
  • Tf = m X Kf
  • Tf is the change in temperature of the freezing point in Celsius (usually a positive number) 
  • m is molality of solution in moles solute per kilogram solvent 
  • Kf is the freezing point depression constant for the solvent
  • The boiling point of a solution is higher than the boiling point of a pure solvent 
  • Tb = m X Kb 
  • Tb is the change in temperature of the boiling point in Celsius 
  • m is the molality of the solution in moles solute per kilogram solvent 
  • Kb is the boiling point of elevation constant for the solvent 

Osmotic Pressure 

  • Osmosis is the flow of solvent from a solution of a lower solute concentration to one of a higher solute concentration 
  • Concentrated solutions draw solvent from more dilute solutions 
  • The semipermeable membrane allows some substances to pass through, but not all 
  • Osmotic pressure is the pressure required to stop osmotic glow 
  • Osmotic pressure = MRT 
  • M is molarity of the solution 
  • T is the temperature (in Kelvin) 
  • R is the ideal gas constant 

12.7 Colligative Properties of Strong Electrolyte Solutions 

  • Van't Hoff factor is the ratio of moles or particles in a solution to moles of formula units dissolved 
  • Van't Hoff factor is represented with and i 
  • i = moles of particles in solution / moles of formula units dissolved 
  • The expected factor only occurs in very dilute solutions 
  • The expected values do not occur because some ions pair in a solution 
  • To calculated the different properties for an ionic solution, multiple the m by i 
  • Tf = im X Kf 
  • Tb = im X Kb 
  • Osmotic pressure = iMRT 

Strong Electrolytes and Vapor Pressure 

  • An electrolyte solutions has a greater freezing point depression than a solution that is a nonelectrolyte solution of the same concentration 
  • Vapor pressure of an electrolyte solution is greater than that of a nonelectrolyte solution

Colligative Properties and Medical Solutions 

  • Osmotic pressures that are greater than body fluids are hyperosmotic 
  • Hyperosmotic solutions take water out of cells and tissues 
  • Osmotic pressures that are less than body fluids are hyposmotic 
  • Hyposmotic solutions pump water into cells 
  • Isosmotic solutions are normal

12.8 Colloids 

  • Colloidal dispersion, or a colloid, is a mixture when the substance is dispersed evenly but not fully dissolved 
  • Milk, fog, smoke, and whipped cream are all colloids 
  • Colloids are determined by the size of the particles 
  • If the diameter is between 1nm and 1000nm, the mixture is a colloid 
  • Colloid particles move in what is called the Brownian motion 
  • In micelles, the nonpolar end interacts with the center of a sphere to maximize interactions 
  • Micelles structure scatter light 
  • Scattering light is called the Tyndall effect